Chapter 36

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It was a long journey back, just over a day of going without stopping. Jim was regretting not sleeping when he had the chance, or bringing food and water, but it was too late to turn back. As he continued further, things started looking more dead and the air smelled of smoke. The sun was setting by the time he got back and decided to stop. He stopped where he and Turg once stood where they could see the entire town, but it was even more destroyed with every building that was once standing now burnt to the ground. Some of the fires were still burning and the smoke making the sun and the sky turn red. While he was taking it all in he heard a raspy voice from behind him say "Look, fresh meat."
Jim then got off of the motorcycle and turned to see who was talking. There were two cursed children crawling towards him on all fours, he didn't recognize either of them though. They both had horns and spikes all over their bodies, long tails, and animal-like legs. 
"Yes, this one isn't all skin and bone either." The other cursed child said, they too had a raspy voice that sounded almost the same as the other. 
"I'm sure boss won't mind if we eat this one." The cursed child said to the other one, who nodded in agreement. Jim grabbed both machetes and didn't bother trying to reason with them. One of them jumped up at him and grabbed onto him, but Jim stabbed both machetes through them and they turned into dust. The other tried to do the same, but Jim stabbed them through the head and turned them into dust as well. 
"It was seriously that easy? Or is just First Name overpowered?" Jim asked himself in his thoughts. He didn't have time to continue thinking about it as he then saw a figure approaching in the distance from the smoke. Once they got closer, Jim instantly recognized them. It was Turg. Jim put his machetes back in his coat and ran over to him. Turg seemed to be happy to see Jim too as Jim hugged him and told Turg "I'm so glad you're okay and I am so sorry about everything."
Turg hugged him back and responded "I missed you too, Jim."
"I mean it I am so sorry I hurt you." Jim continued as he tried not to cry again. Turg then said "It's okay, I forgive you."
Jim then realized that something was off about Turg. Turg didn't talk like that and he always felt warm. Jim then let go of Turg and said "Wait, Turg doesn't talk like that."
Turg then smiled and replied with First Name's voice "Darn, thought I would've tricked you."
He then transformed back into his demon form, but remained the same height as Turg. Jim then felt fear as he became light headed slightly. Jim glared at him and aggressively asked "Where is he?"
"Last I saw he was fighting off a hoard of my minions. It's unlikely he survived so he might as well be dead. Sorry man." First Name answered as he gave Jim a very toothy grin. Jim didn't want to believe him, but part of him knew that it was most likely true. Jim got on the ground and quietly said "No, it can't be. I was too late."
First Name then told him "Good riddance I say, he and his species were putting a stop to my plan, but we outsmarted them."
Jim grabbed both machetes again and sprung back up shouting "YOU LITTLE SHITS KILLED HIM!"
Jim tried to strike him, but First Name quickly dodged his attack and sprouted a pair of black feathered wings from his back. He grabbed Jim and flew off to another location, dropping him down in an open area covered in ash and charred remains of buildings. First Name landed next to him and explained "This is where you summoned me and me existing in this world allows all the others to come and go. When they turn to dust they are simply regaining their strength, except for me. When I leave, they go with me."
First Name paused for a few seconds before continuing "But when you die you get revived by Grim, so I'd say we are even."
"You revived me too." Jim pointed out as he stood up off the ground. First Name nodded and responded "I did because you are supposed to be killed by me."
First Name then paced around a bit while continuing to explain "When I kill you, I claim your soul and I do whatever I want with you, which is exactly what I am going to do."
First Name then tried to slash him with his claws, but Jim was faster with his own blades. Jim cut First Name's hand off and tried to run, but First Name regenerated his hand and flew after Jim. Jim then stopped and spun around to take a slash at his chest, which caused First Name to recoil a bit. 
"Maybe I underestimated how good you are with those." First Name said as he healed himself. Jim responded "You took all my other abilities besides a spell that isn't effective against you." 
Jim then slowly backed away from First Name, he was terrified and all shaky. 
"Glad to see you're terrified of me because that's how I felt about you my whole life." First Name then told Jim as he started approaching Jim again. Jim tried to slash him again once he got close, but First Name moved too quickly. Using his claws, First Name slashed Jim across his chest and then part of his face with his other hand. Before Jim could react, First Name then grabbed him and flew up in the air, causing Jim to lose the machetes. Jim could only see from one eye now, but there wasn't much to see anyways. First Name then tossed him up and threw a spell at him. Jim didn't know what it was, but it caused everything to hurt. First Name let Jim fall to the ground, which he somehow survived. First Name landed next to him again as Jim said "Please, stop. No more."
"You've given up?" First Name then asked Jim. Jim replied "There's no point in trying, you're much stronger than I am." 
"And you're so much weaker than I remember." First Name said as he started readying another one of his spells, the one that had taken part of Jim's soul nearly two years ago. 
"STOP!" Jim heard someone shout, he recognized their voice. First Name did indeed stop but only to see who was yelling at him. It was Turg. 

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