Chapter 4

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Everything was dark, Jim couldn't even see his hands in front of his face. Everything was quiet too, nobody else was around. Jim was alone again. There was then faint whispering he could hear, but he couldn't understand it. Eventually it got louder and more incomprehensible as the seconds passed, or where they minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks? Months? Years? Jim couldn't tell the difference anymore. Eventually the whispering stopped and Jim could see Grim in the distance. He tried to call out for him, but he couldn't speak. As he reached out for him everything suddenly became bright. Jim blocked out the light with his hand until his eyes could adjust to it. Once his eyes adjusted he saw a green seaside paradise with colourful buildings everywhere and bright blue skies. He was able to see it with both eyes instead of just one.

Jim then woke up, he was back in his dark room once again. He sat up and instinctively tried to rub his injured eye, but he felt it and it didn't hurt. He quickly realized that the bandage was gone and immediately got out of bed to turn a light on with his hand covering his eye. Once the light was on he went to his mirror and took his hand off. It was fully healed somehow and he could see with it again. Jim was confused, it couldn't have just magically healed overnight and he didn't take the bandages off. He then searched for his glasses to see if he still needed them as well, which he did but now he could wear them properly. He then ran out to find Turg but couldn't find him in his usual places, which was in the other bedrooms and the kitchen. He ended up searching the entire vault and couldn't find him. Eventually he gave up and assumed he would turn up eventually, wherever he was, and went back to his room. Jim sat down on his bed and placed his hands down behind him but felt someone else. He looked to see who it was and it was Turg still sleeping in his bed, though he was only wearing his underwear. Jim moved Turg's shoulder a bit in attempt to wake him up but he just curled himself into a ball and didn't wake up. Jim tried again and Turg lifted his head up a little with his eyes half open.
"Why are you half naked in my bed?" Jim asked Turg who closed his eyes and put his head down again. Jim moved his shoulder a bit again and said "No no, it's time to get up for we have some things to do."
Turg put his hands over his face and mumbled "Turg need sleep."
Jim understood and decided to leave Turg sleep, though he still wanted to know why he was in Jim's bed instead of his own. Jim then said "Alright fine, I'll leave you to it."
Jim then stood back up and made a mental list of things he needed to gather in order to prepare to leave the vault. He felt great, the greatest he had ever felt since before the apocalypse happened. He didn't know what came over him, but he was back to his old self, though something was still missing. Jim didn't have time to figure it out, instead he was finding everything he wanted to take with him and putting it into one bag, which he took from someone who had died in the vault. Most of his stuff were taken as he lost everything to the cursed children. Eventually Turg woke up and watched Jim as he gathered things and put them into one bag while on the floor.
"So you're up now, good. We are, or at least I am, leaving the vault." Jim told Turg as Turg sat up and moved to the edge of the bed to watch. He then asked "Why leave? Outside scary."
"You are more than welcome to stay, but every supply is running low and I don't want to be in here forever." Jim answered Turg's question before asking him "Also, where did your clothes go?"
Turg smiled and shrugged his shoulders while Jim gave him a confused glance.
"How do you not know- you know what? Never mind. Do you want some new ones?" Jim then asked Turg as he stood back up straight. Turg looked around and then nodded. Jim then went over to his closet where he had been storing the clothes he looted from everyone and picked out a similar outfit to his current one except it was black and dark brown instead of light blue-grey and light brown. Though the pants were more of a loose fit and were very dark brown. He tossed it all over to Turg and said "Try on this and see how you like it."
Jim then left the room to gather a few more things he knew he needed such as his weapons and the food cans that were still left. He unlocked his weapons closet and decided to only take his jungle machete, handgun, and hunting rifle. He brought them out to the hallway that led to the vault door and leaned them against the wall before going back to his room to grab his bag. When he went in he saw Turg standing in the mirror with the clothes on smiling at himself. Jim agreed, it did look good on him. Brown was likely his colour. Turg then looked at Jim while still smiling and said "Hello Jim!"
Jim smiled back and waved in response before grabbing his bag and leaving the room again. Turg followed him out that time. Jim went to the storage room to take whatever was left of the food storage with him along with some bottled water. It wasn't much, but it did add more weight to his bag. Meanwhile Turg took one can and held onto it. Jim tried to take it from him but Turg held it up out of reach from Jim. Jim then said "Come on, just because you're taller than me doesn't mean you can just do that."
Turg then held it close to his chest and ran out of the room while giggling to himself. Jim chased him out and managed to take it from him after he caught up. Turg glared at him and said "Jim no fun."
"Now isn't the time to fool around, Turg." Jim told Turg in response as he placed the can in his bag and closed it.
"But-" Turg tried to explain but Jim cut him off with "Now is not the time, you can fool around later. What you can do now is look around for anything you might want to take."
Turg put his hands to his chest again and slowly walked away from Jim and went into another room. Jim went into the kitchen to grab a few more items he knew he probably would need. He saw the can opener already on the counter next to an empty opened can, which reminded him that he should eat something before leaving. He opened his bag again and took out one of the cans, it was a soup can, which he hated but had to tolerate anyways. Just something about soup made him feel like he was committing a sin, unlike murder. When he used the can opener Turg ran into the kitchen and looked at Jim with wide eyes. Jim looked up at him and saw that he was now wearing makeup with red lipstick.
"First of all, this isn't for you, and second, nice makeup." Jim told Turg as he put the can opener in his bag. Turg responded "Turg found it. Turg like."
"Yes, uh, have I been using your correct pronouns?" Jim asked as he put his hands together for a few seconds. Turg answered "Turg don't mind."
Turg then asked "Can Turg have some?"
Jim wanted to say no but he didn't want to listen to him complain again, so he said "You can have whatever I don't finish."
"I am also going to take that as a 'yes'." Jim told himself in his thoughts. Turg then came closer and watched Jim eat, which made him slightly uncomfortable but he didn't say anything. Jim only finished half and gave the rest to Turg who finished it very quickly.
"So, is that everything?" Jim asked Turg who nodded quickly in response. Jim then clapped his hands together and said "Alright, then I guess we better go."

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