Jason XV --- Deck of the Argo II

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"Goddammit, Leo! Why'd you have to go and piss off the guys holding us hostage!" I shouted.

"Well, what was I supposed to do?! I couldn't help myself!" he yelled back at me as his curly hair tangled in the wind.

As all of the hooded figures were scrambling around to find us, Leo and I hid behind a large storage crate.

"Oh crap," Leo said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Look up."

I looked at the sky and saw the gleaming form of a gargantuan sword coming down from the heavens and grazing the side of the Argo II.

"Your tricks will not save you fro-"

The white-haired man was cut off as Childe sprinted out of the wreckage and kicked him in the face. Sending him flying off the side of the boat. All of the hooded figures followed him down into the clouds as he plummeted through the sky.

"At least that shut him up," Leo said with a chuckle. "I should probably check the engine room and see how the boat's holding up."

"Go," I said as Leo ran down the stairs.

As I looked around the wreckage I waved a hand at Childe.

"Hey! I see you're back on your feet!" I told him.

"Yep, I feel great! What was that stuff you gave me?" Childe asked.

"Oh, that was nectar and ambrosia. The food of the gods has healing qualities for demigods." I replied.

"Hmm, I feel like I've had something similar to that before" he muttered.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing." He answered.

Something felt weird but I brushed it off as Childe being a newcomer. He has just arrived the day before after all. As I sifted through the wreckage, I discovered a pin lying in the dust. It was an omega symbol but there was a starry night sky behind the Omega in the background. I flipped it over and saw the words: Ouranos dominus noster vestra multa est in caelo, filius Iovem.

"Our lord Ouranos awaits you in the sky, son of Zeus," I muttered. How did they know that I was the son of Zeus? I thought to myself, was it that you couldn't swing a cat around in ancient Greece without hitting a child of Zeus, or was the white-haired man well-informed?

There had to be some kind of connection between the white-haired man and Ournaous. After all, they called me out personally.

"Hey, Sparky!" A voice called out behind me.

"What is it Pipes?" I asked as I turned around to face my girlfriend,

"Leo says that we should go up to the mess hall for a post-attack meeting,"

"Alright," I replied. "Let's go," I slipped the pin into my pocket for safekeeping and stood up.

As we walked down the stairs into the hallway together, I couldn't shake the feeling that the pin was growing colder in my pocket, as if it was foreshadowing what would be happening next.

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