Leo X --- Camp Half-Blood--- Athena Cabin

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I didn't mean to crash Festus. I didn't mean to obliterate the Athena cabin. I definitely didn't mean to make the scary girl mad.

But there she was.

As soon as I saw Annabeth's dagger, I thought, uh-oh. I'm gonna be turned into a Leo-kebab. But she surprised me and Annabeth hugged me.

I grinned. "Missed me?"

Annabeth pulled away and punched me in the face.


"Don't ever do that again, Leo Valdez, or that's gonna hurt a lot more."

"Oh, you mean the cabin? That was Festus."


"My dragon. You know... Oh, and I brought Calypso."


Annabeth looked like she was on the verge of a heart attack. I figured she was going to lunge at me any second now.

"Hello there. I'm assuming you are Annabeth?" A girl spoke behind me.

Calypso was wearing red today, my favorite color. But what surprised me was that she had changed into a T-shirt and jeans. She must have been getting used to the modern world.

"How... How did you..." Annabeth stuttered unbelievingly.

"Oh, please. Percy said a lot about you."

I spoke up. "Where's Percy? And Jason? And Piper?"

"Jason's overseeing construction. You, know, the cabins, shrines... And Piper's with him. Obviously."Annabeth waved her hand dismissively.

"And Percy?"

"He's..." Her voice trailed off.

"Where is he?"

"Med bay."

I ran towards the Big House. The bronze chicken weathervane pointed towards us accusingly like it was saying: "You. Out. Now." I opened the door and saw Percy sitting up. He saw me and grinned. Then he noticed Calypso, and his smile wavered.

I understood what he felt. Calypso once had a major crush on Percy. And now these two were together... Well, I felt like I had introduced two atomic bombs to each other. Now I was waiting to see which one blew up first.

Percy seemed to control himself. "Hi."


Percy turned his attention to me. "After 5 months? Man, we thought you were dead!"

"Not dying is my specialty." I replied.

"I'd thought you'd be back before now."

"Eh. Made a couple of stops for repairs. That missile did a lot of damage. We also had a lot more turbulence than usual. Almost felt as if the sky was slapping us around."

Percy's expression turned guarded. "The sky was slapping you around."

"Percy?" Annabeth called, sounding edgy. "You look like..."

Percy gave me a look that told me to not push it any further.

I cleared my throat. "Where's Jason? Piper? let's get the Argo II crew together and get a picture!"

"Great idea but... the Argo II's gone." Percy cut in. His expression relaxed after I changed the subject away from sky slapping.

I grinned. "Supreme Commander Leo has something to show you. Watch and learn, my friends."

Percy Jackson X Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now