Missing You || Draco Malfoy

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Years after the battle of Hogwarts. Draco and his family lived a normal life. Y/N always stood by their side. Death eaters still hated the Malfoys after leaving the battle and betraying them. Draco had asked Y/N to marry him and she accepted.

Draco was the love of her life and after a while they had 3 beautiful babies. Draco was happy with his new life. Narcissa and Lucius were the happiest grandparents.

One day Draco had to leave Y/N and his children at Malfoy Manor.

"Mother I will see you later," Draco said as she handed her grandchild to her.

Narcissa smiled and took the kids inside for breakfast.

"You sure you will be okay here?" Draco asked.

Y/N laughed, "of course. You know I love your family and the kids love your parents."

Draco smiled and planted a kiss on her lips.

"I'll see you later love," Y/N said.

"I'll see you later darling," Draco said walking down the stairs backwards not leaving his eyes off his wife.

Y/N blew a kiss towards him and he blushed. A car was racing down the street, but the two were unbothered. A spell  was fired and Y/N covered herself as she went down to the ground.

Y/N looked up at Draco and there she saw what she had never thought could happen Draco dropping to the floor. Dead.

Y/N yelled and ran towards Draco and Narcissa and Lucius ran outside to see their only son dead in Y/N's arms.

—-2 Years Later—-

Y/N regained herself and found love once more. She cried here and there thinking about Draco. There was a knock at the door and Harry was on the other side waiting for Y/N and the kids.

Harry took them to Malfoy Manor were Narcissa was waiting for her grandchildren.
Y/N got out of the car and told Narcissa to watch her children and she will be back to pick them up.

Narcissa hugged Y/N, "you know you can always stay with us."

Y/N pulled away from the hug and smiled and walked back to the car with Harry. Harry and Y/N had been dating for a year after two years of Draco's death.

Harry took Y/N to a beautiful park and asked her to marry him. The same park Draco asked her a few years back. Y/N smiled and nodded.

A few days passed and Y/N kept looking at the ring Harry gave her. Then looked at the ring Draco gave her. They were both beautiful, but one meant much more than the other. Y/N got out of bed and got her children ready for the day.

Astoria knocked on the door and Y/N opened. Her sister was going to babysit them for the day. Y/N grabbed her stuff and headed out for work. Harry then saw her walking down the street and catch up to her.

"Y/N, you been avoiding me,"

Y/N slightly smiled and apologized, "I'm sorry I been busy lately with the kids."

"Lies. I want you to tell me why you keep pushing me away and avoiding me. We are going to be together. In a matrimony."

Y/N stopped halfway on her walk when she hear the last word. Matrimony. Tears ran down her face and turned around to face him.

"I had a husband Harry. Draco was the love of my life and always will be even if he's not here. And he was murdered in cold blood before my eyes in front of his childhood home."

Harry then stepped forward and tried to comfort Y/N and she moved back.

"So I can't do this," Y/N said as she took the ring off and handed it to Harry and walked away.

After work Y/N headed back home and heard loud noises coming from inside. Y/N walked inside and saw her lamp destroyed and papers everywhere. Y/N saw her children watching and demanded them to go to their room.

"He left me!" Astoria yelled.

"Because of you!" Astoria said as she pointed to Y/N, "I'm never the one and all you do it sit pretty and get everything."

Y/N placed her purse on the counter and looked at her sister, "I...did nothing to you."

Astoria looked at her with tears in her eyes and laugh with a smile, "you had Draco and the other boys in our Hogwarts days."

Y/N had enough of her talk, "I lost my husband! The love of my life! And the father of my children! And you come here to destroy things cause you're falling apart?!"

Astoria wiped her tears off and Y/N kept going.

"You think I have time for this?! I ended a relationship before work because I can't stop thinking about Draco."

Y/N moved her hair out of her face and stood in front of Astoria, "I don't get to fall apart because I have three children," Y/N said as she pointed towards the room the children were in, "I have to stay strong for them even if all I want to do is lay in bed and cry."

Astoria looked at Y/N and was about to hug her and Y/N pushed her arms away.

"So shut up! And leave my house!"

Astoria did as she was told and Y/N fell to her knees crying nonstop. The front door closed and Y/N's cry grew louder and the children's door opened and they walked towards their mother. The children looked at Y/N and hugged her immediately.

"We are here for you mommy," her children said and she wiped her tears and smiled.

Y/N hugged her children and looked at them, "and I will be here for you," Y/N poked their noses, "you and you."

"Mommy loves you and so does daddy my babies."

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