Annabeth XVIII---The Chamber of Ouranos

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As Jason's body fell to the ground with a thud, Piper screamed out in disbelief and grief as she threw her dagger right at Childe. "Nothing personal, it had to be done," he said as he grabbed it mid-throw and flung it back towards Piper. As it pierced through her chest, Childe grabbed the body of Jason and the power of Ouranos that was leaking out was absorbed into his body. As the soul of Ouranos flowed into Childe, he grabbed a syringe from his pocket and stabbed himself in the arm with it. As purple light surrounded him, we were all blinded and when our vision returned, Childe stood before the body of Jason with black armor and crackling purple lightning sparking around him. Before we could react, he charged at us in a flash and slammed Percy by the neck into the altar behind us. As we all readied our weapons, he kicked Leo into the Jungle outside and punched me so hard I flew into a tree. As I slammed into the tree, I felt my ribs crack and I slumped to the ground. Childe had managed to harness the power of Ouranous and wiped us out with speed never before seen. After dispatching Piper and Olivia, he jumped into the sky and a trail of purple lightning followed as I closed my eyes and fell into darkness.

After I came too, I crawled over to my backpack and pulled out a flask of nectar. Nectar was the drink of the gods and could heal demigod wounds when paired with mortal medicine. I ripped off a strip of bandages and wrapped it around my ribs as I drank a swig of the healing substance. I then walked over to Percy and poured some into his mouth. After resuscitating my crewmates, I dragged Jason's body over to Piper and leaned him against the ruins of the temple next to Piper. Suddenly, the Argo II flew overhead and landed next to us. As Frank and Hazel came running down to us and carried us up into the medbay. When Leo woke up he immediately ran into the captain's room and returned with a holographic scroll. As he unraveled it, we were shown images of Olympus.

Childe was wreaking havoc and the bodies of minor and major gods were lying on the ichor-stained marble ground. As he decapitated Ares and called purple lightning upon the soldiers of Olympus, Zeus grabbed his master bolt and slammed Childe into a column with a white blast. As the lightning dissipated against his black armor, Childe appeared behind the god and slashed off Zeus's arm. The blade of Ouranos could slay gods and they fell one by one. Zeus, the king of the gods, fell to the ground in pain, his arm laying next to him. The other gods were horrified at the sight of their leader being defeated by the powerful Childe. They tried to attack him, but their weapons bounced off his armor, unable to even scratch it.

Childe laughed maniacally as he continued his rampage, cutting down the gods left and right. The once-mighty Olympus was now a battlefield, with bodies and debris strewn everywhere.

Artemis, in a last-ditch effort, gripped his leg and sacrificed herself in a silver blast of holy fire. Once the smoke dissipated, Childe stood there smoldering but without much of an effect. Zeus, Posiden, Apollo, Athena, and Heapastus were grabbed by Hestia and they teleported away in a fiery light. We watched in horror as Childe stood triumphant against the gods with his purple blades stained golden from their blood. As the silver wisps of the Huntress's last sacrifice fell around him, the scroll fizzled out and silence filled the room. Olivia and Thalia were shaking with pure rage as Hazel and Frank muttered their goodbyes to the gods in Latin. Leo and Calypso were visibly shaken as Piper was crying over Jason's body and the realization that her mother, Aphrodite, was among the fallen deities. We may have been greaving and in shock, but we were going to avenge our fallen parents and fight back against Childe to our last fighting breath.

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