Chapter 39

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Jim flew down to the entrance to the docks and landed there as he didn't want to fly straight in in yet. Upon attempting to enter he saw that there were two people standing on shipping containers that were placed like a castle wall with an entrance. They both had guns and Jim assumed they were guards. One of them shouted "STATE YOUR BUSINESS, STRANGER!"
Jim recognized the voice, it was Bella. 
"You know me, Bella. I'm Jim." Jim responded as he saw that Bailey was the other person standing on the other shipping container across from her. 
"Wait, Jim? You're alive?" Bailey asked as Bella then said "Yeah, Turg said you died." 
"I did die but now I am alive again." Jim answered before asking them "Will you let me in without shooting?"
"We will, but the others might not want to see you, so be careful." Bella told Jim as Bailey added "All for different reasons."
Jim didn't say anything else, instead he wandered in and headed to where he used to live on the docks. He saw other turgs as he continued further and none looked happy to see Jim. Once he arrived he entered quietly and saw that Turg, or someone else, had put a lot more drawings on the walls and the place was lit by light purple orbs instead of candles. As he continued further inside he heard Kitty run up to him and start climbing up his leg. Jim then grabbed her and started holding her while saying "Hey Kitty, I missed you."
Turg then came out to see who was inside and upon seeing Jim he froze. He was wearing a white shirt, blue-grey shorts and no longer had the war paint or his hair tied back. Jim didn't know what to say, so he remained silent and waited for Turg to do something. Turg approached Jim only to take Kitty from his arms and put her back down on the floor where she then scurried away. Turg then glared at Jim and punched him in the face, causing Jim to fall to the ground. 
"You know what? I deserved that." Jim said as he put his hand over his nose and sat back up. Turg then told Jim "Go away."
"Wait, can I at least tell you something?" Jim asked Turg as he stood back up and took his hand off his nose, it was bleeding again. Turg continued glaring at Jim in response. 
"Look, I know you're still mad at me, you definitely made that obvious, but I just want to tell you that I'm sorry." Jim told Turg as he turned around and refused to look at Jim. 
"No." Turg responded. Jim figured Turg would say that, but he wanted to continue anyways. 
"Please Turg, just hear me out." Jim said as someone else entered the room. A very tall turg with light grey hair that was tied up, same colour beard that was a log longer than Turg's, pale skin, and floating dots in a similar halo pattern to Maxwell, but double and overlapping each other. He wore a similar light grey coat to Jim with a dark red shirt underneath, a red scarf and ripped jeans. He was much taller than Jim, which slightly intimidated him. 
"Who are you?" He asked Jim as he slowly backed away from this giant turg. 
"Uh, that entirely depends on what your intentions are." Jim answered as Turg turned around to see what was going on. The turg then looked at Turg and asked him "Who is he?"
"That's Jim." Turg replied. The turg then grabbed Jim and lifted him up while saying "He better not be the one who hurt you otherwise his already short human life will end." 
"Bold of you to assume my life is short, I am probably older than you." Jim told the turg. 
"Father put Jim down." Turg ordered. Jim then repeated "Father?"
The turg then dropped Jim, but he landed on his feet and didn't fall over. 
"Fine, but you deserve whatever terrible thing that happens to you, nobody hurts my children." The turg told Jim as he then left to go back outside. 
"Sorry about Jasper. That's Turg's father." Turg said to Jim before then saying "Turg still mad at Jim. Turg would rather be alone." 
"Before you go I just want to talk briefly, then you don't have to see me again." Jim responded. Turg stopped but he didn't turn around to look at him. He was waiting for Jim to continue. 
"We've been through a lot together, fighting demons, bad people and even saving the world it seems. It's gonna be hard to forget about you. Of all the people I've met in my life you've been the most amazing to me. You didn't have to save me back there, you could've left me to die and suffer eternal torment from that demon. I'll forever be grateful for that." Jim started explaining as he started to feel like crying. 
"I know I haven't been the best partner, in fact I've been a fucking horrible one. I don't know how to love and I end up hurting everyone I do love, which is what happened with you. It's not your fault, it's all on me. I should've listened to you but I was too fixated on my own plans that were entirely motivated by fear and anger which I let get the best of me. I regret it and I am truly sorry about everything." Jim continued as tears started falling from his eyes. 
"You don't have to forgive me, but do know that I still have feelings for you and I've learned a lot the past few days, and so have you it seems. If you don't want me in your life anymore, that's fine. You can live your life and I'll continue with mine." Jim finished as he was struggling to not cry. Turg still remained silent and Jim waited to see if he was going to say anything. Turg eventually turned around and had a very sad look in his eyes this time. He hesitated for a second before running over to Jim and hugging him tightly. Jim did the same and started sobbing into his chest, accidentally getting blood on his shirt. 
"Whatever you did, you saved us all. You're a hero, Turg." Jim said after calming down a bit. He then added "The ghosts of your family were so wrong about you."
Turg then let go of Jim and said "It over now."
"What do you mean by that?" Jim asked as Turg stepped back a bit. 
"No more fighting. We live in peace now. Together." Turg replied as he held onto Jim's hands. 
"Oh, I thought you meant we were over." Jim said as Turg smiled and told Jim "Turg can't stay mad forever. Turg forgive Jim."
"I promise it won't happen again." Jim told Turg in response. Turg then pulled Jim close again and comforted him. He's been through a lot, both of them have. But they could put it all behind them now that the other most evil thing has been defeated. After a few minutes of silence between them Turg then said "Jim should meet Turg's family."
"I thought they were dead." Jim said in response. 
"Only mother's side." Turg told Jim as he also said "They should meet Turg's boyfriend." 

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