Chapter 24

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They were back at the Ace's campsite in the junkyard where they would spend the rest of the night just telling stories about themselves. Turg had healed Jim again and was cuddling the cat, who Jim let Turg keep and name. Turg named her Kitty, which Jim saw as the equivalent of naming a child 'Human' but he was not one to judge, considering he had an adopted son named Human and Turg was named after his species it seemed. Kitty must have not always been a stray because of how she immediately trusted Jim and everyone else, probably had an owner before doomsday but lost them. She didn't have a collar or any tags, so maybe not. There was also another thing Jim was wondering about that he had to ask.
"If you guys have been around for a while then how come I have never seen anyone like you until I met Turg?" Jim asked.
"A lot of us get bullied for our appearances or used for magic, so we didn't show ourselves often. Sometimes we get plastic surgery to appear more normal, but it takes away our ability to breathe properly." Bella answered as Bailey added "There was also only maybe four families in this area too. No idea if they're all still alive, Turg is the only other of our kind we've seen since doomsday." 
"Do you know Maxwell?" Jim asked them again as Turg replied "Turg know Maxwell." 
"He's still alive?" Bella asked in response and Bailey replied "We knew him, but we didn't talk much though." 
"Yes, he's alive. They're the only other, besides Turg, I've seen." Jim responded to Bella. Bella then said "There could be more, but we don't go out much. We have been living here for a while and only leave if we are running low on supplies." 
Jim then had to ask "Where are you getting it? Because we have searched the entire town and often had no luck." 
"Oh, we either hunt or leave the town to go to that mountain village." Bella immediately replied as Bailey glared at her. Bella then said "What? I was just answering his question." 
"I thought that place was our secret." Bailey told Bella as she responded "I already told him about it. I think that anyone here still alive deserves to know about it." 
"Either way, me and Turg are probably gonna go there. We just need to go as far away as possible from here and never come back." Jim said as Turg asked "We leaving?" 
"Yes, we're leaving, I'll explain later." Jim quickly and quietly answered Turg's question as Bella asked "Did you get yourself into trouble?"
"It's very hard to explain, all you need to know is that we are in danger here." Jim quickly explained to Bella. 
"Fair enough, but you're not taking our car." Bella told Jim who replied with "I plan to steal Dylan's." 
Turg then started leaning against Jim again, it was obvious that he was getting sleepy. Jim put his arm around him as Kitty started kneading on Turg's coat while purring. Bella smiled and said "You two are really close, literally and metaphorically or whatever." 
Bailey then facepalmed and said quietly "Don't say it, don't say it."
"Yeah, it makes him happy so I allow it." Jim responded as Bella then said "You two are just adorable though." 
"I- What?" Jim asked as Bailey put his head in his hands. Bella then elaborated "I don't know, I just sense a connection between you two." 
"You say that about everyone." Bailey told Bella as he lifted his head back up again. Bella replied "I know, but I am being for real this time." 
Jim was beginning to feel very awkward again and wanted out of the situation, so he said "I think we should go to bed, this one's getting tired."
"Fair, we'll talk more when we all wake up I guess." Bella said as she stood up and went into one of their shelters. Bailey waited for her to be gone before telling Jim "Look, I am sorry about her. She says that about any two people she sees together no matter how many times I tell her to not do that." 
"It's fine, it's not the first time I've been told that." Jim replied as Bailey then stood up to get a bucket of water to put out the fire. He then said "You two can either stay out here or use that shelter. Goodnight." 
Bailey then went into his own shelter, leaving Jim alone with Turg and Kitty. Turg was already asleep along with Kitty and Jim didn't want to wake them, so he continued to sit there until the sunrise. 
Jim did not sleep at all, he didn't feel sleepy and didn't need it anyways. It was normal for him to just go until he passed out. Once everyone was up they went back to the cabin, Turg was fascinated by all the old cars along the way. After arriving, Bella asked "Wait, is he actually dead or did he, like, just run off?" 
"He is dead, deserved it honestly. I don't know why you cared about him when he would've captured us if we weren't half-human." Bailey answered as Turg also asked "He died?" 
"Yes, he died. I killed him so he wouldn't kill you." Jim told Turg as Bella then said "Maybe if you weren't such an asshole he would've somewhat trusted you too." 
Turg looked shocked to hear that Jim had killed someone, but immediately became distracted by Bella and Bailey arguing. Jim looked at them too but didn't want to get involved. 
"That's your problem, you think everyone you meet in this damn wasteland is a friend. You're lucky the serial killer you brought back decided that we're friends too. You can't immediately trust anyone here who is still alive." Bailey continued the argument. 
"But you help people too!" Bella exclaimed in response. Bailey followed up with "Yeah, because they didn't try to hurt me first." 
The two then got close and continued to glare at each other until Turg got in between them and moved them apart. He told them "Turg. Turg."
Jim was confused but still continued to not get involved. The two then calmed down and Bella said "You're right Turg, that is what we are. We should just drop this now and move on."
Turg then went back to Jim's side and said "Turg did something." 
"That you did." Jim responded to Turg as Bailey asked "So, you said you just wanted the car, right?" 
"Yes, you can have everything else. All I want is to go far away from here." Jim answered as he started following Bailey inside to look for the key. 
"It's a newer one so the key is to only unlock it, wish I could have it but you probably deserve it more." Bailey told Jim as they searched for the key while Turg remained outside with Bella just looking at the vehicle. Turg liked cars, or really any vehicle that could go fast. This one was close to black, a bit dirty, and could fit eight people but maybe more if they ignored safety laws. Once they found it Jim rushed back outside to test it, he only had to press the button a few times for it to unlock. Turg became visibly excited and asked Jim "Can Turg drive?"
"Uh, no, I don't trust you behind a wheel." Jim replied as Bella carried over two red gas containers that seemed to be full considering she was struggling a bit. Turg became a bit less excited and said "Okay. Maybe later." 
"Before you leave, maybe you should take one of these, just in case because it is quite far and there are no active gas stations along the way." Bella told Jim as Bailey added "And other supplies too, we already have plenty." 
Jim and Bailey then looted the cabin while Bella and Turg fooled around outside. Once they were done, Jim was ready to leave, besides for a few things he wanted back at their place on the docks. Turg had Kitty and held her up to Jim. 
"Yes, Kitty is coming too." Jim said as Kitty licked his nose. Turg then said "Kitty like Jim."
Jim smiled and responded "Yes, Kitty does." 
"So I guess we'll find you in the village next time we're there." Bella said as Bailey added "Depending on where everyone is, of course." 
"Maybe we'll stay, maybe we'll go further, but in case we don't see each other again I want to thank you for everything and goodbye." Jim told the two before entering the vehicle. Turg was already inside, he was in the front passenger seat with Kitty, he and Kitty were already best friends. Jim did notice Turg seemed to get along with most animals, even wild ones. 
Just like that, they were on their way out finally. Jim wanted to go as far away as possible until he felt safe and that's just what he'll do.

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