Chapter 17

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A few hours had passed and Jim still did not feel any better. He was sitting at the table with Turg, who was doing his best to help. Jim had a glass of water that was just snow from outside that melted. After taking a sip he stared into it and said "What's in this?"
"Water." Turg answered. Jim smiled and then said "That's pretty wild." 
"Turg thinks Jim should sleep." Turg suggested as Jim put the glass down and replied "Jim thinks not."
"Jim needs sleep." Turg continued as Jim stretched his arms while saying "Fuuuuuuuuuuck no because every time I do I get nightmares."
"Is Jim okay?" Turg asked, he was very concerned about Jim. Jim stopped stretching his arms and smiled while answering with "No, I am not. I don't think I ever have been, but y'know that's just how it be." 
Turg didn't say anything else, instead he gave Jim a concerned look as Jim tried to lean back in his chair but ended up going too far. Jim laughed and remained on the floor while Turg stood up to go look over him. Turg put his hands on his hips and looked down at Jim with a disappointed look on his face. Jim stared back up at him with a smile and asked "Why are you so mad?"
"Jim not listening." Turg answered. Jim laughed again and said "I'm Jim Pickens, I don't have to listen to anyone. I am a God." 
Turg then grabbed Jim from underneath his arms and lifted him back up off the floor. Jim stood for a few seconds in silence before saying "Either you are just very strong or I have become lighter." 
"Jim. Sleep. Please." Turg tried to tell Jim again but Jim crossed his arms and replied "You can't tell me what to do." 
Jim then turned away from Turg and said "My new friend doesn't tell me what to do, isn't that right, uh, coat hanger." 
Jim then went over to the coat hanger and put one hand on it while continuing "You understand me, despite being an inanimate object." 
"Jim acting weird. Turg worried." Turg said as Jim turned to face Turg again. He replied "I don't know what mood this is but I feel great right now." 
Jim then took his hoodie off and said "I don't need clothes. They're holding me back from my true potential." 
"It is cold. Don't do that." Turg told Jim as he then took his shirt off. Jim then paused, looked Turg directly in his eyes and said "You're one to talk, I've seen you be shirtless." 
Turg then grabbed Jim and lifted him up again. Jim shouted "HOLY SHIT YOUR HANDS ARE FREEZING!" 
Turg then brought him into the bedroom and placed him onto the bed and demanded "Jim sleep. Now." 
"No." Jim responded while crossing his arms. Turg then sat beside him and asked "Is something bothering Jim?" 
"So many things, but they don't bother me as much anymore." Jim answered as he stretched his arms again. Turg then started fidgeting with his hands before asking "Is Jim hungry?"
"Hungry? I'm feckin starving! But I kinda got used to it, have to conserve food in the apocalypse. This ain't my first one." Jim answered while Turg looked at him with genuine concern. Jim then said "Zombies, Turg. It happened a long time ago now." 
Turg nodded and then said "Turg will find something." 
"Just as long as it's edible I guess." Jim responded quietly as Turg stood up and tried to leave the room. Jim grabbed Turg's arm and said "No, don't go yet."
Turg paused and just looked at Jim as he continued "I don't think I should be left alone when I am like this." 
"Is Jim like this a lot?" Turg asked as he sat back down. Jim answered "Not often, usually happens when I don't get enough sleep for a while. But I can't, I just get tormented in my dreams. That's my current problem, but I'll pass out eventually." 
"Turg staying help?" Turg asked Jim again as Jim let go of his arm. Jim nodded before replying "Somehow, yes." 
Turg didn't say anything else, instead he smiled and laid down next to him. The bed was just barely big enough for the both of them. Jim then said "I didn't ask for you to join me but whatever, I'll accept it this one time." 
Turg then wrapped his arms around Jim and pulled him closer, his hands were still cold but the rest of him was warm. Jim didn't know how to react so he just accepted it. 
"You're really warm." Jim commented as he felt vibrating from Turg's chest. He then asked "Are you fecking purring like a cat?"
"Turg is warming Jim." Turg answered as Jim started to feel sleepy. Eventually he did fall asleep. He didn't have any dreams, which was better than having another nightmare. 
It was the next day when Jim woke up again, he was alone in the room again and it was midday again. Jim sat up and stretched before getting out of bed, he was still feeling a bit dizzy but he was no longer tired, which was rare for him. He put on his blue sweater vest but left it unbuttoned and left the room to see Turg sitting at the table doodling in some kind of sketchbook. Jim went over to him to see what he was drawing. It was just a page full of figures in different poses, the sketches were very messy and had no other details. Turg looked up at Jim and said "Turg can draw." 
"Yeah, and you're good at it too. I can't draw." Jim responded before asking "Where'd you find that?"
"Turg was given it. Turg also got food for Jim." Turg answered as he grabbed another bag from under the table. It was different from the one Jim had which seems to have disappeared, Turg most likely lost it. Turg pulled out something wrapped in tin foil and set it on the table. Jim sat down and asked again "Where did you find the food?" 
"Beth. Turg also gave them the dirty clothes to clean." Turg replied as he continued to doodle in his sketchbook. Jim unwrapped the tin foil while saying "You can keep visiting them I guess, I only left because things got too awkward." 
Jim then started eating what was inside the tin foil, it was some kind of breakfast burrito but in the afternoon, though time has little meaning to someone who can seemingly live forever. Meanwhile Turg started another page and started drawing Jim. When Jim was finished he asked Turg "What are you drawing now?" 
Turg glanced up at Jim and smiled before looking back down at his drawing. Jim got out of his seat and went over to Turg to try to get a better look, but Turg covered it and said "No. Jim can't see yet."
"Alright, sorry." Jim responded as he sat back down. He then said "Y'know, I used to have a cult full of artists who would draw or paint all day and then I would sell whatever they made." 
"Turg don't sell art. Turg draw for fun." Turg replied. 
"Yes, I didn't mean to imply that I was going to sell your drawings." Jim then told Turg before changing the subject with "Anyways, I need to ask you something." 
Turg lifted his head up and focused on Jim, waiting for him to continue. 
"I can't believe I am admitting this but, I don't think I am able to be on my own anymore. I have gotten so much weaker and I am not who I used to be. So, could you perhaps come with me whenever I leave?" Jim asked Turg. Turg thought about it for a few seconds before answering "Turg will go with Jim." 
"Good, because you are a lot more helpful than I originally thought you'd be." Jim said before adding "Now, another question I meant to ask earlier but forgot until now."
Turg went back to drawing but was still listening. 
"I heard that you said you love me, is that true or were those people just making stuff up?" Jim asked. Turg stopped drawing and started smiling while blushing. Jim then said "By the way you're acting it sounds like it is true." 
"Turg does. But Turg knows it is impossible. Turg sorry." Turg answered finally. Jim asked "What do you mean by that?" 
"Turg was told Turg can only love girls. But Turg love everyone. Turg love you." Turg explained while he continued to draw and avoided eye contact with Jim. 
"First of all, whoever told you that is wrong. Take it from me, I've had relationships with guys, gals and those who aren't either. Second, what about me do you love? You've seen what I am capable of." Jim responded as Turg then stopped again to say "Turg don't know. Turg do know that Jim looks good. Jim is also kind to Turg. Jim doesn't judge Turg. Jim doesn't try to change Turg."
"I agree about the looks part, but I don't see any point in trying to change who you are. Out of everyone I've met in my life, you're the most interesting, and I was married to the Grim Reaper. I can still understand what you're saying even if you speak differently." Jim explained to Turg. Turg then asked "Does Jim love Turg?"
"I'm sorry, I am not ready to enter a relationship yet. It's rather complicated." Jim answered Turg's question. Turg then said "Jim and Turg can be friends too." 
"Yes, exactly. But who knows, maybe I will start feeling the same way in the future if we both live." Jim replied. Turg then turned the sketchbook so it was facing the right way for Jim and pushed it towards him. Turg had drawn him, it was a sketched portrait similar to the painted ones he once had but more stylized. 
"Turg draw Jim." Turg said with a big smile while Jim tried to think of something to say. He loved it for sure. 
"I love it, Turg. I'll have to eventually find a frame for it and hope it doesn't get damaged." Jim eventually said, he was smiling too. 
"Turg can draw another." Turg said as he took the sketchbook back. Jim then put his hand over Turg's and told him "Alright so, tomorrow I want to go back to the abandoned mall to check out something I still want to check. Last time I was there I was attacked but I think they may have been hiding out there, that's why I want to check to see if they have anything useful. Your job will just to make sure I don't do something stupid or get hurt. Got it?"
Turg nodded. 
"Good, but for now, let's just relax the best we can. We've been running around a lot lately, we should take a break." Jim said as Turg started drawing on another page. Jim then added "I promise I won't let anyone hurt you again." 

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