Chapter 25

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Jim was glad to finally get out of that town and Turg was just happy to be with him on the journey. Jim had plugged in his phone for the first time in months but still didn't have a lot of use for it since there was still no cell service, but he could still use it for music. Turg was mostly silent for the past hour, he was petting Kitty, who was laying down on his lap, and occasionally looking out the window. The scenery went from being dry and dead to being alive with green trees and some wildlife. The road also got a bit smoother the further they went. Turg then asked out of the blue "Why did we leave?"
"Oh right I was going to explain everything to you." Jim said quietly to himself before then saying "Alright, what I am about to tell you may seem insane but it's the truth."
Turg looked at Jim briefly in acknowledgement before looking away again, Jim knew he was still listening. 
"You met Vivian, right? The bitch who captured us? Well, she killed me but I got brought back by one of those demon children, but this one is their leader. I have told you this before but their leader is my child and he wants me dead but on a specific date. That's why we are leaving, I don't think he can find us where we're going." Jim explained to Turg as he looked back at Jim and asked "Jim died?"
"Yeah, but I've died before so it's not really a big deal." Jim answered Turg's question before continuing with "But that's besides the point, kinda, but I can't be brought back if First Name claims me and I don't want to get you killed either, so that's why we are leaving."
"Where we go?" Turg asked another question. 
"Wherever we end up when we run out of gas, which may be a while because I think this is a hybrid." Jim replied. Turg was then silent again for another few minutes before he started saying "Turg want speak. But no words. Words don't work." 
"Are you okay?" Jim asked with genuine concern. Turg purposely avoided looking at him and responded "Turg need to communicate. Turg have to tell Jim." 
"It's alright, take your time." Jim told Turg as he started looking around. Turg picked up Jim's phone and said "Turg better at text." 
Jim then took the phone from him to unlock it and opened the notes app. He gave it back to Turg and told him "Don't unplug it, don't turn off the music and don't look at my other notes."
Turg then started typing away and Jim focused his attention on driving again. He didn't do it often, likely because his license expired years ago and he never renewed it, it would've been awkward to explain why he was over 200 years old. About thirty minutes later Turg turned off Jim's phone and put it back where it was and started petting Kitty again, who was still sleeping on his lap. He was silent still and appeared to be nervous. Jim wanted to wait until he stopped the vehicle to read it. Eventually he pulled over at an old rest stop and got out because he needed to walk around for a bit. Turg did the same with Kitty and Jim could see a lake from the trees. Turg still seemed nervous, so Jim figured he should read what Turg wrote to see if that would help. While Turg played with Kitty Jim went back for his phone and opened the note to read it while leaning against the car. It read;
I didn't mean to make you concerned because I am fine, I just struggle with verbally communicating, I always have. Thank you for letting me use your phone to type everything I want to tell you and not forcing me to say it out loud. Anyways, despite your obvious flaws I really like you. I told you this before and I've told others but it's true. You don't judge me for stimming or try to change me. You never force me to speak like a normal person and I am grateful for that because it is challenging. Instead you would talk to me normally and pretty much treat me like a person, despite not really being one, I am a turg. My kind are magic beings and I came from a family of very powerful spellcasters, kinda like you but they can do more spells besides just a small amount of fire. They didn't like me but I never understood why, I was nice to everyone. Same went for people, they didn't like me either. They would laugh at me or run away from me when I just wanted to be their friend. I really only had my siblings, I was the youngest. We would play racing games a lot, despite me being terrible at them. I just enjoyed our time together. Then we all split apart and moved to that town. Next thing I knew I was the father to a lot of kids and had a lot of partners, I don't know what came over me but I think it had something to do with some kind of instinct I apparently had that was only encouraged by my family. My mother and oldest sister always said that it was my job as a male or whatever, but I never felt like one. Is it weird that I don't feel like I am any gender? Probably, but I guess I'll question that later. I just like wearing makeup and dresses, always have. I don't care what people call me, I'll go by anything. Anyways, sorry for rambling, that's kinda how my brain works. Again, I know I've said it before but I just really like you. It confused me for a bit because I thought I was only supposed to like girls, but I like everyone regardless of that, that's my whole thing. I'll just admit it, I love you and I really care about you. I think you're amazing and super cool, though you have obviously had a rough life and an apocalypse hasn't made it much better. But I want to try to make it better, it's the least I can do after you gave me a second chance after I was killed in a fir. I am forever grateful and I would risk my life for you. You could've just left me when I got lost or captured by those mean people, but you didn't. You came back for me. I just hope you don't think differently of me now that you've read this, though it's fine if you do. I understand if no but, give me a chance? If it doesn't work then I hope we can still remain friends. Also, thanks for letting me keep Kitty. I love animals and Kitty is adorable, like you :) I also have a vague memory of seeing you before, I was at a restaurant and I saw portraits of a man that looked a lot like you all over it, I also thought I would add that. 
When Jim was finished reading he looked back up to see Turg trying to play fetch with Kitty, but Kitty would not retrieve anything Turg threw. Jim smiled before then thinking about what Turg had told him on that note. Jim didn't know what to think, he liked him too and cared about him but he wasn't sure if he was ready for a relationship. He felt bad for him, Jim knew why people didn't like him and he didn't think it was fair. Jim fully understood why people didn't like him and he didn't blame them, it was something he could've controlled, but it was out of Turg's control. Turg then stopped trying to play fetch with Kitty and looked back at Jim. Jim put his phone in his pocket and told him "I'll accept your proposal of sorts, let's be partners."
Jim then stepped forward and stretched his arms out, awaiting the inevitable. Turg ran over to him and hugged him, lifting him off the ground a bit by mistake. Jim hugged him back and said "How about we stay here for a bit and just hang out." 
Turg then let go of Jim and responded "Turg like that idea." 
Jim did see a road that went into the forest that possibly went to the lake, he figured he would try driving down it just to see where it went. 

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