The Returning Heroes of Olympus : Rebellion Prologue

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I was running for my life. Someone or something was chasing me. I leaped over tree trunks and ran through the forest at top speed. I had to warn them. I started to recognize the clearing before me. The glow of Camp Half-Blood was not far ahead of me, I could almost reach it. Suddenly, I felt an ice-cold piercing pain in my chest. As I looked down, a spear protruded from my heart and I fell to the ground. I looked up at the man who had sentenced me to death as I spit blood and reached into my front pocket. I pulled out a warm jar with a glowing green substance inside. "You'll never win," I said as I sat against the tree of Thalia gripping the jar. "I wouldn't be so sure about that." The man answered as he walked into the light of the moon, "Long live the old Gods." I said with a laugh as I smashed the jar of Greek fire against the forest ground. As the green flames licked around me my vision faded and I prepared myself to meet my fallen comrades.

Our messenger had never returned from his mission to Camp Jupiter. As I paced around the war council I noticed the green hue of Greek fire creeping over the crest of Half-blood hill. We all rushed out to put out the flames but we were taken by surprise. The second Fatui Harbinger descended upon us. He massacred all of the demigods there and left me to die. As I lay here with my fallen brethren I can only think of how I failed Chirons memory. Camp Half-blood has fallen.

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