Tartaglia IV

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Tartaglia IV - The Tsaritsa's throne room - Snezhnaya

"You have done well my child," the echoing voice of a woman rings out throughout the icy throne room.

Blue light fills the chamber as the dim moonlight refracts and bounces off the ornately carved walls of ice, giving it a chilling atmosphere. Tartaglia kneels at the bottom of a massive frozen throne as the shadowy figure of a woman looms above him.

"I have done what you ordered, my liege, the Olympians are in shambles," he reports as golden ichor drips from his gloves.

"How befitting for our youngest member to complete such a task," a second silky smooth voice states from behind the throne as a woman dressed in white robes, long black gloves, and a masquerade mask covering one of her eyes steps out into the dim light.

She looks down at Tartaglia with a smile and continues, "Now, what is this I hear about several gods escaping? I hope you haven't gotten soft from your infiltration mission with the demigods."

Tartaglia glares at the woman, "I see your silver tongue hasn't dulled Signora," he says with distaste as the Ninth Harbinger smirks in response.

"I merely took the opportunity to allow the wounded Olympians to regain what little strength they have. I don't want to miss out on a good fight," Tartaglia continues with a smile of his own.

"I trust that you will finish the job next time you report back to me?" The booming voice of the Tsaritsa responds with a frozen undertone to her inquiry.

Tartaglia quickly lowers his head and responds, "No, my liege. I will not fail."

"Leave," the Tsaritsa says as the doors open and the frigid arctic wind fills the entire chamber with frost.

Tartaglia slowly stands up but approaches the throne as his body begins to emit sparks of purple lightning and his dull blue eyes crackle with violet sparks. Signora rushes towards him but a tear in the fabric of space causes her to leap back as a long glowing katana emerges from the rip.

In the blink of an eye, the air of the room becomes charged with electricity as a woman with purple braided hair emerges from the large pocket dimension that has appeared in the middle of the chamber, dragging a crackling sword along the ground. The only objects that reside within the abruptly appeared plane of Euythermia is a broken Japanese shrine and several crumbling pillars that are surrounded by a thick red fog acting as a boundary.

"You," the Tsaritsa sneers as the purple kimono-clad woman approaches the throne.

"Me," She responds.

The arctic snow begins to swirl around the throne room. When suddenly, an ear splitting cracking noise fills the chamber as the snow solidifies into various jagged spears and halberds that hurl themselves at the mysterious intruder.

She makes a dash for the Tsaritsa as her purple glowing sword slashes through the arsenal of frozen weapons being thrown at her. Meanwhile, Tartaglia pulls out his own crackling spear and in a blur, appears behind Signora. She whirls around and manages to hold off Tartaglia's attack with both of her gloved hands.

"Traitor," she hisses as he promptly leaps back and his spear flies from Signora's hands and mock salutes her.

"Ei!" Tartaglia shouts as he chucks his spear across the room and the woman battling against the Tsaritsa's weapons catches it and slams the katana and Tartaglia's spear into the ground.

The tiled floor explodes in an electron charged blast that shakes the entire room and causes the frozen weapons to shatter into crystalline shards of ice.

As a result of the quaking caused by Ei, the moonlight flows through the massive cracks and holes in the cathedral-like ceiling. The light illuminates the previous pitch-black shadows that covered the Tsaritsa's throne. A woman with flowing white hair and piercing blue eyes wears a jagged suit of frozen armor as she rests her head on her gauntleted hand.

"Well?" She asks with a surprisingly melodic voice contrary to her commanding tone that she held heard earlier.

The Tsaritsa makes a sweeping motion with her hand as she surveys the destruction with a look of boredom. 

"I can tell that you came here for a reason sister,"

The ruler of Snezhnaya slowly gets up from her throne and in less than a second, she appears in between Tartaglia and Ei.

"Let's make a deal, shall we?"

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