Chapter 1

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It had been over a year since the cursed children were summoned and wreaked havoc. Those who were able to make it ended up in the vault, those who didn't locked themselves away in their homes. Nowhere was safe with the constant fires and the bombs that were set off in attempt to destroy the cursed children. The vault was not safe either, things kept going wrong and the only remaining survivors were Jim Pickens and Grim, though Grim can survive anything. Everyone else was dead, dead as hell. Jim had lost nearly everything that day. His possessions, his family, his vision in his left eye, and his magic for a while. He wore a bandage that was wrapped around his head to fully cover the scars, he didn't want to see them. Grim was rarely around anymore, they were busy doing their job. Every day Jim had lived in fear of First Name showing up in the vault, though as the months went by he began to think it was just an empty threat.
Jim was in his room trying on different clothes that he had taken from everyone who had died in the vault. He tried on a few until he landed on one he really liked. A light blue turtleneck with a light brown coat, darker coloured jeans, a dark brown-grey cap, and white high top shoes. As he looked at himself in the mirror he thought to himself "Damn, if only it weren't the end of the world right now."
He then felt the air around him suddenly cool down and something fall from another room. Jim already knew what it was as he's always encountered them, it was another ghost that somehow found their way into the vault, or at least he hoped it was a ghost. Jim went to go investigate where the noise was coming from, which was in the kitchen. As he went in the air became colder but there was no other sign of a ghost, besides there being a few pans on the floor. Jim figured it must have moved on until he turned around to see one standing, or floating, next to him.
"G'AH SHIT!" Jim shouted as he jumped back out of surprise and put his hands on his chest while the ghost did the same. As Jim began to calm down he took a better look at the ghost. Their colour was now dark purple, they were taller than Jim, they had long hair with a beard, and an unusual facial structure. They had bigger eyes than normal, their nose was slightly above their eyes on their forehead, and they had six floating dots coming from under their eyes on both sides that got smaller as they got further. The ghost's colour then turned yellow and used their hands to cover their face.
"I didn't mean to scare you, but I thought you were someone else and you scared me." Jim told the ghost, who was now peaking at him through their fingers. Jim then asked the ghost "If you can speak, how did you get here?"
The ghost then moved their hands to their chest and responded "Turg sorry. Turg lost."
The ghost had a deep voice and sounded very nervous around Jim, which was something he had never seen before. Usually ghosts were mad at him not scared of him.
"No no don't be sorry, uh, Turg? Is that your name?" Jim asked as he stepped a little closer to the ghost, who then backed away from Jim slightly. The ghost nodded in response. Jim then said in his thoughts "That's a fun name to say over and over, but also who names their child 'Turg'?"
"Listen Turg, I am not going to hurt you, I just want to know how you ended up here." Jim reassured Turg who's colour was slowly changing back into dark purple. Turg then looked at the floor and said "Turg scared. Turg don't know."
He then looked back up at Jim and pointed to his bandage while saying "You are hurt."
Jim briefly put his hand over his bandaged up eye and responded "I am, but it's nothing to worry about."
"Turg help." Turg said as his colour changed to green. He approached Jim and tried to put his hand over it, but it ended up phasing through. Jim stepped back and asked "What are you doing?"
"Turg help." Turg said again as his colour then turned into a green-yellow mix. Jim asked again "Yeah, but with what?"
"Turg help." Turg repeated as he started getting confused to why he couldn't place his hand on Jim without it phasing through. Jim sighed and then put his arm through Turg while telling him "You're a ghost, Turg."
Turg looked down at Jim's arm as his colour fully changed to yellow. Jim then placed his arm back to his side and asked Turg "Are you lost?"
Turg looked at the floor again and answered "Turg lost. Turg felt heat. Now Turg here."
"Can he not form sentences?" Jim asked himself in his thoughts before asking Turg again "You were outside? What's it like out there now?"
Turg then turned purple again and he replied "Turg felt heat. Turg now feel cold. Turg now lost."
He then eyed the kitchen counter and began haunting it in some kind of attempt to hide from Jim. Jim went up to the counter and said "I apologize again if I am scaring you, but I wont hurt you, I promise. I can help you."
Turg then started floating above the counter while coloured green and asked Jim "You help Turg?"
"Yes, I help Turg." Jim responded with a smile. Turg then tried to hug Jim but phased right through him and started to turn a little bit blue. Jim turned around to face him and said "I guess I should tell you my name. Name's Jim Pickens, though you can just call me Jim."
"You are Jim?" Turg asked Jim again, he replied "Have you heard of me before?"
"Turg meet Jim. Jim help Turg. Turg help Jim." Turg began speaking as he floated around Jim.
"I guess you haven't heard of me, good." Jim said quietly as Turg went from being green to being light purple.
"Turg like Jim. Jim not afraid. Jim friendly like Turg."

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