Chapter 29

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Jim had managed to fall asleep at some point while Turg was driving, he didn't have a dream or he instantly forgot it when he woke up again. Turg had woken him and Jim woke up confused, he didn't know how long he was asleep for or where he was. He stretched his arms and asked "Where are we?"
"That mountain town." Turg answered as Jim's eyes started to adjust to the light. They were parked in the lot of some kind of public park surrounded by mountains. There were a few alive trees around, a lot of non-abandoned buildings and cars driving around. It was as if the apocalypse never happened there. 
"Did we just arrive here?" Jim asked Turg again, who answered with "A few minutes ago. There was a gate but they let Turg." 
"Well, our car was stolen from someone who they probably knew." Jim said quietly before then grabbing his phone. He turned it on to see that he now had cell service and several messages. He then said "I guess I am still paying for that." 
Based off of the message previews, Jim chose not to open any of them, he would rather change his phone number again and let them think he died. 
"Jim got a lot of texts." Turg commented as Jim replied "Yes I did, but I am not answering them." 
Jim then got out of the car and realized that it was rather cold outside, which was odd at first but then he remembered that mountain areas tend to be cooler, especially when the sun sets behind the mountains. Jim then went into the back of the car to change into his light blue turtleneck and light brown coat, which had some bloodstains on it again but was only visible when close. Turg came out to see what he was doing while Jim was putting his handheld weapons back in his coat pockets. 
"Just in case, you never know what you might encounter here." Jim told Turg as he realized that Turg was still shirtless. He then told Turg "Also, you probably shouldn't be wandering around looking like that. Here, put this on."
Jim then tossed him a black hoodie as Kitty came over to investigate what the two were doing. Turg put the hoodie on, it was a bit small for him but it worked for the time being as Jim didn't feel like finding where his coat was. Jim then grabbed Kitty as he left the car while saying "We also can't leave the cat in the car, that would be cruel." 
Jim then put Kitty on Turg's shoulder and said "If she fits she sits." 
He then also put Turg's hood up and told him "Also, keep this up, the people here may not react kindly." 
Jim then locked the car and started heading into the town with Turg following, Kitty was still sitting on his shoulder. There were a lot of people out that evening, Jim had gotten too used to there being nobody out on the streets, it felt weird to him. Despite that, he liked the town so far, he was into the mountain town aesthetic. Turg however kept getting distracted by all the movement and storefronts, and people kept staring at him because there was a cat on his shoulder. Jim then grabbed his arm so he wouldn't lose him as he continued to explore. Jim then let go only to hold Turg's hand instead, which made Turg happy. As they continued they found some kind of outdoor festival where everyone seemed to be. There were many tents with vendors set up, lights strung up all around, and live music. Turg didn't like the crowd so Jim did his best to navigate around it, but he wanted to see what was going on. They eventually found a spot to sit that was away from everyone so Turg could calm down a bit. 
"Turg not used to people. Turg sorry." Turg told Jim, who replied with "It's alright, it's been a while for the both of us."
Kitty still remained on Turg's shoulder, she didn't seem to mind the crowds as much, but she wouldn't stop staring at Jim. Turg then said "Jim understands. That's why Turg love Jim."
Jim laughed a little before asking "There are other reasons, right?"
"Turg also thinks Jim is attractive." Turg replied as Jim then said "Well you have weird taste, but that's understandable." 
"Does Jim think the same?" Turg asked Jim as he started fidgeting with his hands. Jim smiled and told him "I think you're absolutely adorable, if that's what you're asking."
Turg started shaking his hands around a bit as he smiled. He then asked "What about Kitty?" 
"Kitty? She's alright I guess." Jim answered jokingly before then adding "Nah, she's a cutie too." 
Jim then took Kitty and placed her on his lap. He then said "I've always been more of a cat person, but I've only ever had one before Kitty. Her name was Pumpkin. Though I always somehow attract cats, it's like they know something about me." 
"Turg loves cats too, but Turg grew up with dogs. Turg loves dogs too." Turg told Jim as Kitty started kneading on Jim, her claws did hurt him. Jim then moved her to be more on his coat so she could continue without giving Jim a minor injury. 
"I've had dogs before, but it didn't work out too well. I am better with cats." Jim responded as Kitty started purring. The two then kept talking about their past pets until the sun had fully gone down. The crowd died down a bit but there was still a lot of people wandering around. The smells of food from the vendors were starting to make Jim hungry, but there were too many possible witnesses around for him to steal. He didn't have any money on him either, he lost his card with everything else, so he couldn't pay, but he had an idea. 
"I don't know about you but I am really hungry right now, but I don't have any money on me, so I am going to try to put on some kind of performance to earn enough. You can join me or stay here, whatever makes you more comfortable." Jim told Turg as he gave him Kitty and stood back up. Turg put Kitty back on his shoulder and stood up as well while saying "Turg stay with Jim." 
"Alright, then come with me." Jim told Turg again as he started heading back towards where the people were. He managed to find a good spot where he could be visible and Turg could be close by without being near the crowd. Jim started forming small flames in his hands to make sure he can still use magic before stepping forward and taking a deep breath. 
"Greetings people of this lovely town I've only just arrived in! It is I, uh, magic man and I've come to do what I do best, magic!" Jim announced as people stopped and turned to look at him. Jim then formed two small fireballs in his hands and started juggling them, forming two more while the other two were in the air. While he was doing that, Turg went up beside Jim and accidentally startled him, causing him to drop the fireballs. Jim quickly put them out before they could start a fire and said "Hey, don't scare me like that man." 
"Turg sorry." Turg responded, not realizing that Jim was in character. Jim then said "Turg better give me some space if he doesn't want to interfere with a master spellcaster." 
Turg stepped back a bit as Jim readied another small fireball, but it was put out by Turg slapping his hand. Jim looked back at Turg, who smiled back at him. Jim formed another and Turg put it out again. The people watching started laughing so Jim decided to just let Turg ruin his show as that seemed to work too. Jim formed another again but moved his hand away before Turg could put out his flame. Turg tried again but Jim moved it into his other hand. Kitty then joined them and did her best, but she was too short to reach. Then one of the audience members shouted "YO! PASS IT HERE!" 
They then stepped forward so Jim could see them. Jim didn't hesitate, he tossed the fireball to them and they caught it. Jim was expecting them to get injured, but they formed another flame that was blue and combined it to create a green-ish coloured one. Turg didn't go over to try to stop them, instead he remained by Jim's side with Kitty. They then passed it back to Jim only for it to be put out by Turg again. 
"It's nice to see another spellcaster around here, I could've sworn I was the only one, though you two aren't from here I believe." The magical audience member said as another audience member added "Yeah, you look like a homeless person."
"No, we came from a vault and yes we are homeless." Jim responded rather cheerfully. The magical audience member then said "I like you already, how about you two come with me, I can help you."
He was almost as tall as Jim, was slightly more tanned than him, and had curly brown hair. He was wearing a black leather jacket over a white shirt and dark coloured jeans as well. 
"We don't really have much else to do, might as well." Jim responded as people started to move on. Turg picked up Kitty again as the magical audience member then added "And yes your cat can come too. Follow me."
They then followed him away from the crowd where he stopped to say "Alright, I might as well introduce myself. I am Simon Racket, I run this town with my husband, Dennis Racket."
It felt like Jim's heart skipped a beat upon hearing that name, his old nemesis couldn't possibly still be alive. 
"You're married to Dennis Racket? He's still alive?" Jim asked Simon while Turg was left confused, he didn't know who Dennis was. Simon answered with "Uh, yeah? He is alive, he was just named after someone in his family who was un-killable, I only took his last name, but why do you ask?" 
"I asked because I am Jim Pickens." Jim answered Simon's question. Simon then froze and asked again "You're only related to THE Jim Pickens, right? Because he can't still be alive either."
Jim shook his head and replied "No, I am the same guy."
"Well, I guess that explains the fire magic and why you looked so familiar. But I must take you to meet my Dennis, we have so much to discuss." Simon then said as Jim asked "You got food too?"
Simon pointed finger guns at Jim and responded "Yes, we do."
Simon then asked "Also, who's your friend? They look interesting."
"That's my partner, his name is Turg, and the cat's name is Kitty." Jim answered as Turg said "Hello." 
"Well in that case, come with me, I'll bring you back to my place. Just don't light it on fire." Simon told the two. Jim didn't fully trust Simon, especially after finding out that he is married to someone from the Racket family, but he wanted to see how it would play out. 

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