Oliva XXII --- Delphi --- Doors to the Temple of Delphi

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Something felt off about the island of Delphi. The scouting party that we had sent to get the leigh of the land had gone missing. Thalia gathered the rest of the hunters as well as the Argo II crew went to go search for our missing comrades. After searching for an hour, we saw a stream of silver sparks fly up into the air.

"That's the flare that we use whenever we've found something! Come on!" Thalia said in an urgent tone as we sprinted after her towards the place where the flare was shot.

As we ran into the open clearing I immediately tackled Thalia and yelled "Get down!" as a flurry of playing cards flew through where I was moments ago and embedded themselves into the tree that was behind me.

"Who are you?!" Thalia demanded as she drew back her silver bow and pointed it at the silhouette that was emerging from behind the trees in front of the clearing.

There was no response, "That's it!" she yelled as Thalia let the arrow fly towards the shadow of the man in the trees.

As the arrow shot towards its target, a flash of metal and the arrow clattered to the ground in two pieces.

"That's rude, I was having a smoke break." the man said as he stepped into the light, he was a tall man, wearing a white shirt and black tie.

His green hair was brushed back in a messy manner reaching barely past his neck. He had glasses and a cigarette in his mouth. As the green-haired man walked towards us, I noticed that his weapon of choice was a scythe. It had a black handle and a red blade glistening with blood. Thalia saw this as well and her expression turned murderous.

"That blood on your weapon is the blood of the Hunters," she said through gritted teeth as she nocked three arrows in her bow, and pulled the string back.

"That's what the others said before they died." the green-haired man said as he walked closer.

Thalia let the arrows fly as they soared towards the man. He swung his scythe with such speed that all we could see was a red blur. As the arrows clattered to the ground, Jason and the others readied their weapons.

"Stop! This is my fight!" Thalia yelled behind her as the rest of us put down our weapons.

"My name is Kayden, and you?" he asked as he approached Thalia.

"My name is Thalia Grace, leader of the Hunters of Artemis and the one who will make you pay for your sins." She said as she looked directly at Kayden,

"I'd like to see you try, he said as a red blade sprang out of one of the playing cards that were lodged into the trees behind us and pierced Thalia in the shoulder.

"You bastard!" Jason yelled as he sprang forward, sword drawn, and brought his golden gladius down upon Kayden.

He blocked with the handle of his scythe and replied with "Is that all you got?"

"Hell, no," Jason responded with furious eyes as a white bolt of lightning came down from the heavens and struck his green-haired opponent.

The rest of the group ran forward and dragged Thalia away into the trees. I stayed behind in case Jason lost and needed to be rescued. Standing in a crater were 2 figures as the smoke cleared, I saw Jason being held by his neck and Kayden's smoldering shirt still on the mercenary's body.

"You missed!" he said with glee.

"I wasn't aiming for you, asshole," Jason responded as he opened his eyes and they were pure white and crackling with lightning. "I'm going to kill you for that." He said as he drew his fist back and punched Kayden across the clearing in a blast of pure energy. 

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