Damian XI

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Damian was leaning on the edge of a blackjack table, his eyes darting around the Casino. Elizabeth had dragged him to a nearby craps table while the two men finished up a round.

"That's Hermes. Go talk to him, I'll talk to golden boy. Be quick, no detours." Elizabeth said, five minutes ago.

Damian looked at Hermes. Hermes was a handsome man with a warm smile on his face. He had gleaming brown hair, with the ends curled up a bit. His face was nice and toned while he emanated an aurora of comfort like a light breeze on a warm summer day. He wore a maroon suit and a silver Rolex wristwatch. Damian wondered where all Herme's admirers had gone for him to be alone like this. The prospects of losing all their money had probably pushed them all away.

"Fancy a round of blackjack?" Hermes offered.

"No thanks," Damian said, remembering what Elizabeth said.

Hermes shrugged and plucked two glasses of white wine from a nearby waiter. He offered one to Damian and drank from his own.

"Casino of Gods, eh? Who's your favorite god?" Hermes asked.

Damian looked around, "What, you mean like Jesus?"

Hermes chuckled. "Probably Hermes, the messenger god. He isn't very flashy but he does a lot of work behind the scenes. I bet, without him, the entire pantheon of gods would crumble."

Damian laughed at the irony, then checked on Elizabeth to see how she was doing.

Elizabeth was glaring at the man she was talking to. The man had bright blond curly hair with a golden laurel wrapped around his head. He wore a sparkly golden suit that gleamed in the reflection of the champagne glass he was swishing around. He was chatting with Elizabeth and Damian noticed he was a bit taller than Elizabeth herself.

"So, what are you here for?" Damian asked, taking a drink of his wine.

"A message," Hermes replied.

Damian nearly choked on his wine. Elizabeth shot him a look. "You know what I mean," Hermes continued.

Damian stared at Hermes. He still had the warm smile but Damian wondered what was behind it. Hermes looked around then took out a blank white card from his pocket and handed it to him. He also pulled out a pair of dice and gifted it to Damian.

"Thanks?" Damian said, tucking the card and then the cubes into his coat pocket.

As Damian headed towards Elizabeth, golden boy asked "So, wanna take a spin in the chariot of the sun god?" Damian froze and looked at Elizabeth. She smiled coldly and kicked the man in the family jewels. OOF. The man groaned as he dropped his wine glass onto the table and leaned on it for support. HE GOT RATIOED

"What?" Elizabeth cooly asked Damian.

"I got the information," He responded, still eyeing the man in the golden suit on the ground.

"Good, I want to leave. Now." Elizabeth said, shooting daggers at the incapacitated fellow.

"Alright, let's go—"

Damian's comment was interrupted by a short piercing scream. A woman shrieked in terror as one of her friends collapsed onto the floor. Damian ran past the crowd with Elizabeth following him. He saw that a tranquilizer dart had been shot into the woman's forearm and she wasn't responding to the cries from the crowd.

All of a sudden the doors blasted open and smoke covered the ground. People dashed out of the casino screaming for their lives. Damian bumped shoulders with Coco as he ran around looking for the other members.

"Coco there's something wrong," Damian said.

"Where's Elizabeth?!" Coco shot back.

"Behind me, but—"

Coco ran in the direction of Elizabeth. Damian sighed and then ran to Hermes. But Hermes was gone, all that was left was a small pile of poker chips. Damian looked around for the fellow Elizabeth had kicked but he was also gone, leaving behind a golden feather.

Damian sprinted out of the Casino and scanned the sea of shocked people for his companions. As he spotted Ajax's tinted blue suit, the windows simultaneously shattered into a thousand pieces as the FBI opened up. One of them had pierced Damian in the neck, he ripped the shard out of his bubbling artery as his neck began to heal itself, the blood splattering all over his suit and the stone pavement.

Damian backed away from the crowd and ran into Danté.

"Danté! There's something wrong, I need to find the others, Coco's after Elizabeth and Ajax is somewhere near—"

"It's the goddamn Feds," Danté said darkly.

He raised his right hand and it suddenly burst into crackling white flames. Nearby people screamed at Danté's hand. He shouted at Damian, "Get everyone out! I'll take care of these guys!"

Damian nodded then ordered everyone near him to run outside. Suddenly a small gray canister was tossed near him. A smoky mist began to rise and people started collapsing onto the ground unconscious. Damian nearly tripped over a man as he ran outside.

The sirens of police cars wailed in the distance as ambulances arrived to resuscitate those that had been trampled by the fleeing mob. Crowds of people were piling into their fancy cars, ignoring the speed limit and screeching away from the chaos. Damian saw that a red sports car had caught on fire and the fire was beginning to climb up the side of the Casino's walls.

Damian ran back into the Casino and up the stairs to the second level. The second level had a long row of black screen TVs that were all turned off. Comfy red sofas and chairs had caught on fire and smoke filled the room. Damian saw that most of the group was upstairs, fighting against a few officers. Elizabeth was teleporting all around the room, Coco had transformed into an Eagle and was flying outside, and Danté was battling a figure covered in tactical gear with his holy flames as Ajax scrambled to put out the fire from outside using his water blades.

"Stop making more fire!" Ajax yelled at Danté.

"Sorry! But that's all I can do!" Danté yelled back.

"Shut it you two! We got set up by Hermes!" Elizabeth yelled, teleporting behind them both and pulling them out of the way of a spray of bullets.

Coco the eagle screeched something and then flew back into the room, not before flying over the figure in tactical gear. Coco transformed into a dog and bit into the officer's leg, hanging on for dear life as the armored man didn't seem to notice the pain coming from the small dog.

Elizabeth teleported to Damian and then said, "Damian the fire ax—"

Elizabeth's comment got cut off as she was pierced in the stomach with a bullet. She stumbled and collapsed into Damian's arms, staining his suit an even darker red. Coco stopped using the officer as a chew toy and ran to Elizabeth. She transformed back into a hawk and screeched at Damian to put Elizabeth on the sofa or at least that was what Damian interpreted her screech as. Damian laid Elizabeth onto the sofa as Danté stepped closer to her and guarded Elizabeth against the second officer approaching them.

Coco flew out of the room and disappeared into the night's sky. Damian ran to the fire axe and broke it out of its case, the glass shards sticking into his tattered suit.

He charged at a nearby officer with his axe raised. They managed to block it with a rifle as the axe head ground into the black metal. The officer kicked Damian's knees and caused him to fall to the ground. Damian turned around and saw the figure in tactical gear aiming their rifle at his forehead. They took the shot but missed hitting his brain. As the bullet tore through his cheek's muscle and flesh, Damian let out a howl of pain and launched himself at the officer who had shot him. They sidestepped his swipe and kicked him to the ground. 

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