Visiting the Orphanage

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Macy POV

I woke up, feeling refreshed in a pair of strong arms. I turned my head slightly to see an awake Adrien. He's staring at me again. Like every morning. 

"Good morning", I greet while smiling. Adrien smiles and greets me back. We cuddle for a bit, enjoying each other's warmth before finally getting up. I got dressed and made my way downstairs. I then walked to the sofa and plopped on the couch. Adrien came minutes later and I smirked at him. Today was a Saturday, meaning game day!

Adrien smirked back before sitting on the couch, right next to me, before grabbing his game console. I turned on the TV and our game started. Like always, I won. Like always, he lost and had to do my chores for the day and follow me around like a servant.

"Ugh!!! Why can't I ever win??!!", Adrien wailed and I giggled. I was going to help Wanya with the food when the calendar caught my eye. OMG. TODAY'S 'THE' DAY!! EEEEEEEEK!!! IT'S BEEN SO LONG!!!! 

I started jumping around in excitement, which totally confused all people in the house. 

"is something the matter?", Adrien asked after I calmed down. 

"yeah!!! today I'm going to meet them!!!! I'm so excited!!!", I gushed, which confused the poor boy even more. He stared at me with a 'what?' look. It then struck me.

"Wait, do you want to come with me??!!! it'll be so much fun!!", I exclaimed. Yeah. I could take Adrien. 

The person in question just agreed, knowing that I was too excited to explain. 

We ate breakfast before getting ready and leaving. I was jumping the whole way there while Adrien was right behind me, making sure I don't get into trouble. We stop at the entrance of an Orphanage.

Adrien POV

I wonder why she brought me here?

As we opened the door Macy smiled brightly.

"Look who's here!", she exclaimed. There were a lot of children there. Many were small but some looked only 2 years younger than us. All eyes faced towards us. I could see disbelief and excitement in the eyes of the kids. After about 2 seconds of silence, the whole place was filled with excited screams.

"Macy!!!!", a lot of them screamed as they ran over and hugged her. Macy was laughing in the center while hugging them back. I haven't seen her laugh like that except when she is with me or Ruu. I'm happy for her.

"We missed you!", a young girl said.

"Of course you did, who wouldn't?", Macy smirked. The rest of the kids just either deadpanned or sweatdropped. I hit her upside the head.

"Ow! okay, okay, I missed you all too", She groaned before smiling. All the kids looked satisfied and laughed. Only now did they seem to notice my presence.

"No way!! It's Adrien Agreste!!", Someone exclaimed. This caused the others to look my way. I just smiled and waved. The kids just looked outright shocked and were staring at Macy with disbelief.

"MACY??!! YOU KNOW ADRIEN??!!!", they all yelled in sync. Macy just stood there awkwardly, scratching her head. 

"uh.., yeah?", it came out more like a question. A bunch of kids tackled her to the ground, yelling things like 'traitor'. 

"Hey, are you Macy's boyfriend?", a young girl asked. 

"WHA- ", before she could reply, I decided to tease her.

"Yup!", I cut her off. I put my arm around her waist and pulled her close. I could see Macy blushing furiously. This made me want to laugh. I just smirked at her, to which she glared back. 

"I never thought she of all people would get a boyfriend", A boy who looked like he was in middle school commented. This pissed Macy off. A bunch of people agreed with him. 

The result was all of them being chased by her. I just smiled. This place is so warm.

As I was standing there, I felt someone tug on my sleeve. I turned to see a girl who looked only a year or 2 younger than me, staring back. 

"Hello!", I greeted to which she greeted back. 

"Hi! my name is Anna", She smiled, "Are you really Macy's boyfriend?". 

"Yup", I smiled. Not yet but soon will be. 

"Then promise me you'll take care of her!", She suddenly said. This surprised me.

"I promise, but why do you suddenly say that?", I asked. She smiled at me before signaling for me to follow her as she walked away. 

She brought me inside and stood in front of a wall filled with photos. I looked at the photos and noticed that there was a young girl that looked exactly like Macy in almost all of them. 

"I don't know if Macy told you, but she has been coming here since she was 5. She is like family to us", Anna started, " I was sent here as soon as I was born like a lot of other people here. Our parents didn't want us. Macy was the first to hold us and give us warmth after we came here". 

This Shocked me.

"Macy is actually like a mother to many of us. Except for breastfeeding, she did everything else for us. As we grew up, she was always there for us. Whenever I ask her why she always says 'it's because I don't want anyone else to grow up like me'. She never told us about her past, but we trusted her more than anyone else. She scolds and worries about us like a mother, she plays with us like a sister, she protects us like a brother, and she guides us like a father. Macy was all the family we ever needed. There was once an incident when I was almost kidnapped. Macy was the one who saved me, though she suffered a lot of wounds because of it. Since then I looked up to her. She was like an angel without wings to us here.", I could feel the admiration and love from her voice. I smiled. 

"But then... Suddenly she started showing up with wounds all over her body. When we asked, she'd just brush it off. Then she started coming less and less until she disappeared for a whole month. Worried, the caretakers contacted the police only to be informed that she was in a coma in the hospital. That news was the most scariest thing I heard. I remember almost all the kids in the orphanage rushing to the hospital except the babies. When we got there, it turned out she was pushed off a building. That may have been the only time all of us shed the most tears in our lives. After that, we visited every day, talking to her, and trying to get her out", Anna was crying now. I also felt tears threatening to spill. 

"After a few visits, we noticed that we never saw any of her family members visit her. We thought it was weird, but brushed it off. After at least 2 weeks, we decided to ask the hospital to find out that... they never came, except for when they were first informed", Her fists tightened. 

"It not fair!! How can someone so kind be ignored and forgotten by her own parents!!! And how can she smile and laugh like nothing happened when she was suffering so much...", Her voice cracked. I put an arm around her shoulder. 

"When she finally woke up, That was the happiest moment of our lives. Our family is back. The only person who cared for us is back!! These kinds of feelings flooded this entire orphanage", She wiped her tears and smiled.

"After that incident, we felt Macy get a bit more closed off. She didn't have the courage to believe in anyone anymore.", Anna turned to me, "We love her, but our love isn't enough for her to open up. But I believe you can do it. If she trusts you this much then I believe that you can get her to finally smile normally again. Promise me you'll do it!".

I was surprised. She's right. Though I'm not sure I could do it...

"Promise!", I will try my very best. 

The day ended with the 2 of us spending time here until the evening before making our way back home. That was so much fun!!!

"Hey Macy, next time you come here, bring me with you"', I smiled at her. She looked shocked before smiling back and nodding. 

We walked in comfortable silence the rest of the way. The only thing was, we were holding hands, and I enjoyed every second of it. 

The Invisible Sister (MLB FF) (Adrien/Chat Noir x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now