Chapter 3

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It had only been a few hours since Turg became human (if he even was a human) again and Jim didn't know what to think about him. He was even more unusual now that he was alive again. Wouldn't stop making strange noises and was always grunting as well as complaining about wanting food. Turg wouldn't leave Jim alone again, always watching either up close or from a distance. Jim didn't care though, his mind was on other things. He wanted to leave the vault just to see what the outside was like now, he didn't want to spend the rest of his days in the vault. Though he was unsure if Turg was ready, considering he was killed by something out there, so Jim decided to see what he was capable of.
"Hey Turg, do you know how to fight? Or at the very least how to defend yourself?" Jim asked Turg, who was laying down on one of the many beds in the bedroom quarter while Jim stood in the doorway. Turg sat up and replied "Turg don't fight."
"I am going to take that as a 'no'." Jim said as he put his hands together and was about to start rubbing them together before Turg said again "Turg can but choose to not. Why Jim ask?"
"Uh, no reason, I was just curious." Jim answered, what he said was only half a lie.
"Jim want fight?" Turg asked as he stood up straight and stared at Jim. Jim immediately responded "No no, I don't want to fight you, but maybe I can just see how good you are?"
Turg put his hands back to his chest and slouched down a bit before saying "Okay."
Jim then went out into an open enough area by where the computers used to be, assuming Turg would follow him, which he did. Jim turned to face Turg and said "Alright, I just want to see what you got, so go at me as hard as you can. You won't hurt me, trust me."
Turg was very hesitant, he tried to hit Jim but couldn't. He then said "Turg don't want hurt Jim."
"Turg won't hurt Jim." Jim told Turg as he got into a bit of a battle stance with his legs apart and arms out.
"Jim promise?" Turg asked, he was visibly worried about hurting Jim.
"Yes, I promise." Jim reassured Turg again. Turg then took a deep breath and lightly hit Jim's arm. Jim laughed a bit and asked "Seriously? Is that all?"
Turg then hit him again but slightly harder, Jim still barely felt it. Turg then said "Turg sorry."
"Listen, don't be afraid to hurt me because you most likely won't. Try again but use all your strength this time." Jim told Turg as he got out of his battle stance. Turg looked at the ground and took a deep breath again. He clenched one of his fists and threw a punch at Jim that sent him flying back and hitting the wall behind him. Turg immediately began panicking and came to assist Jim, who needed a moment to process what had just happened.
"Turg so sorry! Turg didn't mean to!" Turg exclaimed as he kneeled down next to Jim.
"I've either gotten weaker or you are just very strong." Jim said as he tried to sit up a bit but it hurt all over his upper body when he moved.
"Jim hurt?" Turg asked as Jim looked directly at him and responded "What do you think?"
"Turg think yes." Turg answered as Jim managed to fully sit himself back up. It was mainly his back and where he was punched that hurt, which was slightly off the middle of his chest.
"Where Jim hurt?" Turg asked again as he put his hands over Jim while looking at them. Jim just pointed to the spot that hurt on his chest and Turg put his hands over it. Jim then grabbed onto his wrists and asked very directly "What are you doing?"
Turg didn't answer, instead he closed his eyes and his hands began to glow a little bit. The pain then was gone and Turg took his hands off of Jim after Jim let go of his wrists. Jim didn't know what to say except "You think you can do whatever you just did to my back as well?"
Turg nodded as he put his hands out and Jim turned himself to lean into them. The pain was then gone and Jim stood back up while saying "Well, you can beat me up, so you're definitely able to defend yourself out there."
Turg then stood up too and told Jim "But Turg don't fight. Turg feel bad."
"Hey, no hard feelings. Besides, I asked for it." Jim reassured Turg as he put one hand on Turg's shoulder. Jim then added "Also, thanks for healing me or whatever that magic was."
"Magic?" Turg asked Jim as he took his hand off Turg's shoulder.
"You seem to be some kind of healer, Turg. What you did had to be magic and would also explain why you have floating dots around you constantly." Jim explained to Turg, who was looking at Jim in confusion. He then looked at his hands and said "Turg don't know. Turg know that hand can help."
"Have you casted a spell before?" Jim asked Turg as he continued to look at his hands. Turg looked back up at Jim and answered "Turg don't know magic."
"Well I can, watch this." Jim said as he snapped his fingers and a small flame appeared in his hand. Turg immediately stepped back and looked at the flame with fear. He then pointed at it and exclaimed "Turg don't like! It hot and hurt!"
Jim waved his hand a bit for the flame to disappear and asked "You mean fire?"
Turg nodded as he came back to Jim now that the flame was gone.
"I didn't realize you were afraid of it, but point is I can use magic as well." Jim told Turg before turning to leave the room while saying again "Anyways, I am going to either sleep or stare at the ceiling for hours. You do whatever."
"Can Turg eat?" Turg quickly asked as he went right up beside Jim. Jim sighed and responded "Fine, even though you just ate."
Jim went to the storage room and unlocked it for Turg, who grabbed the can he was trying to hold earlier. Jim opened it for him and then tried to leave the kitchen but was stopped by Turg asking "Jim want any?"
"No, I just need rest right now." Jim answered before Turg said rather disappointedly "Okay, Jim rest first."
Jim then quickly left before Turg could tell him anything else and went into his room, which was already dark. He took off his coat and laid down, he was finally alone for a bit.

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