Chapter 37

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Turg was standing at the entrance to the tunnel that used to be part of Jim's old property. He had his hair tied back, a white ribbon tied around his forehead, war paint on his face and was wearing torn clothing. From what Jim could see, he appeared to be glowing as well with a golden aura that surrounded him. The dots that were always floating around him were glowing a bright gold colour as well. 
"TURG NO!" Jim shouted at Turg upon recognizing him. 
"You again? I thought you died!" First Name exclaimed out of surprise. Turg didn't say anything, instead he started getting closer to them. First Name then said "I guess you have a death wish too."
First Name then tried his magic on Turg, but Turg was able to deflect it. First Name realized that his spells weren't effective against Turg and he would get hurt every time he touched Turg, so he went to grab Jim's machetes from the ground. Jim watched everything unfold as he tried to regain his own strength. First Name then started using the machetes against Turg, which was much more effective. Turg then grabbed First Name by the arm and started burning him with his own magic, which was rather ironic because he only knew healing spells that could also hurt First Name. First Name dropped the machetes and begged Turg to let go, but he did not. Eventually First Name scratched him across his face, causing Turg to let go. He healed himself and looked at Jim, who was still only just watching, he couldn't do anything else because he couldn't move still. Turg wanted to heal him but First Name got in the way and told Turg "Oh no, you aren't healing him. Only reason why he's not dead yet is so he can watch you die too."
"Get out of here Turg, save yourself." Jim also told Turg as he was able to lift himself off the ground a bit. Whatever spell First Name had used on him had partially paralyzed him for a few minutes. He was still in a lot of pain, could only see from one eye and was bleeding from his chest. Turg did not listen to Jim, instead he took the machetes and tossed them over to Jim before readying a spell. He then casted it onto First Name in his eyes, blinding him. First Name shouted in frustration and Turg took it as an opportunity to help Jim back up. Jim didn't know he could use light spells, but he probably learned it from someone who did. 
"Turg, you don't have to do this." Jim told Turg again before First Name regained his vision and targeted Jim. He tried to slash at Jim again, but Jim cut off his arm again before he could and Turg pushed him back. Turg then responded to Jim with "Turg knows. Turg still mad at you but also still cares."
"Fair enough." Jim said as First Name regenerated his arm and his eyes started glowing white. He then put his arms out and slowly lifted them as a ring of fire formed around them. It surrounded where the fence line used to be, which still gave them a lot of room. 
"Enough of this! All of this ends now! You two are very smart but you can't win this!" First Name exclaimed as the flames started getting higher. 
"What if we do?" Jim asked while Turg remained silent. 
"There is no 'what if' because you wont win!" First Name exclaimed again in response. He may have been a powerful demon but he still sounded and acted like a child. He then continued with "I waited so long for this moment and I am not letting some creature ruin it for me!" 
First Name then charged at Turg, who wasn't ready and was lifted off the ground briefly before dropping him back down. 
"WHY AND HOW CAN YOU CREATURES HURT ME?!" First Name shouted in frustration before locking his eyes on Jim. 
"Fine, guess I'll deal with him first." First Name then said as he tried to strike Jim again, but Turg had grabbed him by the tail and threw him away from Jim. 
"Now I know why some of us decided against having tails." First Name said as he got back up. He quickly went after Jim again, knocking one of his machetes out of his hands and taking it for himself. Before Turg could get a chance to defend Jim and for Jim to react, First Name used the machete to impale him through his stomach. He let go of the machete and left it in him before telling him "I'll be back for your soul."
Jim was in shock as he knelt down on the ground, he didn't want to take it out as it would make the bleeding worse, but he knew there was no way he was going to survive this. First Name then grabbed Turg again and flew up into the sky with him with the intention of dropping him and letting him fall to his death. Jim could only watch as he was finding it harder to breathe. Turg was still fighting First Name in the air, using his magic against him. Even touching Turg hurt First Name, but he tolerated it and was unaware that he was getting weaker the longer he stayed in Turg's aura. All Jim could see was a fuzzy glowing orb in the sky, but what was really going on was Turg readying his final blow against First Name. First Name let go of him before Turg could cast it, but as he fell he casted it at First Name. When it hit him there was a bright explosion that blinded Jim and caused his ears to start ringing. He didn't know what happened or if he was even still alive. When he was able to see and hear again the fire was gone, the air didn't smell of smoke anymore and the grass was green. His wounds had been healed somehow and he could see out of both eyes again, though he still had the machete stuck through him. There was no sign of First Name anymore, but there also being no sign of Turg worried Jim. Jim's vision continued getting more blurry as he could no longer sit upright. As he was beginning to lose his sight again, he saw Grim appear and approach him. Jim weakly reached out to him as his vision then faded to black. It was all over now, but at the cost of two lives. 

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