Sarah VII --- New York --- Goode High School

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I sat down, a seat saved beside me for him. I had a crush on him for forever, and I really hoped he would notice me and maybe ask me out. It was wishful thinking, but I had hopes. I looked at the clock. Three minutes until bell time, meaning he would stumble in five seconds before the teacher, rush to take a seat and pretend he had been there the whole time. The door opened, and I heard laughter from the hallway. I wasn't surprised at that, there was always some sort of prank going on at Goode. But, what surprised me most was that he walked in on time. When was he ever on time for classes? Either his friends had taught him some sense of time, or someone was encouraging him. That question was solved when a girl came in behind him. She was rolling her eyes at something said outside. I recognized her from Percy's pictures. It was Annabeth, Percy's girlfriend, the one that no one believed was real, apart from Grover. He always answered the questions people bombarded him with the same answer.

"It's not my place to tell you what you believe, but I can say that Percy doesn't lie often."

Grover would hold his hands up in surrender, and everyone would leave him alone.

I waved to Percy, he was my best friend, and I hoped that I would become more than that. Percy came over to me, and sat down, gesturing for Annabeth to take the seat next to him. Annabeth rolled her eyes, a smile pulling at her lips.

"Seriously Percy?! You'd think you'd learn after spending time with me!" She exclaimed, sitting down.

I suspected she was talking about what they had been laughing about earlier. "Oh, okay, it's good to know you have such faith in me!" Percy joked.

Annabeth gave him a light punch on the shoulder. They seemed so at ease with each other, like they'd been through so much together, and they knew exactly how to react to each other's comments.

"Who's this?" I asked Percy, already knowing the answer.

"Oh, this is Annabeth, my girlfriend." He said. "Annabeth, meet Sarah, one of my best friends."

"Hi!" She said with a friendly smile.

"I hope Seaweed Brain, over here, hasn't caused too much trouble?"

"No. don't worry, I've made sure he's stayed sane." I laughed against my own will.

Why did she have to be so likable?

"Hmm... I'm pretty sure he lost most of his sanity a few years ago, but at least you've kept what was left!" She mused.

I laughed again. Rose chose this moment to barge in, announcing her party.

"You're all invited! Bring as many people as you want!" She said, winking at Percy.

"It's a pool party, so be sure to bring your swimmers!"

As she finished, Mr. Blofis walked in.

"Good morning class!" He said cheerily. " We have a new student! Let me see... Oh! Miss Chase!" Annabeth stood.

"Annabeth!" Mr. Blofis exclaimed. "I didn't know you were coming to Goode!"

"I thought I would surprise you all. I'm staying here because Dad got an offer for a job here, so we had to move." She explained.

Wait. Annabeth knew Mr. Blofis. Mr. Blofis was Percy's stepdad, meaning Annabeth must have met him. That made more sense. Mr. Blofis motioned for Annabeth to sit down.

"Today we will be studying an ancient book, The Odyssey." He said, shooting a subtle wink to Percy and Annabeth, who sat up straighter.

Now I was confused. Like, really confused.

"You will be partnered up, and you have to finish a book report on it." He said.

Percy and Annabeth wouldn't stop grinning.

"For those of you who want a challenge, you can get an original copy, in Greek." Mr. Blofis continued.

Again, a wink to Percy and Annabeth, whose eyes were gleaming with anticipation. As Mr. Blofis walked past to hand out our copies of the book, he stopped at Percy and Annabeth's table.

"I don't expect a long one from you guys, just a short explanation." He whispered loud enough for only Percy, Annabeth, and I to hear.

Was he showing favoritism towards those two? I wasn't too sure.

"Pick your partners!" He instructed as he returned to the front.

I tapped Percy on the shoulder because we were normally partners.

"Hey Percy, you want to be partners?" I asked when he turned. A small grimace appeared on his face.

"Sorry Sarah, I'm already partnered with Annabeth." He apologized.

That. Was. It. This Annabeth girl just pops up out of nowhere, and suddenly Percy does everything with her. There's no need for Sarah anymore! What happened when we got an A on our English project? What happened to all those other assignments?! I mean, I get why Percy liked her, but I've known Percy the longest! She can't take that away from me! I guess I needed to up my game if I wantedto steal him away.

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