Damian XII

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"Consider yourself warned, Damian Winters." The officer said, removing their helmet.

Damian stared at the young woman with dark red hair. She had dull green eyes with a piercing look aimed right at him. She turned around and pointed her rifle at Ajax.

"Stop!" Damian yelled, taking advantage of her turned back.

He slammed the axe into the girl's foot and caused her to stumble. She yelped as she fell onto the floor, hitting her head first. As she crumpled, a burst of rounds fired out of the girl's rifle, one striking Ajax in the back of the shoulder but he ignored it and continued to put all his efforts into extinguishing the flames around them. Damian got up, his cheek already healed, and hurled his axe at the male officer that was engaging Danté. The wooden handle of the axe struck the officer right in the forehead as he collapsed onto the floor, Dante gave Damian a look of thanks.

Just as they all thought they were safe, the female officer chuckled as the ground began to shake. "This is a gift from Aisling," She croaked.

A few moments later, she exploded into a fiery blaze that knocked Damian into one of the couches. He felt one of his ribs crack and shakily got up, the flames licking at his legs. A helicopter began to pull closer to them from outside the casino.

Damian saw that the driver was Audrey, Elizabeth's sister. She wore the same maroon dress as the singer from earlier but some of the silk had been torn in certain places. Sitting in the copilot seat was Coco in her human form.

"Jump!" Coco yelled.

Danté grabbed Elizabeth and leapt onto the metal platform. The end of the helicopter suddenly caught on fire but Ajax extinguished it. Ajax's face was full of determination in the face of the roiling sea of flames. He was trying to put out the fire but it was too much. The flames swirled around him, slowly evaporating his water blades. Somehow, the fire began to morph into a humanoid shape with horns as it continued to surround Ajax.

"Ajax," Damian began but he was cut off.

"Go! I'll hold off the fire," Ajax said.

Damian looked into his eyes, Ajax smiled lightly then put his water blades together, forming a long blue spear. Damian jumped into the helicopter. Elizabeth started to wake up as the helicopter began to move.

"Ajax?" Elizabeth said, weakly.

Ajax smiled and nodded. The helicopter flew higher. Elizabeth sat up and stared at him as he dueled the monster with a fiery determination. Blow after blow fell against Ajax's cerulean spear and the ground beneath him groaned. After parrying a fist of molten rock, Ajax raised his spear over his head and struck the floor, causing it to split apart. He had stopped the fire from spreading, but it also left him stranded against the flame devil. An unexpected palm hit Ajax and he flew into a nearby wall, the wood shattering into splinters. He shakily got up and with one swift final strike, Ajax speared the devil in the stomach and it dissipated into a cloud of embers. Ajax fell to his knees as the raging flames continued to spread around him.

A few moments later, the building detonated in a blast of flame that rattled the helicopter. With Ajax still inside. Elizabeth screamed but her scream was extinguished by the chopping of the helicopter blades. Coco held onto Elizabeth as their eyes began to fill up with tears. Danté stood up and stared at the flames. Damian did the same.

"To Ajax," Damian said as the fiery wreckage appeared farther and further away until it eventually disappeared into the night. Shadowed by the grief of losing their friend, none of them seemed to notice the cloaked figures standing silently in the embers of the burning wreckage, staring at the helicopter as it flew into the distance.

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