Chapter 32

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Jim managed to sleep through some of the night, the rest he spent getting sick and trying to sleep again, but he gave up after a while. Turg was still mad at him, but still cared enough to heal his minor injuries. Jim spent the rest of the day just chilling in a chair outside by the pool, which did not have a ladder. Kitty was outside with him, she had claimed the chair next to him and was sleeping. Eventually Turg joined him outside, no longer mad at Jim. He stood over Jim, casting a shadow over Jim as he stood in front of the sunset. 
"Good evening Turg." Jim greeted Turg as he continued to stare off into the horizon. Turg then said "Turg not mad anymore."
"Well, that's good." Jim responded as he turned to look at him. Turg was wearing his dress again but had his makeup done again, his hair was braided and he was wearing a flower crown with hot pink, yellow and blue arranged in that order. Jim then asked "Who did that?"
"Sasha and Kayla. Turg spent more time with them. Turg learned lots." Turg answered as he started fidgeting with something in his hands. It looked like a bracelet, but it was very twisty and Turg seemed to like playing with it. 
"What did you learn?" Jim asked Turg out of curiosity. Turg suddenly became excited and quickly replied with "Turg is pansexual." 
Jim smiled and said "I kinda already knew, but I am happy for you regardless and I still love you." 
"Turg knew Jim would still love Turg. Turg happy." Turg said as Jim sat up a bit to tell him "You also look absolutely beautiful right now, I have to say." 
Turg started blushing as he kneeled down to be at Jim's eye level. Turg then asked "Does Jim love everyone like Turg?"
"No, it's rare for me to develop romantic feelings for someone." Jim answered before quickly adding "I do love you though." 
Turg tilted his head a little before asking again "Jim don't like anyone?"
"No, I am just not romantically attracted to anyone normally. I do find people attractive still, I just don't really do relationships, just one night stands and I never talk to them again." Jim further explained to Turg before asking "Would you like to learn something about me?" 
Turg nodded, he was always willing to learn from Jim. 
"Alright, so basically I am bisexual, meaning I am attracted to more than one gender. I also tend to have multiple partners at once, but I don't love any of them, I am only after their money. Once I have what I want, I cut them off and move on. I've only ever developed romantic feelings for two people, Grim and you. Everyone else? I have already forgotten their names. Does that make any sense to you?" Jim elaborated to Turg who was giving him a confused look. Turg then asked "Jim won't do that to Turg, right?"
"I would never because I actually care about you." Jim told Turg as he put one hand on Turg's shoulder. Turg then hugged Jim and lifted him up off his chair. He then let go and Jim was now standing confused to why Turg did that. Turg put his fidget toy by Kitty and asked Jim "Can Jim dance?" 
Jim nodded and replied "Yeah, why do you ask?" 
"Turg want to dance." Turg answered as he put his hands out. Jim didn't say another word, he took Turg by his hands and pulled him close. With one arm wrapped around each other and the other holding the other's hand, the two started slow dancing to the sound of distant civilization and nature. They didn't need music, just each other. 
"Where did you learn to slow dance?" Jim asked as they continued. Turg answered "Turg don't know." 
"Well, you're better at this than I am." Jim told Turg as he put his head on Turg's chest. Jim then let Turg twirl around before reeling him back into his arms. Turg leaned back and Jim was holding him in place as the two locked eyes under the moonlight. Tension filled the air around them as Jim said "I'm so glad I met you."
"Turg feels the same." Turg responded as he started to hold onto Jim. Jim pulled him closer again and Turg kissed him until they both fell over. Jim laughed as Turg playfully pushed Jim off of him. Jim then said "Sorry, I got distracted."
Turg stood back up only to lift Jim up off the ground and tossed him into the pool. Turg then laughed at Jim as he told Turg "You could've at least warned me so I could take my clothes off." 
As Jim was climbing back out of the pool Simon came outside and said "What a way to ruin a moment, by throwing your partner into a pool."
"Turg felt the need." Turg explained himself as Jim took off his coat and tossed it over by the chairs while saying "It's all good though, I kinda deserved it." 
Turg then tried to push Jim back in, but Jim was prepared and didn't fall in that time. Instead, Jim tried to push Turg in, but it resulted in the two playfully fighting until one ended up in the water. Simon then joined in and pushed Jim back into the water. 
"Alright fine, you win." Jim said after resurfacing. Simon told him "I would push Turg in too but I don't want to ruin his makeup." 
Turg took off his flower crown, gave it to Simon and ruined his makeup himself by jumping into the pool with Jim. Most of it had come off, only the lipstick remained. Jim then asked Simon "You want to join us?"
"I would rather not, I only came out here to let you know that you got yourself into trouble last night." Simon answered as Turg said "Kitty join."
Kitty had indeed joined them, Kitty was swimming in the pool with them. Jim grabbed Kitty and put her back on land only for her to jump back in. 
"Silly cat, she just loves the water it seems." Jim said before then responding to Simon with "Oh right, I almost forgot, but whatever the man did I am sure he deserved it."
"Ah don't worry about it, I've already dealt with it, I was just letting you know in case you forgot." Simon told Jim before he added "I run this town, you can get away with anything here so long as you're with me."
Simon then winked at Jim before heading back inside, Jim didn't know how to feel about that but he knew that Simon was possibly flirting with him. Jim didn't mind that, he did want to inherit the manor somehow. Jim looked back at Turg, who was holding Kitty above the water and telling her "Kitty like water. Kitty not like other cats. Turg love Kitty the same." 
Turg then gently placed Kitty back in the water as Jim climbed out of the pool again, he was starting to get cold and tired anyways. Turg did the same shortly after, bringing Kitty with him. His braid had come undone and he shook himself off like Kitty was doing. While overwhelmed with a feeling he couldn't quite describe or understand, Jim explained to Turg "Y'know Turg, you make me have feelings I haven't felt in such a long time and I don't know how to describe it, but I love it. With you I can feel again, if you will. I don't know what I did to deserve someone like you, but I won't question it." 
Turg smiled as he rushed over to hug Jim. He then responded with "Turg loves Jim too. Some people don't. But they don't deserve Turg." 
"That's right, and their loss honestly." Jim told Turg as Turg then said "Turg could spend forever with Jim. Turg want to do so much."
"Well you're in luck because I can't die of old age, I stopped aging years ago." Jim responded. He wouldn't mind spending an eternity with Turg, and maybe he could. Jim just hoped nothing horrible would happen. 

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