Damian XVIII

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A few hours later Damian sat up from his rest as he heard banging on the metal door from outside.

Damian put on a new shirt and walked to Danté and Elizabeth who were observing the cameras in a small security office. Damian saw a group of swat officers with rifles standing outside the main entrance. In the front, Damian recognized the girl commanding them, it was Lieutenant Aisling, the same person who had killed Ajax and used an apache against them.

For a few moments, the officers did nothing but stand still, watching the doors. Aisling said something to one of them and they handed her what Damian recognized as a block of C4. Aisling walked to the door and fixed the device onto the door. Aisling commanded the swat team to retreat. And they all disappeared.

"They're going to blow the door in," Damian whispered as it dawned on him.

"The doors and walls are reinforced with solid steel. I'd like to see them get through that" Danté said, knocking on the wall next to him with a slightly metallic clang.

"I'm gonna go see if I can get it off. Anyone else?" Coco asked.

"It's dark outside, I could come." Damian offered.

"I'll meet you guys tomorrow morning," Danté said as he exited the room.

"Aisling and her forces might still be outside, so I should grab a gun." Damian thought out loud.

Coco smirked, "Lucky for you, Audrey stocked these safehouses with enough weapons to level a city."

"And she stores these weapons where?" Damain asked.

Coco gestured for Damian to follow her deeper into the security room. Four monitors were aligned on tables each corresponding to a camera that monitored an angle around the safe house. The room stopped at a wall with a straight crack in the middle of it, almost like elevator doors. There was a keypad placed to the left of the doors where Coco typed in a few numbers.

The wall began to open up, white light peeked out from the crack as the double doors opened to reveal a fully stocked armory with lockers full of rifles, pistols and so many guns that the founding father would weep with joy at the sight of it. Damain saw an m60 machine gun in the corner right below crates and crates of ammo.

"Pick what you like," Coco said smugly.

Damian continued to roam around the vast armory until his eyes laid upon a gleaming white and black hand cannon with white lines and a white ace of spades marking on both sides of the gun. On the grip, there was an inverted outline of an ace of spades. He picked it up and it was weighted perfectly, not super heavy, but still stable enough to handle a decent amount of recoil. Damian looked around and found 30 small lightweight canisters with 8 bullets in them each.

The chamber of the hand cannon was perfectly fitted for one of the canisters to be inserted inside and it also allowed for quick ejection. There was no need for taking individual bullets and stuffing them into each hole which impressed Damian. This is a lot better than the standard Beretta, he thought.

Coco tossed Damian a black kevlar vest and a grenade as she slipped on a vest of her own. She holstered two pistols onto her belt as Coco slipped black gloves onto her hands. She faced Damian. "You ready?" Coco asked as Damian finished stuffing the canister into his vest pockets.

Damian reloaded his new weapon of destruction and grabbed a white cowboy hat that he found nearby. "Hell yeah," he said as Damian slipped the hat onto his head and kicked down the door from the inside. 

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