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(Author's note: First off, if you've read to this point, I love you. Secondly, I'll be taking a short break from the current plot and I'll start uploading a sort of prologue backstory since some of you guys may be confused about the sudden appearance of Damian. Ngl, it's sort of convoluted, but just imagine these events take place in a similar timeline, but our Percy Jackson x Childe universe is still separate. TLDR: Same characters, different setting/worldbuilding) Thanks for reading my explanation, and on with the Backstory! 

Oh yeah btw, if you don't like og shit, I'm workin on the actual FF. 

A Foundation Blacksite in the [REDACTED] Desert Crack of Dawn, June 3rd, 2006Damian Winters was on the run. His hurried footsteps echoed through the stark-white hallways of Site 19 as the thundering sound of combat boots trailed behind him. As he rounded a corner, there was a deafening bang and he felt a flash of pain in his calf. A .50 caliber round the size of a pencil punched through his flesh and he fell to the ground. Damian pulled himself up through the pain and began limping away as his tendons and sinews began to reattach themselves."This is Agent Winters. Requesting immediate extraction. I repeat, immediate extraction needed at Site 19." His earpiece crackled with static as a cold voice answered, "Damian Winters, you stand accused of harboring a dangerous phenomenon; treason of the highest degree to Olympus Command. You have been excommunicated and all relations Olympus Command has with you have been renounced." There was a short pause and a few seconds later, a different voice could be heard: "Olympus Command has deemed you a threat of the highest degree. From this point on, you are a fugitive. You will receive no further communications or support.""What the hell do you mea-" His retort was interrupted by a hail of gunfire as he ducked behind a corner. After the barrage of bullets died down, Damian sprinted down the white halls of the black site towards the vault doors that led to freedom, paying no mind to the shouting of the soldiers that pursued him. There was yet another gunshot from behind him and this one didn't miss its mark. Damian Winters' head was punctured by a bullet as blood and gray matter spewed everywhere. Despite this, his legs kept moving.A normal human being would have died, but Damian was not a normal human being. As the brain matter and tissue melded itself together once again, the steel vault doors cracked open and he squeezed through to freedom. Before any of the soldiers could do anything, he disappeared into the dark of night with no trace of him except for the blood and brain on the ground. Damian sprinted through the desert, scanning the horizon for any sign of a helicopter. As he aimlessly ran across the cracked and hardened ground that had been weathered over decades, Damian's head ached as he recalled what had gotten him into this mess.Chapter 1 - One Hour AgoDamian read through the details of his mission, occasionally referencing the satellite map displayed on his tablet. On the screen was a grainy black-and-white photo of a concrete building located in the middle of a vast grey desert. It was a simple reconnaissance mission: inspect and assess what caused the containment breach at Site 19. Damian wasn't sure why he was assigned to such a trivial operation, but he had heard rumors that Olympus Command was understaffed and stretched thin with the sudden emergence of several containment breaches at sites throughout the globe. He sighed and put the tablet down as he strapped on his harness and peered out the window of the cargo plane. Damian stared out into the dark until a small, grey building appeared on the horizon, rapidly approaching. The pressure lock of the door released with a hiss and he felt the icy sting of the midnight wind against his face. Damian took a deep breath as he put one foot out and leaped into the night as the inky darkness swallowed him up.As he fell through the air, the wind whistling through his ears, he couldn't help but look up and notice the numerous shadowy figures aimlessly floating above the facility. He blinked a few times and the bodies disappeared from view. Despite this, he still felt their stares following him through the air. Thirty seconds later, Damian rolled onto the ground with a thud as his parachute slowly drifted down next to him. He dusted himself off and looked around at the abandoned Site 19. The lights were still on, but he noticed a faint tapping sound originating from above him. Damian looked up and saw rows of spindly little legs growing from inside the LED light bulbs, incessantly scratching and tapping at the glass cage that held them. Damian continued onward, undeterred by the withered corpses of white-coated researchers that littered the hallways. He eventually made his way to the main control room of the left wing. Something had torn the door off its hinges, and whatever it was, it had left large gash marks across the steel frame. There were no immediate signs of life inside the dimly lit room. From outside the doorway, he could see nothing but stained metal panels and black fluid flowing from the corners of the room and down the walls. Damian made a mental note to avoid any dark rooms and pushed onwards. He had a job to finish.Without warning, Damian's earpiece crackled to life and he could barely hear the faint whisper of a distorted voice. "Run."Blood began seeping out of the ceiling and slowly dripping onto the floor around Damian as darkness overtook his vision. When he opened his eyes, he stood in the middle of a grassy field. Colorful flowers bloomed on top of lush, rolling hills. It would have been a peaceful scene if it wasn't for the countless multicolored doors that covered the sky and the scattered fingers spread throughout the grass. Despite the eerie serenity of the plains, there was something inherently wrong about this place. There was utter and absolute silence. Suddenly, one of the doors above opened to reveal a massive hand. As soon as Damian turned to look up, his surroundings changed. All he could see was an endless row of praying astronauts shrouded in darkness. The lifeless gleam of their pitch-black helmets seemed to follow Damian as he sprinted towards the metal door that had appeared several feet ahead of him. As soon as he touched the handle, the methodical chime of a small bell filled the air and the door inexplicably teleported several more feet away from him. In the distance, several lanky, human-shaped beings emerged from the darkness and turned to face him. Abnormally long arms and legs throbbed with black veins as the pulsing TV static from their gaping mouths reverberated through the unending darkness. He couldn't get a look at their faces as fleshy tendrils protruded from their heads. Damian unholstered his pistol and shot the one in front, twice in the chest. It gave off what he could only assume was a screech as the rest of the things turned on the wounded one. They ripped into it in a frenzy, black blood flying everywhere as the deafening static grew in volume. Damian took this opportunity to make a break for it. He sprinted past the bloodbath, but one of them grabbed his ankle with a bony hand. Several of the entities stopped tearing into the one on the ground and turned their wriggling faces towards Damian. In a flash, they were on top of him. They tore into his flesh with sharpened fingernails that felt like knives. He screamed out in pain but tilted his gun upwards and pulled the trigger. The head of the creature on top of him exploded into a shower of black liquid that soaked Damian. It burned his skin like acid, but through the agony; he kept firing. A few seconds later, he felt a faint click that signified he was out of bullets. He had only prolonged his death temporarily, but this time, they ripped him apart with renewed blood thirst. The life faded from Damian's eyes as he felt his lungs fill up with a mixture of blood and the same black fluid that covered his body. This would be the first and last time Damian Winters would die. Whatever that black fluid was, Damian's body had absorbed it, causing him to awaken in the bloody hallway an hour later; with no sign of whatever dimension he had died in. Beside him was a strange floating prism that glowed turquoise and black, it pulsed with energy as Damian opened his eyes and suddenly disappeared. Standing over him were several heavily armed soldiers deep in conversation. One of them noticed Damian stirring and quickly aimed his rifle at Damian's face. "We got a live one over here," The gas masked soldier grunted.3 bullets sunk into his chest and Damian went limp. Whatever nightmare dimension he had been trapped in altered him. Despite getting shot in the chest several times, his body would continue functioning as if nothing had happened."Shit! The fragment's gone!" shouted one of the soldiers as they promptly sprinted down the hall. After the soldiers' footsteps grew fainter in the distance, Damian managed to slowly sit up as his wounds closed up. Surprised at the lack of pain, he stood up and slowly walked towards the end of the corridor where two guards were standing, backs facing him. Damian looked around for a weapon but he noticed two other guards coming down the hallway behind him. With no other option, he broke both of his forearms with a nearby metal pole and extracted the splintered bones from his bloody flesh. Gripping his new weapons with his freshly healed hands, Damian stabbed one soldier in the throat. Causing a shower of warm blood to blind the second soldier. Damian tore his bone out of the first man's neck and punctured the other's right lung, leaving the soldier to collapse onto the ground in a gurgling mess. Damian reached into the bloodsoaked pocket of the first soldier and grabbed a security keycard, granting him access to the barracks. Damian kicked down the door revealing 20 or so guards milling around. There was a moment of awkward silence as Damian stared at them and they stared back. Suddenly, a cacophony of loaded magazines filled the room as they all trained their rifles on Damian. Two guys sitting at a nearby table dropped their poker cards and reached for their sidearms."You guys got room for another player?" he asked.He was answered by a hail of bullets and ducked behind an upturned table. "Well, at least I tried."He leapt out from cover and proceeded to sprint past all of the guards, ignoring the absurd amount of bullets they shot into him. Sirens blared and red alarm lights bathed the entire room in a crimson glow as Damian quickly ran out the back door and sprinted through the unending hallways of the facility, leaving a trail of blood behind him. As he escaped, a loudspeaker announced that "A portion of Hades has mutated and attached itself to a host. I repeat, Hades has found a host and breached containment. All foundation personnel are to follow standard procedure XK class scenario 12B." Damian had no idea what it meant, and he didn't care. All that mattered was that the exit was only a few halls away, and the legion of heavily armed paramilitary soldiers chasing after him.

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