Chapter 33

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Two weeks had passed since Jim and Turg arrived in the mountain village, which was more of a town but everyone called it a village regardless. Jim didn't want to leave, he had everything he needed there and was out of range from the cursed children, or so he thought. That night he had another nightmare about them. Fire everywhere, claws grabbing at him and visions of First Name harming Turg. He woke up in a panic as he continued to see First Name glaring at him. He backed himself into a corner while Turg tried to figure out what was going on.
"Do you not see him? Is he not standing right there for you?" Jim asked Turg as he pointed to the other end of the room. Turg looked in the direction Jim pointed to and then looked back to reply "Turg only see wall."
"He's not really there then, but he wont get out of my head. I can still see him, even when I close my eyes." Jim said as he started to calm down a bit. Turg went over to him to comfort Jim the best he could. Jim grabbed onto him and hugged him tightly while telling him "I don't think it is safe here anymore. We have to keep moving." 
"Turg wants to go back." Turg responded. Jim immediately let go of him and gave him a confused look before asking "Like, back where we came from?" 
Turg nodded and answered "Turg want to help them. Turg knows they're in danger." 
"They can help themselves. There is no way we are going back. We are continuing east until we're finally out of this mess and that's final." Jim told Turg, his tone sounded more angry than usual which Turg didn't like. Turg said quietly "Jim doesn't care. But Turg does."
"I do care, but not enough." Jim responded as he started to change his clothes, though he only put on his blue sweater vest over his tank top and black sweatpants. 
"Then Turg goes alone." Turg stated as he gave Jim a stern look. Jim immediately turned around to look tell him "No, you're not."
"Can't Jim think about it?" Turg asked Jim, who was starting to get mad at Turg. 
"After all I've done for you. I've revived you, rescued you, made sure you didn't do something stupid and this is how you treat me back?" Jim asked Turg in response. Turg looked away and backed away a little out of shame. Jim then continued "Back there we were fighting for our lives every fucking day. Now that we're out, we don't have to anymore. I don't know about you, but I much prefer it out here where we aren't going hungry some days or being hunted." 
Turg remained silent, he avoided looking at Jim and stood with one arm grabbing his other. Jim took a deep breath in an attempt to calm down a bit before saying "Listen, I didn't mean to get mad at you, let's just drop this for now." 
Turg then became mad and aggressively replied with "No. Turg already made decision. Turg made decision a while ago. Turg is going back."
Jim then grabbed him and pinned him against the wall while telling him "No, you're staying with me if you want to live."
Turg shoved Jim off of him and asked "Why can't Jim go back?"
"I thought you already knew why. I am scared, I lost everything to that stupid demon and I don't want to lose you too!" Jim answered as tears began forming in his eyes. Turg didn't know what to do, he wanted to make Jim feel better but Jim was also making him upset too. Jim then said "I have chosen to just ignore the problem until it eventually goes away on its own, knowing that kid he will grow tired eventually. We just have to stay away for long enough."
"But it's getting worse." Turg responded as Jim then told him "And you're becoming part of it." 
Jim then turned around, he couldn't look at Turg. Turg asked Jim "Does Jim still love Turg?" 
Jim thought about it, he didn't want to say something he didn't mean. Jim turned his head slightly and answered with "I do, but not when we're like this." 
He then quickly turned around and angrily exclaimed "This shouldn't even be a problem in the first place!"
"But Turg just wants to-" Turg tried to defend himself but Jim cut him off by shouting "TURG YOU FUCKING IDIOT! IF I WANTED TO BE ALONE I WOULD'VE LEFT YOU AS A GHOST!"
Jim then immediately took a few steps back and put his hands over his mouth, he didn't mean to say that, but it was too late. Turg looked at him in shock before telling him "That's how Jim really feels about Turg. Turg thought Jim was a good one." 
"No Turg! I don't mean it! I still love you, I swear!" Jim tried to defend himself, but Turg glared at him and said "Turg is going back. Alone. Goodbye." 
Turg then tried to leave the room, but Jim grabbed his arm and pulled him back while aggressively saying "No you are not for your own safety." 
"Let go of Turg!" Turg exclaimed as he tried to free himself, but Jim only held on tighter as he started to feel warm inside from a mix of anger and fear. Turg then looked around desperately before he started shouting at Jim "LET GO! JIM HURTING TURG!"
But Jim did not let go until Turg kicked him. Jim's hands felt hot when he let go and he noticed there was blood on the hand he used to grab Turg. Jim then looked at Turg in horror of what he'd done, he burned Turg. Where he had grabbed Turg was red and bleeding, but he knew that Turg could heal himself.
"Turg said to let go. That's why." Turg told Jim, his voice was shaky as he held his injured arm. Jim didn't say anything, he was overwhelmed by what he had done. When he was able to speak again, Jim tried to explain himself but Simon and Dennis came into the room to see what was going on. 
"Alright, who got hurt and who inflicted the injury?" Dennis asked. Jim put his hands up slightly and exclaimed "It was an accident, I swear!"
"Did he hurt you? Did he try to kill you?" Dennis then asked Turg, who nodded and replied "Yes. But he didn't-"
Dennis then cut Turg off before he could finish by shouting "I KNEW IT! YOU DIDN'T LOVE HIM YOU WERE JUST USING HIM!"
"I DIDN'T TRY TO KILL HIM! I DIDN'T EVEN TRY TO HURT HIM!" Jim shouted back in response trying desperately to defend himself. 
"BUT YOU DID!" Dennis shouted again as Simon only looked at Jim in disapproval. Turg however wanted to say something, but he couldn't string together any words. 
"But it was an accident." Jim continued trying to defend himself as he realized how bad he screwed up. Dennis responded "Still doesn't justify it. The murders of my ancestor definitely wasn't an accident." 
"Dennis that was years ago." Simon told his husband who immediately turned to look at him and said "Sure, but the man responsible is still here. I could justify a murder on him, an eye for an eye after all."
The two then began arguing back and forth as Turg healed himself and tried to talk to him, but Dennis turned back to Jim while grabbing one of his machetes from the nightstand. He then said "Fine, then I'll deal with him myself."
Jim knew what Dennis was trying to do, so he made a break for it out the door and back outside where the pool was. Jim quickly put his shoes back on, which he had left out there, before Dennis ran out after him with the machete and the intention of hurting Jim. Jim was able to dodge him for long enough to bring him close to the pool where Jim pushed him into the water and went in after him to make sure he didn't resurface. While underwater, Dennis cut him below his shoulder which made Jim let go of him. When Dennis resurfaced he shouted "HE TRIED TO DROWN ME!"
That time it was true that Jim tried to kill him, but out of self defence. The water was making his wound sting like hell and he didn't bother trying again. Instead, Jim got out and made a run for it. He hopped the fence and underestimated how steep the slope was below into the forest. Jim regretted doing that, but it was too late now. What he did couldn't be undone. Jim had lost everything now. 

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