End Notes

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Hey, thank you so much for getting this far in my very angsty Call Me Kevin fan-fiction based off of the soft reboot of the Sims 4 series but Turg X Jim leaning. It does mean a lot to me as a writer. This is my first time showing the cult/community my writing skills as normally I am just a fan-artist and I do want to do more. Mainly a part two to this but from Turg's POV, but we'll see if that happens. 
Now I just want to give some credits to people because it wasn't just me who worked on this, this was all a combination of ideas from several people. 

Character credits:
Jim Pickens, Turg, First Name and Dennis Racket (well, mainly the name) were created by Call Me Kevin. 
Jasper and Phoenix were created by my friend first_name_pickens on Instagram. 
Bailey and Bella Ace was created by my partner urpdragon on Instagram, though I have partial ownership of them. 
Maxwell was created by me and is, until proven otherwise, the first CMK fan character. 
And every other character not from the CMKCU was created by me only for this story. 

I would also like to credit the following for giving me ideas and concepts for this that I did end up using:
first_name_pickens (IG)
urpdragon (IG)
CallMeKaze98 (Twitter)
cokemilke (IG)
Several other cmktwt members who I can't remember who said what
And one of my friends who doesn't have a creditable social media but his name Jack so shoutout to you man 
CMK too I guess for creating what inspired this. 

I started writing this originally in April 2021 with the plan originally just being a written version of the soft reboot but Turg X Jim leaning but chose to rewrite it a month later after deciding to develop on this concept more. I originally only wrote this for myself and my close friends, but they encouraged me to publish it so I did on June 5, 2021, 1 year after the soft reboot began. I published the first 10 chapters and people seemed to really like them, which really motivated me to continue. Now it is done exactly 4 months later, this so far has been the longest story I've written, though my next project will be a lot longer. I'm glad you all enjoyed this and got more people shipping Turg X Jim, when I became an active community member this was the ship that was rivalling Turg X Default, but I watched it die and me become one of the only people still providing Turg X Jim content. It will most likely never be canon, but it is in this AU I've created. So, enjoy :)
I really said "You know what this community needs? A whole-ass novel that ships a serial killer sim and a mii character together set in the apocalypse written by a teenager who is also named Kevin." 
And I did it. 
The things I do for this community.

Also sorry for the random gaps in some chapters, specifically dream sequences, Wattpad kept doing that and I couldn't fix it no matter how hard I tried. 

While writing this I have gotten asked questions (mainly off-site) about it that I also wanted to answer here:
Q: Is Turg trans? (Referring to him using any pronouns and having faded top scars)
A: Yes. He is transmasc non binary actually but just says he is just Turg. Before you get mad, it was never confirmed that he was cis either. Besides, there's a lot of people in this community who all headcanon Turg as trans. Doesn't change how he is.
Q: Is Turg gay?
A: No, he's pansexual. 
Q: Isn't First Name not Jim's kid?
A: First Name's biological parents are Ryland Oakley and an unknown alien, Jim just adopted him therefore he is Jim's kid. 
Q: Why does Jim feel out of character in this?
A: Because he is. You would be a different person if a demon stole half of your soul too. Besides, I thought it was a nice change from him being the overly charismatic and overpowered man he was by just nerfing his abilities in the beginning. 
Q: Where can I read this?
A: Only here on Wattpad, I am not publishing it on other sites. 
Edit: Not anymore. It is on Ao3 under the same title now. I want to move off of Wattpad. 
Q: Why so dark?
A: As if the canon isn't also dark. Granted, this is a lot darker than the canon and it makes things more interesting. 
Q: Will you add Default?
A: In the possible sequel, yes. She was originally planned to be in this but there were already too many characters for me to keep track of and she wouldn't have played a huge role, so I left her out. 
Edit: Default is in part 2. 

I'll add onto this if I get asked more questions that I figure I should add here. If you get notified of updates from this story then it's likely just this section or me going back and making edits I may have missed or adding drawings on the chapters. 

And with that I thank you again for reading this Turg X Jim shippers or people who just wanted to read a very long CMK fan-fiction :)
If Call Me Kevin reads this then I will add a bonus scene. 

Part 2 is complete, can be read here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/277374419-the-new-world-eclipse Or just on my profile. 
Ao3 version: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2721676 

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