Chapter 40

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"IT'S NOT FAIR! I LIVED A HORRIBLE LIFE BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOU JUST GET TO CONTINUE LIVING WHILE I STAY DEAD?! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO DIE!" First Name ranted, he was no longer in his demon form and was back to his human form, though as a ghost. Jim was back in the dream void again with him, but he wasn't afraid of First Name anymore. First Name started stomping around as he continued yelling "IF IT WASN'T FOR THAT CREATURE YOU CALL A PARTNER I WOULD'VE HAD YOUR SOUL! AND OF COURSE GRIM BRINGS HIM BACK TOO BECAUSE YOU LOVE HIM! I AM SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW!"
"Should've killed me the first chance you had." Jim told First Name before adding "But that mistake led to your downfall."

"You already did though." Jim replied. 
"Serves you right you little shit." Jim said as First Name continued "I WILL COME BACK! I SWEAR I WILL!"
Jim was going to consider that an empty threat but the last time First Name made threats like that the world ended. 
"You watch your back, mister." First Name said after he finally stopped shouting, "I will get my way."
Jim jumped awake as he quickly looked around to see he was outside still in the old park with Turg. It was now autumn, the trees had only just regrown their leaves and were losing them already. It had been three months since Turg saved everyone from First Name's reign of terror. Life was coming back to the town with plant life regrowing, rain falling and people returning to help rebuild. 
"Jim have another nightmare?" Turg asked as Jim didn't even remember falling asleep. Jim nodded and replied "Yeah, but it was just a dream." 
Turg was wearing the red dress Jim bought him and in full makeup again. Jim however was just wearing a plain dark blue hoodie and black sweatpants. He was crouched down next to Jim as he sat back up and let his eyes adjust to the sunlight. 
"Jim fell asleep. But Turg didn't want to wake Jim. Jim seemed tired." Turg said to Jim as he stretched his arms and then laid back down. He took a deep breath and said "I am, even though it's been a few months now I still haven't recovered fully. Don't think I ever will, despite your efforts." 
Turg then asked "Jim hurting again?"
"No, just tired and starting to think that maybe this is more serious." Jim answered as Turg started gathering some leaves around Jim. 
"What are you doing?" Jim asked Turg, changing the subject. Turg then threw the leaves on top of Jim and said "Turg burying Jim."
"What for?" Jim asked again as Turg continued to put leaves on him. Turg didn't respond, instead he started laughing to himself. Jim smiled as he grabbed some of the leaves and threw them at him. Turg did the same back at Jim before running off. Jim quickly got back up to chase after him with some leaves. Turg spun around and put his arms out in self defence as Jim threw more leaves at him. The two then started play fighting in the leaves that turned into them cuddling in a leaf pile. 
"You two having fun in there?" Jim heard Turg's sister, Phoenix, ask them. Jim quickly crawled out and replied "We were until we realized we were being watched."
"I wasn't watching I just stumbled upon you two." Phoenix said. She was around the same height as Turg, had big fluffy white hair, same skin tone as Turg, and floating dots in the same pattern as Turg's. She was also wearing a red dress with red gloves and a silver necklace with a crescent moon inside a diamond as the pendant. 
"Whatever, father wants to see you Turg, Jim can come too if he wants." Phoenix told them as she turned around and started heading towards the docks, Turg and Jim following her. Trying to start a conversation, Jim decided to ask "So I've been meaning to ask, but how long have you all been in town for? Like, before doomsday because I've never seen you people before until I met Turg." 
"Our family was only here a few years before everything went to shit. Don't know about the other families though. I wasn't born in this realm but Turg was." Phoenix answered Jim's question before elaborating "We're from the magic realm, which I assume you are familiar with considering you're a spellcaster."
"Turg never been there." Turg said as Phoenix then said "Yeah, because our mother hated you for some reason."
"Turg never liked mother." Turg then said as Jim responded "I've also been to the magic realm as well but I never saw any of you there either."
"Then you were with the other human spellcasters that call that realm home I guess, we don't interact often. Father says humans are not advanced enough to be on our level or whatever." Phoenix told Jim.
"Jasper seems to dislike humans it seems, I mean I do too but still." Jim said again. Phoenix responded "He's been alive long enough to watch humanity fall apart more times than he can count."
"Bet I was the cause of a few of those." Jim jokingly said but Phoenix gave him a look of disapproval and told him "In fact you are, we are well aware of everything you've done. My personal favourite was the pufferfish restaurant, that was quite hilarious." 
Jim then stopped for a second as he tried to think of a response, but he couldn't, so he chose to stay silent the rest of the journey while Turg and Phoenix talked. 
Once they arrived where Jasper was waiting for them, which was at their place on the docks, he greeted them by saying "Ah, there you three are. I've been waiting."
"Took me a while to find them." Phoenix said as she went to go stand next to her father. 
"Where have you two been all day?" Jasper then asked the two as Jim replied "Just hanging out together."
"I see, but I didn't get my eldest to go searching for the youngest for me to just ask about your day. I just have something I want to give my son before I go." Jasper then said. 
"You're leaving?" Jim asked as Turg approached Jasper. 
"Not forever." Jasper replied as he pulled something out of his coat pocket. He handed it to Turg and told him "Here, I want you to have this."
It was a necklace similar to Phoenix's but gold with a crescent moon inside a diamond shape. Turg held it in his hands as he just looked at it while Jasper explained to him "It was going to be for Phoenix but she insisted that you have it because of what you did, giving your life to save everyone else's and even bringing back a few. I always knew you were capable of doing great things and you make me so proud." 
Jasper then took it again but only to put it on Turg. Once it was on it started glowing and Jasper continued "This will allow you to travel from this realm to the magic realm, if you want. If not then I guess it's just a cool piece of jewelry. Do not lose it though. Protect it with your life."
Jasper then looked at Jim and told him "You do the same, make sure nobody takes it or it isn't lost." 
"Will do." Jim replied as Turg said "Turg thought only important members could wear these."
"You are. You saved the world, that's makes you worthy. What you did that night will forever be remembered by us." Jasper replied to Turg. Jasper looked at Jim again and said "And as for you."
Everything then turned black and white as time seemed to be at a standstill, but Jim was still able to move and he was still in colour along with Jasper. 
"I know I threatened to kill you when we first met, but I now know who you are, which didn't really help but whatever. Turg told me that you brought him back to life after he died the first time, which is why I can't stay mad at you. You did hurt him but he forgave you, meaning I do too." Jasper began explaining to Jim as he slowly approached him. 
"I knew that not everyone would accept him but he would find the ones who would, and he did because he found you. Never thought my son would fall for a human who's a serial killer." Jasper continued as he stood in front of Jim and took his hand. He then finished with "Because of what you've done for him I want to give you a gift too because I consider you worthy of it, that's if you want it."
"What are you wanting to give me?" Jim asked as Jasper took out a blade from his coat.
"How would you feel about being the first human, that I am aware of, to be able to use our magic? I recall you mentioning to Turg that he should teach you it." Jasper asked Jim as he held the blade close to Jim's hand. 
"If you mean the healing magic stuff then yes I would, but what's the knife for?" Jim answered with another question. 
"I've never done this before, but let's hope this works. Close your eyes and do not open them until I say you can." Jasper responded but didn't answer Jim's question. Jim chose to remain silent as he then closed his eyes. He then felt a sharp pain from his hand for a few seconds until it was suddenly gone. After about thirty seconds Jasper told Jim to open his eyes again and Jim saw that some of his veins were glowing. He looked at them for a few seconds before saying "What the hell?" 
"That'll go away in a few minutes, but now in a few days you should be able to heal yourself and others. Or you'll get an infection and you will need immediate medical attention." Jasper told Jim as he continued to look at his arm as the glowing stopped. 
"You gave me some of your blood, didn't you?" Jim asked Jasper again who nodded in response. 
"Remember though, it is finite. Use it too much and it'll cost you. Because you're a human it might not be so bad for you, you will most likely just lose the ability. Still, use it responsibly." Jasper told Jim while standing back a bit. He then unfroze time and everything was in colour again. 
"Well, that's all I wanted to do here so I'll be going now." Jasper said as a portal opened behind him. Turg then hugged Jasper as he and Phoenix formed a group hug while Jim stood and watched, confused about what had just happened. Turg then reached out his arm to Jim and said "Join us Jim."
Jim did just that and joined them. Once everyone let go Jasper told Jim "Y'know, if you two ever get married you're welcome to join our family in the magic realm."
"Thanks but I think it's still too early to consider that." Jim responded as Phoenix and Jasper stepped into the portal. 
"Still, you're always welcome in the Turgson family." Jasper said as the portal then closed on them, leaving only empty space. 
"And I thought my family was weird." Jim commented as Turg said "Turg's family likes magic."
"Yeah, speaking of that. Your father can apparently freeze time and give me the ability to do your magic." Jim told Turg as he started holding Turg's hand. 
"Jim wanted to know how." Turg said in response. Jim then looked at Turg's necklace he got and saw it was still glowing. He then said "This is pretty cool, must be very valuable to your kind if it's only given to those considered worthy or whatever."
Turg only nodded in response. Jim then looked up to the sky to see that the sun was setting but it was still cloudy. He thought of something he could do and asked Turg "You wanna see something cool?"
Turg rather excitedly nodded as Jim then asked "Are you afraid of heights?"
"Maybe." Turg answered. Jim took that as a 'I am willing to try whatever you are wanting to do' and summoned his broomstick. Turg then asked "Where Jim going?"
Jim then hopped onto it and replied "You'll see, you hop on too." 
Turg tried but fell off the first time, though managed to fit on the second try. Jim then told him "Now you hold onto me and don't let go. If I go too high tell me and I'll stop." 
Turg then wrapped his arms around Jim and held onto him tightly. Jim then flew up in the air as Turg closed his eyes to avoid looking down. He went through the clouds, which weren't very thick but they were still quite low, and once he was above them he could see the sea of glowing clouds with the moon and stars above. The sky was a gradient from orange to dark blue with some clouds still above them. It was beautiful. Turg opened his eyes too and saw it as well, his necklace started shining like the moon, which was also in a crescent. While Turg was taking it all in Jim said "Don't worry, we won't spend too long up here. After a while it gets too cold and too hard to breathe." 
Turg didn't say anything, he was still taking it all in. 
"I used to do this with Grim before doomsday." Jim mentioned as Turg said "It is pretty up here."
"Very." Jim responded as Turg then asked "Would Jim consider marriage?"
"To who?" Jim asked Turg in response. 
Turg then was silent for a few seconds before shyly answering "To Turg?"
Jim smiled and said "Maybe someday, but let's just focus on now."
"What's happening now?" Turg asked Jim again. 
"Well right now we're high up in the sky getting a good view of the sunset. But I was thinking maybe we could do some stuff together, there are some places I want to take you and we can do that now." Jim answered as Turg said "Turg would like that."
"I thought you would, there's so much I want to do together. The world has changed so much since we met, for better and for worse. But thinks will be better for now on, I will make sure of it." Jim responded before adding "Welcome to the new world." 

The end.

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