Chapter 16

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Beth's place was similar to Jim's, it was made out of shipping containers and random scrap material. Jim and Turg were left alone in one of them for the rest of the night, Jim didn't want to sleep because of his constant nightmares meanwhile Turg was using his lap as a pillow while he sat on the floor. Maxwell had left already, they had enough human interaction for one night. To pass the time, Jim dozed off and thought about various things, like plans for future schemes and how he's survived an apocalypse before. Jim then started stroking Turg's hair out of boredom, it was very messy and had a few knots that he was able to untangle with his fingernails. It was very long and still was very soft. The colour of Turg's hair made Jim wonder how old Turg was. He asked earlier and Turg didn't know, which made Jim even more curious about his age. Was Turg like him where he stopped aging a long time ago? Or was he just born with grey hair? Maxwell seemed very young and they had white hair, so maybe his species just has white to light grey hair. Jim still had a lot to learn about Turg, possibly the most interesting person he's ever come across. 
Eventually morning came and Turg woke up again. First thing Turg did when he saw Jim was smile at him and then poke the tip of his nose. 
"What was that for?" Jim asked Turg with genuine confusion. Turg replied "Turg don't know." 
"You don't know a lot of things it seems." Jim then said as he started rubbing his eyes. He then added "It's not really a bad thing though, but I would like to know some things about you." 
"Turg knows lots. Turg knows not to eat rocks." Turg responded as Jim couldn't help but smile back at him. Jim said "That is a good thing to know." 
Jim then asked Turg "What else do you know?" 
"Turg knows how to make ch-" Turg was about to say but Jim cut him off by saying "I know what you're going to say, no need to finish that sentence." 
"Does Jim?" Turg asked as Jim stood up, leaving Turg on the floor. Jim looked at Turg and tried to look serious but was having a hard time doing so, he wanted to laugh. Eventually he did laugh and replied "Maybe I shouldn't have asked. I'm sorry but that was the last thing I thought I would hear you say." 
"Did Jim have kids?" Turg asked as he remained on the floor while Jim stood over him. Jim answered "Yes, many, but they're all gone now. Some of them still want me dead though." 
"Turg did too. Turg was told to but Turg didn't want to." Turg then said as Jim then sat back down and asked "Are you okay?"
"Turg is okay. Why Jim ask?" Turg asked in response. Jim replied "You said you were told to have kids when you didn't want to, which is why I was concerned. I didn't either but at least I lost contact with all those people." 
"Don't worry about Turg. Happened long time ago. It is in past. Turg is happier now." Turg told Jim as he poked the tip of Jim's nose again while smiling. Jim gave him a weak smile and said "If you're fine now then I guess it doesn't matter." 
Turg then sat up and stretched his arms before saying "Turg hungry." 
"Of course you are." Jim responded as a woman entered the room. Both turned to look at her, she looked like a younger version of Beth with light brown hair. She said "You look terrible."
"Me or him?" Jim asked in response as he pointed to himself and then to Turg. The woman pointed at Jim and answered "You look terrible." 
"Thanks, you too." Jim said with a smile. The woman smiled back and told them "Whatever, if you two lovebirds or whatever need anything we are outside." 
"What did you call us?" Jim asked as he stood back up. The woman crossed her arms and leaned up against the wall and replied "I assumed you two are a couple because of how Turg talks about you." 
Jim then looked back at Turg, who was looking at the floor while blushing. Jim then said "We are not, this is all platonic." 
"Still, if you need us we are outside. We have food." The woman said before she then left the room and went outside. Turg immediately stood up and followed her outside. Jim did the same and when he looked outside he had a hard time adjusting to how bright it was. It was a sunny morning and the freshly fallen snow was reflecting that. There was a picnic table in their yard along with a barbecue, fire pit and machinery that Jim didn't recognize. Beth was sitting at the picnic table while someone, who Jim assumed was their child, was running around with Turg while the woman was preparing something over the fire. Jim chose to sit across from Beth and asked her "So, what things has Turg said about me?" 
"He didn't tell you?" Beth asked in response. Jim shook his head and Beth then answered "After we saved him he was very grateful and went on about how he missed you. He said that he loves you as well despite you apparently not feeling well. That's all he told us about you." 
Jim didn't know how to respond, instead he said "Yeah, I've got a lot going on and haven't been feeling the greatest." 
"You better not be hurting him." Beth told Jim who immediately responded "Oh no I am not hurting him, never intended to nor do I plan to." 
"I may have let you into my home but it doesn't mean I entirely trust you. I know what you're like, so don't try that shit with me." Beth told Jim while glaring at him. Jim then said "Everyone I've met here has either wanted to kill me, fuck me, or just tell me that they don't trust me. I get it, I have a bad reputation." 
"You killed Marcus, didn't you?" Beth then asked Jim. Jim answered with "It was either him or me." 
Beth then put her head in her hands and said "Of course you did." 
Jim then said "Well, I think we should probably get going. Thanks for finding Turg." 
"Whatever, just take what you need and get out." Beth said as she continued to hold her head in her hands. Jim then stood up and looked around for Turg, who was eating something by the fire with the woman and her son. Jim went over to him and told him "It's time to go, Turg." 
Turg seemed to be disappointed when he heard Jim tell him that. He didn't entirely want to leave. 
"You can bring that with you and you can come back later if you want." Jim then told Turg, even though at that point he had finished eating. Turg then stood up and said "Okay, Turg go back." 
They then left, their place wasn't too far away but the walk felt long to Jim. Suddenly he didn't feel right, he was feeling slightly dizzy and his head started to hurt, but Jim just assumed it was because of how bright it was. It quickly became worse and Turg started to take notice. 
"Is Jim okay?" Turg asked as he put one arm around Jim. Jim responded quietly "Not currently, I probably just need more water." 
Turg didn't say anything else, instead they continued all the way back to their place.

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