Annabeth XI --- Argo II

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We held a war council with tofu tacos.

Well, to be fair, Camp Half-Blood held all its meetings with Coke and Cheez Wiz, so I felt right at home.

"Mmmm... These are good." Percy broke the silence, inhaling his tacos.

"I knrow. Vry threm rith shyrup." Added Leo, his mouth full.

"That's disgusting." Chided Calypso.

"Hand me some, man." Percy grabbed the maple syrup, pouring it over the tacos.

Calypso looked at me. Boys.

"E-hem." Jason cleared his throat. "So, let's get started. First things first, Percy, do you have anything to say about this... Stirring of the sky?"

Percy froze. I knew he had something on his mind.

"Spill it," Leo demanded.

"It's just that..." Percy recounted, "I had a dream... There was a voice, calling me a "little pawn," but it wasn't Gaea. I mean, sure, it sounded like her, but it was as if she had a male aspect-"

"Ouranos." I finished, glaring at Percy. "And you didn't think of telling us earlier?"

He looked down at his plate.

"So that's why you looked like... that... when I brought it up." Leo speculated

Percy continued the fine art of plate gazing.

"Leo?" I said, "You might want to get us out of the sky. Set down in the water."

"Great idea." He replied.

But before he could get to the door, the ship shook. Lightning flashed. Thunder boomed.


The ship stopped rocking. The presence was gone, if only for a moment.

"Leo, set us down." I repeated, gently.

"I-" He looked bewildered "That-"


He dashed above decks.

A few minutes later, a clicking sound echoed from the right. I pulled out my sword, and so did everybody else. It got louder, and louder, and louder...

Until Buford the Wonder Table walked into the scene.

He saw or observed, or whatever machines do, everybody with their swords up, and activated his holographic Satyr.

"PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" Buford ordered.

Leo walked down and took in the scene.

"Are you trying to kill Buford?" He demanded.


And with that, the war council adjourned.


Percy fell asleep extra early today, which left me with nothing to do except to stare at my laptop.

Ouranos... Something told me that, if it came down to it, he would be a lot harder to defeat than Gaia.

There was a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I called. I half-hoped it would be Percy, but it was Jason.

"I need to ask you something."

"Go ahead," I said wearily. Since I was a daughter of Athena, everybody came flocking to me every time they had a question.

"I..." He fiddled with his Roman coin that doubled as his golden sword.

"I need a little insight on Ouranos."

"Okay," I replied. "Ouranos was the god-"

"Primordial deity."

I glared at him. "Are you going to let me explain or not?"

"Sorry." Jason looked at his hands.

"So basically, as I was saying, he was the primordial deity of the sky. He ruled the universe, and his name means sky or heaven. He literally was the sky, which the Greeks envisioned as a brass dome studded with stars. He was the husband of Gaea. He was not only her husband but her son. In some stories, Gaia, who is the mother of all living things, conceived him without a father. In others, the father of Uranus is Chaos. Together, Uranus and Gaea had many offspring, including the Titans, pre-Olympian gods and goddesses; the Cyclopes, the one-eyed giants, and the Hecatoncheires, giants who had fifty heads and one hundred hands. But, the problem was, he hated all of his offspring. So, Gaea plotted with the Titans in the end, and they held him down and killed- well, cut him up into bits."

I didn't realize I had said way too much until I saw the look on Jason's face.

"Maybe next time... uh... a little less information?"


"Anyways, I don't think Ouranos is awake yet. But, the monsters we've encountered seemed... Organized."

"Somebody must be leading them. Commanding them." I said.

"Whoever or whatever it is we have to stop them" Replied Jason.

"Yeah." I stood up. "Well, Jason, get some rest. We're probably going to arrive at Rome tomorrow."

"You too, Annabeth."

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