Chapter 35

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Jim went back to the Racket family's manor and tried to break in but realized that the front door was already unlocked, which was convenient for him. As he entered, he looked around for anything that could catch fire easily and his weapons which he left behind. He went to the room he and Turg stayed in and noticed that Turg had taken only his things. Jim assumed Turg took Kitty as well, since there was no sign of her. Jim only found one of his machetes, Dennis still had the other, and decided to change out of his clothes into something more fitting for outside. Back to the jeans, light blue turtleneck and light brown coat, but he tied his blue sweater vest around his waist under his coat. Jim also found his phone, which still had several unread messages that he might as well read before disappearing again. He unlocked the phone and it opened up to another note that Turg had written. It read;
"I don't know if you're going to come back here for this but I am typing this anyways just in case you do. If you are reading this then I've gone back to where we came from to help the people still alive, I could sense that they were in danger and I couldn't just sit around and do nothing about it. I took Kitty with me, I couldn't leave her behind, and the car too. I didn't expect you to go with me, but I also didn't expect you to react like that to it but I guess I should've listened to you the first time this happened. You're terrible and I don't know why I loved you, I guess I thought you could've been a better person with me around. But I also still love you, I am very conflicted, but for sure I am very mad at you and also sorry for implying that you were trying to kill me when you weren't. I also know that you were scared, I saw it in your eyes, and so was I. But I guess this is goodbye for now, unless we don't meet again. If we do, I'll consider forgiving you."
Jim then sat down on the bed to take in what Turg wanted to tell him. As he quickly checked some of the unread messages he started to feel worse as they were all hateful towards him. Normally he wouldn't have cared, but he wasn't himself anymore. Having half of one's soul ripped out by a demon child will do that to someone. Jim started to cry, he couldn't hold it in anymore and pretend it wasn't a big deal. A few minutes passed and Simon had entered the room.
"So, you've decided to come back." Simon said as Jim looked up at him. He didn't say anything to Simon, instead he remained silent and waited for Simon to say or do something. Simon sat next to Jim and told him "I see that you are still mourning, but you did bring this upon yourself."
Jim still didn't say anything, but he did glare at Simon. 
"I'm sorry but it's the truth, but at least you still have me." Simon then told Jim as he moved closer to him. Jim put his hand on his machete in preparation, he had a feeling that Simon was only trying to lower his guard. Simon then took Jim by the hand and led him back out into the open area, Jim just went along to see what he was trying to do and brought the machete with him, but hid it behind his back. Simon then told him "Truth is, my marriage is falling apart and I know you probably want this place and I can make that happen."
Jim knew exactly what Simon was implying, Jim was trying to ruin their marriage earlier to get with Simon just so he could take everything he owned, but he was no longer in the mood for it. Simon then grabbed Jim by his waist and pulled him closer while saying "We could rule this place together as the Pickens family, that's if you're not still leaving." 
Jim decided to play along and replied "If you still want me I guess I'll stay."
Simon smiled and said "Perfect."
Jim then sensed someone coming up from behind him and Simon could see them. He gave a head nod to them as Jim quickly spun around and kicked whoever it was to the floor. It was Dennis with his other machete. Jim did not let him get back up, instead Jim put one foot on him and pointed his machete at Dennis while saying "You two are clever, but you haven't outsmarted me yet."
"I'M SORRY JUST DON'T HURT HIM!" Simon pleaded as Dennis let go of the machete and put his hands out in a surrender. Jim was about to kill Dennis before he told Jim "This isn't what Turg would've wanted." 
Jim then stood back a bit in realization. Dennis was right. Turg wouldn't have wanted what Jim was trying to do, neither would Grim who he was trying to see again. Dennis then slowly got back up while adding "There's no need for any of this anymore. Just get out of here. You are no longer welcome in this town."
"Gonna be honest, I came back with the intention of killing you both." Jim confessed as he picked up the other machete and put both away in his coat. 
"We thought the same thing." Dennis said before shouting "NOW GET THE FUCK OUT AND NEVER RETURN!"
Jim did just that, he left without saying another word. Simon did seem disappointed that Jim was leaving again, but he didn't try to stop him. Jim knew that Simon was lying to him anyways. At least he got his weapons and phone back, though he didn't bother trying to find the handgun. It was useless against cursed children anyways, unless he threw it at them. He got back on the motorcycle he killed a man for and sped off. Jim was going after Turg, hoping that it wasn't too late and he wasn't hurt or worse, even if it meant he would have to face First Name again. It had gone on for long enough, it was time to put an end to it. 

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