Chapter 30

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Night had passed and Jim did not sleep well, he didn't entirely feel safe in the manor he was able to stay at with Turg, Kitty and relatives of his enemy. He was able to look past the fact the Racket family still exists, he liked their manor that overlooked the town, would be a shame if a terrible accident were to happen and Jim inherited the manor. It was mid morning and Jim was in the kitchen while Turg sat at the table. While he was searching the kitchen to see what they had he heard someone ask "Who the fuck are you two?" 
Jim turned to face them to see someone who looked like a younger version of the Dennis Racket but with long black hair and a black beard. Jim assumed it was the other Dennis he was told about. Dennis then gasped and immediately grabbed one of the kitchen knives, pointed it at Jim and shouted "YOU! I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! WHO LET YOU IN?" 
Jim put his hands up a bit and replied "Your husband let us in."
"Yeah well she shouldn't have! I know why you're here, to finally put an end to my family, but you won't. We will end yours!" Dennis exclaimed angrily as he slowly got closer to Jim with the knife. Turg then intervened and separated them, to which Dennis then exclaimed "And what the hell are you?!" 
Turg put his hands to his chest and slowly backed away a bit as Jim said "That's my partner, and I don't appreciate you talking to him like that." 
"Whatever you're into I guess." Dennis said while looking away from Jim, who took it as an opportunity to disarm Dennis. Jim swiftly knocked the knife out of Dennis' hand and shoved him to the floor, pointing the knife at him. 
"Now as for you, I would recommend not doing whatever you were trying to do again." Jim told Dennis, who remained on the floor and stared back up at him. Simon then came into the room and just looked at the scene that had already unfolded. Jim put the knife on the counter next to him while saying "I was not trying to stab him, I promise." 
Dennis did not hesitate to then shout "MURDERER! HE IS TRYING TO KILL ME!"
"Jim tell truth. Dennis had knife. Jim was defending self." Turg said to defend Jim. Simon sighed and then said "Dennis, I've known you for almost my entire life, I know you're just exaggerating. Come on, this isn't how we treat guests." 
Dennis then stood back up and told Simon "The guest you brought is Jim Pickens, y'know, the SERIAL KILLER CULT LEADER. You've done crazy things but nothing as crazy as allowing him into this place." 
"If he wanted to kill us he would have done so already." Simon said as he moved passed Dennis to ask Jim "He didn't cause too much of a problem, right?" 
Before Jim could answer, Dennis argued "Simon you idiot! He doesn't just immediately kill people, he gains their trust first, especially if said person is rich." 
"You don't know what you're talking about. What happened with your relative was generations ago, people change over time. I highly doubt Jim want to kill everyone he meets." Simon argued back. Dennis glared at Jim once more and said "Whatever, we will talk about this later when he isn't around."
Dennis then walked away, Simon watched him go until he was out of sight before saying "Again, I am sorry about him. I don't know what got into him." 
"It's fine, I tend to get that a lot." Jim responded as Simon gave him a card and told him "Go do something, spend as much as you want with this. I'll take care of your cat." 
Jim took it and said "If that's what you want us to do then sure." 
The two then got ready to go back out into the town. It was a bright sunny day and it wasn't too hot, Jim was able to wear his coat and not overheat. They took their car back out and parked back at the park before heading back into the town. Turg was wearing the black hoodie again with the hood up to try not to draw too much attention to him, but they still got weird glances because of how Turg stood with his hands to his chest. Jim never thought it was weird, Turg was more comfortable like that so he never tried to make him stop. The streets were more crowded than they were the previous evening, which Turg didn't like. Turg stayed close to Jim with one hand holding his and the other still against his chest. Something then caught his attention and he stopped, causing Jim to stop too. Turg was looking through the window of a storefront at a dress. Jim looked at it too, it was bright red and he thought it looked nice. Turg then became embarrassed and tried to move on but Jim stopped him to ask "Do you like the dress?"
Turg nodded and asked "Jim don't mind, right?"
Jim smiled and replied "Of course not, you can express yourself however you want and I won't judge." 
The two then went into the store so Turg could try on the dress. While Jim waited for him outside the fitting room one of the employees started talking to him. 
"You with them?" The employee asked Jim, she was almost as tall as Jim and wore a mostly black uniform. Jim replied with "Yes, I am, and I am only here for him I am not getting anything." 
"I wasn't about to do the usual and ask you, rather I was going to ask you where you two are from because I have never seen you two before." The employee told Jim. 
"Oh, you know that town on the coast that got blown up? We're from there." Jim responded as other people in the shop suddenly looked at Jim. The employee then said "I heard about that, doomsday they call it, that must have been hell for you." 
Jim rubbed the back of his neck a bit while saying "Yeah, it sure was." 
"Certainly looks like you've been through hell and was fighting something, your coat is torn in some spots." A random old lady commented, to which Jim replied half jokingly "Yeah, I was fighting demons."
Some people laughed about what Jim said, believing it was a joke when it was true, but it was a long story that Jim didn't want to discuss with strangers. Jim then asked to change the subject slightly "So, do you guys get visitors often?"
"Not from where you're from, mainly from further east. Not many know this town exists and we prefer to keep it that way." The employee answered as Jim thought to himself "There is more further inland, good."
Turg then came out of the fitting room to show Jim, he was avoiding eye contact by staring at the floor and was holding his hands together. The dress was a dark red colour and dragged on the floor a bit. Jim smiled while blushing a little upon seeing Turg. The employee commented "That actually fit you." 
"That looks really good on you." Jim told Turg, who was smiling away. Jim then added "I mean it, I really do." 
Turg then looked up at Jim and continued smiling, he was too overwhelmed to speak. 
"So, do you like it?" Jim asked as he put his hands together. Turg nodded as he shook his hands around a bit. 
"Do you want to keep wearing it for now?" Jim asked Turg again. Turg didn't reply, instead he went back into the fitting room and Jim took that as a 'no, but later'. When he came back out he was back in his regular clothes and holding the dress. Jim paid for it and then they left. Turg didn't want to spend much longer in the town, he didn't like the crowds, so Jim figured he would find somewhere more quiet for him, like the park. 

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