Chapter 26

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The road had led them to an old campground by the lake that was mostly reclaimed by nature, it must have closed before doomsday. The area was full of life, unlike the places closer to where the bombs fell. It was also a lot cooler as there was a breeze, clouds in the sky, and trees to provide shade rather than abandoned buildings. The lake wasn't too big, but it had an island in the middle that Jim wanted to somehow get to, either by boat or just swimming there. Jim had chosen a spot close to the shore and by a dock with a floating platform that was a bit away from it. Turg was taking some time to re-apply his makeup by using his reflection in the water while Jim watched Kitty try to hunt the birds that would fly by, but she could not jump high enough. He was sitting on a large rock, or a small boulder, and when Turg was done he came to sit next to Jim. Turg set down his supplies next to the rock as Jim asked Turg "I've been thinking about what you wrote and does wearing makeup make you more comfortable? Or do you just like wearing it?" 
"Turg more comfortable with it." Turg answered as Jim then said "You also mentioned that you don't feel like you're any gender, and I also want to tell you that it's okay if you're something other than a guy or girl."  
Turg gave Jim a curious look and asked "Turg can?"
Jim nodded and said "I once knew someone like that, their name was Grognak The Destroyer, though I have not seen them in years. We started a band together that was short lived and then started a street gang." 
"Jim has done a lot." Turg responded before then saying "Turg is just Turg. Turg does what Turg wants." 
"Yes, you do whatever you want." Jim told Turg as Turg then lost his enthusiasm to say "But Turg can't always. People judge Turg. But why do they judge Turg?" 
Jim sighed, he knew why but wasn't sure if he wanted to tell Turg. He tried before but Turg didn't seem to understand. Jim replied with "Come with me and I'll try to explain."
Jim then stood up and went to the lakeshore. Turg followed him as Jim then crouched down and stared at his reflection in the water, Turg doing the same. Jim then started explaining "Look at our reflections and how they're different. We do have similarities such as the fact we both have grey hair, facial hair, and similar skin tones." 
Turg looked at his reflection and then Jim's before looking back up at Jim, waiting for him to continue. 
"But we have some differences. You see, most people have a face structure like mine and when people see someone who looks like you, they're going to find it weird, maybe even scary." Jim continued as Turg then only stared at his own reflection. Jim then took Turg's hand and placed their palms together. Turg looked at Jim as he then said "But look at our hands, they're similar. Same can be said about our body structures. You're human enough. If people took more time to realize that you're just a bit different and not some freak, not that I think you're one, maybe they would like you too. None of it is your fault." 
Turg then put his hand down and looked back at his reflection. He then smiled and said "They don't deserve Turg." 
"You're right, they don't deserve your presence, and they're really missing out." Jim responded. Turg looked back at Jim and told him "Jim right. Turg is amazing." 
"Yeah, and also really cute." Jim said rather quickly, he didn't mean to say it out loud, but Turg heard him clearly. Turg smiled and was visibly blushing as he shook around his hands a bit before hugging Jim, causing him to fall over onto his back. Jim would've been fine with it if he wasn't laying on a bunch of rocks, it wasn't very comfortable for him. Turg let go and stood back up while saying "Turg sorry. Turg is excited." 
Jim then stood back up and replied "It's fine, you just always catch me off guard." 
Turg then took his shirt and shoes off and ran to the dock but stopped to wait for Jim. Jim assumed he wanted to go swimming and figured Jim would like to join, which he did. Jim then did the same and followed him onto the dock, but by the time he reached it Turg ran to the end and waited for him there. Jim ran towards him, grabbing Turg as he jumped off the end and into the water. The water was cold at first but it felt better than the heat. Turg was holding onto Jim while in the water at first until he got used to it, the cold shocked him at first. Jim looked back up at the dock to see Kitty standing at the end and staring down at them. Kitty then jumped into the water too, but immediately regretted it. Turg grabbed Kitty and put her back on the dock, giving her a bit of a scowl. It was his way of telling Kitty to not do that. While Turg was doing that, Jim swam to the floating platform and lifted himself onto it. Turg then did the same, but needed assistance with getting on. The two then sat on it with their legs still in the water, Turg was shivering a bit and Jim asked "Are you cold?" 
Turg nodded and Jim said "The sun will have to warm you because I can't, I'm too wet right now."
Turg then giggled a bit and Jim nudged him while saying "I know what I said, get your mind out of the gutter." 
Turg then wrapped his arm around Jim and pulled him closer while Jim thought about swimming to the island, but he didn't fully trust his ability to swim despite having been a merman. He then suggested to Turg "Maybe tomorrow we could find a way to get to that island."
"Turg like that idea." Turg responded as his leg started bouncing. He then took a deep breath before giving him a kiss on the cheek. Turg then immediately looked away while Jim looked at him, surprised that he would do that already. He did not mind though. Jim then wrapped his arm around Turg as he looked back at Jim. Jim smiled and told him "It's alright, no need to be embarrassed." 
"Is Jim okay with it?" Turg asked rather nervously. Jim nodded and replied "Yes I am okay with it, c'mere." 
The two then kissed, it was their first but wouldn't be their last. It only strengthened their bond. 

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