Chapter 0: The Cursed Child

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First Name cried into the crowd of people, though his pleas fell on deaf ears. He had spent his entire life not knowing why his family pretended he didn't exist. When he wasn't being ignored, he was being used as a puppet for his stepfather, Jim Pickens. First Name had the misfortune of living long enough to become Jim's puppet, his twin brother had drowned when they were kids and Jim decided not to save him. His other father, Ryland, was also killed indirectly by Jim who made him fight the other Father Winter to the death. Ryland lost the fight. He was the only one who did care about him, even if he wasn't very good at being a father, he tried his best.
First Name was half-human half-alien, wasn't very tall, had big rounded ears, bigger eyes than most, and had hips that were wider than his shoulders. He wore a faded orange-ish red jacket with a matching skirt, a white shirt underneath, pearl necklaces, and a Santa hat. His hair was dark brown with yellow frosted tips and had tanned skin.
"WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? PLEASE TELL ME!" First Name continued to cry to the crowd of people who had gathered on the lot. They were all likely the next victims in Jim's current twisted experiment, possibly to see how many people can live in a tiny house. There was at least 24 people there all gathered either outside or inside, including First Name who was outside as he felt safer outside. As he continued more people began to gather outside and watched him, which was beginning to scare First Name.
"Ignore him, he'll tire himself out eventually. If you give him attention he will just continue." First Name heard his voice amongst the crowd, the voice that filled him with both dread and fear, Jim Pickens. He hated Jim and wished he would've stayed dead after the fight with the Mother Plant all those months ago. First Name watched as he stepped outside and approached him. He was wearing a light pink and white suit, jeans, white rim sunglasses, and was holding a wine glass that was half full. Still had the same grey hair and beard from when First Name was younger, it made him wonder if Grim's influence kept him from aging further.
"What has gotten into you this time?" Jim asked First Name, sounding very disappointed in him as always. First Name glared at Jim before crossing his arms, turning around and responding with "It's all of you, but especially you. None of you care about me and the only one who did was killed."
"Ryland's death wasn't anyone's fault but Clement's, but you still ha-" Jim began but was cut off by First Name quickly turning around to cut him off with "YOU LET RYLAND DIE! IT WAS ALL YOUR IDEA! IT'S YOUR FAULT HE'S DEAD!"
Jim stepped back a little out of shock, he didn't expect First Name to talk back to him. First Name then continued ranting "You are a terrible father. What good parent ignores their kid only to then get them addicted to drugs as a teen just to make money off of them? You ruined my fecking life!"
"Consider yourself lucky, not many of my kids live to be teenagers. Shame about your brother though." Jim told First Name in response as First Name began pacing around in frustration.
"And why is that, huh? You don't ever feed your kids, you give them the worst names like seriously, why did you have to name me First Name?" First Name continued ranting as he started feeling small but noticeable pain in his stomach. Jim smiled before saying "Well, it's what your birth certificate says."
First Name then paused and tried to think of more to say but all he wanted to do was hurt Jim, even though it would mean his certain death. Instead, he knocked the wine glass out of Jim's hand. It did not break when it hit the ground. Jim stared at his now empty hand and said "That wine was expensive."
First Name wanted to respond but he couldn't think of anything. Jim then picked up the now empty wine glass from the ground and told First Name "Whatever, can you just quiet down? You're disturbing everyone."
As Jim tried to leave First Name grabbed his arm and said "No, we are not done hereaaAAUGH!"
First Name then let go and slowly collapsed to the ground with one arm lifting him slightly above the ground and the other wrapped around his stomach. The pain had worsened and it was spreading. Jim then sighed and said "I told you not to eat that. Oh well, you're no longer useful to me anyways."
"No! Not like this!" First Name cried as people began to close in around him. Some began voicing their concern for First Name, to which Jim dismissed as nothing. As he tried to walk away from the situation First Name muttered "You're exactly like your father."
Jim then stopped, but he did not turn around. After a few seconds of silence he turned halfway and told him "Do not compare me to that man, ever."
As the pain continued to get worse and his vision became more blurry, First Name used what remained of his strength to shout "YOU ARE WORSE THAN YOUR FATHER!"
First Name started struggling to breathe as the poison worsened, he knew he shouldn't have eaten the mysterious seafood but it was left unattended and nobody else was going to feed him. With one final breath his last words were "You will regret this."
First Name tried to reach for Jim but his vision went dark and his arm fell back down to the ground. First Name was dead.

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