Chapter 14

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Jim woke up on the floor next to the fireplace, which had burned out, and felt slightly better. He didn't have another nightmare or a dream, unless he forgot it already. The sun was high in the sky already and it was still quite cold inside. Jim then stood back up and brought the blanket back into the bedroom to toss it back onto the bed. It was eerily quiet, normally Turg would have come to check on him by now but there was just silence that was only broken by the wind and ocean outside. Jim didn't question it though, he just assumed Turg was sleeping in another room. Instead he decided to change clothes again into something warmer, which ended up being all black. Black socks, sweatpants, shirt, hoodie, and gloves. He then left the bedroom and announced "Turg, I am going out again if you can hear me." 
There was no response. Jim then asked "Turg? Can you hear me from wherever you are?"
Still no response, just silence. Jim decided to investigate by climbing up the ladder to where he usually was hanging out. The upper level was mostly empty besides for a couch that faced towards a giant window that faced the sea. Turg was not there though, he had vanished. Jim then went back down and noticed that his shoes and coat were missing. Turg had left. 
"So, he did decide to leave me. Smart." Jim said in his thoughts before then realizing "Wait, he can't fight, has a bounty, and can't seem to go longer than six hours without eating." 
Jim then put his shoes on, grabbed the machetes from his bloodstained coat and checked around to see if there was any food left. There was not, and the bag was missing too. Jim then was about to head out the door before thinking "Wait, why am I going after him? He left on his own free will. Granted, he took the remaining food supply with him, but I do need that back."  
Jim then left and figured he would follow his footprints that led away from the docks. As he left he heard gunshots in the distance, but figured it was related to something else. The path was very windy as Turg seemed to be unable to walk in a straight line. As Jim continued to follow the path the sky clouded over once again and the wind became colder, Jim could tell it was going to snow again later and was beginning to regret only going out with a hoodie instead of an actual coat as he put his hood up. There was still time before the snow would inevitably cover up the trail but Jim picked up his pace anyways. Turg seemed to be going everywhere through every possible path through old neighbourhoods and alleys. While he was going down one of the alleys he was stopped by a throwing knife suddenly shooting past him and into the wooden structure next to him. Jim then turned to look at where the knife came from to see Maxwell sitting on top of a fence with another knife in their hand.
"You again?" Jim asked Maxwell as he put one hand on one of his machetes, which he had stabbed through both pant pockets to hold. 
"Wait, take your hood off sir." Maxwell told Jim as he did just that. Maxwell then looked surprised and said "You're not Marcus or Antony, you are Jim Pickens."
"Yes I am, and if you want to fight then let's get this over with." Jim responded as he pulled out one machete and pointed at Maxwell with it. 
"I'd rather not, I was mostly after the two individuals who keep trying to sell me, unless that's your intention with me and your friend." Maxwell said as they hopped off the fence and wandered over to where their knife landed to collect it. Jim then put his machete back and asked "Speaking of that, have you seen Turg anywhere?"
"Is he missing?" Maxwell asked Jim in response and Jim immediately replied "He left without telling me and I'm worried about him."
Maxwell then crossed their arms and looked at Jim while saying "You never came across as someone who would care that much about someone else." 
"Listen, I am going to continue following his trail before it gets covered up and you can join me if you wish." Jim told Maxwell as he continued down the alley. Maxwell did not join him, instead they replied "Alright, better hurry because the snow is coming fast." 
Jim then put his hood back up and noticed that more footprints had appeared. It looked like a group of people had found Turg and either took him or Turg willingly joined them. Maxwell then ran up to Jim and pointed out "Looks like someone found him already."
Jim was about to say something but was cut off by Maxwell adding "Likely people who want to sell him or use him. Follow me, I know where he might be." 
"I would rather follow the trail." Jim objected as he tried to continue following it but Maxwell stopped him and told Jim "I've lived here all my life, I know a few shortcuts." 
"You can take your shortcuts, I would rather follow the trail." Jim told Maxwell as he moved passed them and continued to follow the trail. Maxwell crossed their arms again and said "Alright, have it your way. You are the Dear Leader." 
"That's a name I haven't heard in a long time." Jim said in his thoughts as Maxwell went right up beside Jim and asked "So, why do you care about Turg? I thought you didn't care about anyone."
"Well I'll feel bad if I just abandoned him, he can't defend himself and is always hungry it seems. He also keeps me alive." Jim answered as a few snowflakes started falling. Maxwell nodded and said "That's very unlikely of you, but do be careful. Our healing magic is limited and if we use it too much we will either just become super exhausted, go into some kind of coma or just straight up die."
"Well that's good to know." Jim responded as he realized maybe he shouldn't rely on Turg, a mortal being, for life support like he did with Grim, an immortal being. 
"Yeah, I don't know if he is aware of it though." Maxwell added as the two then became silent again. The sky became darker and the snow started to become heavier as they continued. The trail was quickly covered up by the snow and Maxwell suggested that they wait things out in shelter. They found an abandoned home to take over temporarily until the snow stopped, Jim had started a contained fire to keep them warm while Maxwell warmed themselves up by it. Maxwell then left the room while casting a light spell on themselves so they had a bright purple glowing orb above their head. Jim didn't follow them, instead he remained sitting by the fire. Maxwell then returned and snapped their fingers that made their spell disappear. They sat down across from Jim by the fire and said "Sorry, it was time to take that off. Anyways, you want anything?"
"Well, what do you have?" Jim asked in response. Maxwell then opened their satchel and pulled out two pieces of dried meat. They then answered with "I got these it seems, I didn't plan to go out for long today but y'know plans change."
"If that's your only two then you have them, I'll be fine." Jim told Maxwell who then said "I have plenty more at my place, it's not my only two." 
"I'm fine, I just don't feel like eating anything right now. I was just being polite really." Jim responded before then asking Maxwell "I thought you were afraid of me though, why are you helping me?" 
"I've gotten over that, but it doesn't mean I like or trust you. Though you're one of the only people here who's first reaction when seeing me wasn't try to kill or capture me, so I kinda trust you." Maxwell answered Jim's question while they ate the dried meat pieces. 
"I've been told that there's someone paying for your kind, same person wants me dead." Jim said as Maxwell suddenly glared into the fire. They then said rather angrily "Vivian Lee, that bitch who thinks she's in charge because she legitimately believes she's immortal due to a Reaper sparing her once. She's been a menace before doomsday and always picking on anyone who wasn't fully human." 
"Well she seems lovely." Jim said sarcastically as Maxwell added "I'm pretty sure she wants you dead so you don't try to upstage her." 
"Does she only want your kind because of your ability to heal others?" Jim asked. Maxwell answered with "Correct, she wants to use our power to extend her life." 
Before Jim could say anything else Maxwell explained "Vivian Lee used to be in your cult, she was obsessed with you and wanted to be like you. I know her all too well because I had the misfortune of growing up with her always around bothering my family. I know she was killed by food poisoning but brought back by the Reaper, which made her believe that she's some kind of 'chosen one'. She is a spellcaster too, specializes in ice magic, so if you ever encounter her be prepared for a very cold touch." 
"I don't recall ever hearing her name until now, then again I never really knew any of the cultists' names. Though she may have been too into it if she wanted to be like me." Jim responded to Maxwell before they added "She loves you but also wants you dead, interesting."
"Do you know where she is located? I might give her a visit sometime." Jim then asked Maxwell who smiled and answered "Yes, the only in tact manor by the bay. You've probably seen it." 
Jim has seen it before, but didn't get very close to it. It was big, mostly blue and had a giant balcony. He then said "Yes I have seen it, it is hard to miss."
"If you killed her it would mean a lot to everyone here, I can pay you in the future." Maxwell told Jim who responded with "I probably would have without being paid, but after we find Turg I will get around to that." 
"Maybe you are capable of doing good after all." Maxwell said with a smile before adding "Look at me, using the real Dear Leader as some kind of hitman against my worst enemy." 
Jim smiled too as Maxwell then said "We kind of had a bad start though, but my name is Maxwell if you don't already know and I am indeed another turg. I already know who you are though. I should also make it clear that I am indeed a guy in case my voice and appearance made you assume otherwise." 
"I understand, don't worry." Jim told Maxwell as he then added "So when the snow stops we find Turg."
"Yes, I hope he's alright, though I don't sense him in any danger. Before you ask, yes I can do that." Maxwell responded. Jim replied "Yes, I hope so too." 

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