Chapter 31

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The sun was setting again behind the mountains and colouring the sky warm colours that faded into blue. The two had spent the rest of the day running around and being themselves without caring about how others perceived them, though from a far they looked like an old married couple. Turg was wearing the dress again after feeling more confident to wear it in public. After a long day they decided to relax under a tree for a bit and while Jim went back into the town to get a few things Turg had managed to make some new friends. Jim returned with some alcoholic drinks that he bought for himself to see Turg talking to two women who were sitting across from him. One was wearing an orange-red dress, had black hair and pale skin. The other had a pink-red dress, had blonde hair and more tanned skin. Turg looked up at Jim and said "That is Jim. Jim is Turg's boyfriend."
Jim couldn't help but to smile, that was the first time Turg had addressed him as Turg's boyfriend to someone else, as far as Jim was aware. Jim sat back down next to Turg, who wrapped his arms around Jim and pulled him closer. Jim then asked "I am and who are you two?" 
"Oh, I am Sasha and this is my girlfriend, Kayla." The black haired woman answered. Kayla only waved in response. Sasha then added "And your partner mentioned that you two are from the area that got hit pretty hard, if so then what's it like now?" 
"It is worse now, we just got out and we don't plan on ever going back." Jim replied as Turg gave him a slightly concerned look. 
"Well, glad we left when we did. We left literally two days before the whole world ended." Sasha then said as Kayla added "We just wanted to live in the mountains." 
"I spent most of it underground in a vault where everything that could've gone wrong went wrong, but we lived so can't complain." Jim elaborated but didn't tell the full story. The full story was very long, unbelievable and made him look like the bad person. Turg remained silent and didn't tell his part. Sasha then clapped her hands together and rather enthusiastically said "I'm glad you two made it out at least and ended up here, this place is wonderful!" 
"Do you know anyone else from there?" Jim asked as Sasha's expression went from excited to disappointed. She replied with "We do, unfortunately. Zach, he is from there too and he never leaves us alone. He sometimes comes with his father, Dylan, and he's just as delightful."
"Oh right, Dylan had a son, shit." Jim said in his thoughts. Kayla then added "There are others, but we don't talk much. Zach just loves to bother us." 
"I knew his father, he wanted to kill the both of us. He didn't win that fight." Jim said before smiling like he always does whenever confessing to a murder. 
"You killed him?" Sasha asked with wide eyes. Jim answered "It was a group effort, but yes." 
"Serves him right." Kayla said as Sasha changed the topic by asking "Also, what have you got hiding in your coat that you're wearing in this heat?" 
Jim then revealed the two bottles of alcohol he bought and asked in response "Are these allowed in public parks?" 
"No, but nobody enforces that rule. I'll give you forty dollars if you down both bottles though." Sasha responded with a smile. Turg tried to take the bottles from Jim, he knew it was a bad idea, but Jim was too quick. He then said "I will regret this, but I've done worse for less. Deal." 
Using one of his machetes, he opened the first bottle and was about to drink it before Turg grabbed it from his hands and took it away. Turg knew it was a bad idea and didn't want Jim to do it. 
"Turg can you please give that back?" Jim asked Turg as he put his hand out for the bottle. Sasha then added "Yeah, I want to see what happens." 
Turg then gave it back, but he wasn't very happy about it. Jim then took a deep breath and drank the whole thing in one go. It didn't taste very great, but Jim continued anyways. He then finished the second one and said "There, easy. Now give me the money." 
"Gonna be honest, I didn't expect you to be able to do that and not immediately throw up. Here." Sasha said as she gave him two twenty dollar bills. Jim took the money and responded "I might later." 
After that exchange, Jim started to feel dizzy and lightheaded. A man then approached them and said "Hey ladies and whoever you are." 
Jim looked up at him to see he was a fairly tall man, but still shorter than Jim, was wearing a dirty white shirt under a torn flannel jacket and jeans, dirty blonde hair, and had very pale skin with some freckles on his face. Both Sasha and Kayla refused to even acknowledge him but Jim greeted him by saying "Right back at ya."
"You calling me a lady, mister?" The man rather angrily asked in response. Jim sarcastically responded "Of course I am, you're obviously a woman." 
"Can't say the same about your gender confused friend." The man told Jim as Sasha then told the man "Zach, please, fuck off. Quit ruining everything for everyone." 
"Oh so you'll talk to this old man who stole my dad's car with his not-fooling-anyone friend but not me?" Zach aggressively asked Sasha, he was glaring at her. He quickly turned to face Jim and asked "Where is my dad? He NEVER lets anyone near his car so where is he?"
Jim started to laugh before answering with "Your father is dead and I killed him." 
Zach then sighed and looked at Turg to ask him "Since your friend is obviously too drunk to give an honest answer, do you know where he is?" 
Turg replied quietly "Jim tell truth."
"Listen Zach. Continue to live in denial and leave us the fuck alone or I'll do something about it." Sasha tried to threaten Zach, but he was not intimidated. Zach grabbed Sasha and lifted her up and aggressively responded with "No! Every bitch in this damn town hates me but I will make you love me! You can do better than some drunk old man who claims to have murdered my dad!"
He then threw Sasha to the ground while both Kayla and Turg just looked at him in shock, but Jim stood up and punched him in the back of the head. Jim then exclaimed "Ha! I've been wanting to do that for the longest time!" 
Zach quickly spun around and punched Jim back in the nose. Jim stepped back and put one hand over it for a few seconds to recover, when he took his hand off he saw blood on it. Jim shook his head while saying "So you've chosen death." 
"Wait what?" Zach asked out of genuine confusion. Jim then charged at him, punching him in the jaw and kicking him down. Sasha and Kayla were cheering Jim on but Turg was watching in horror. Zach got back up and continued fighting Jim. He eventually got Jim down on the ground and began choking him while saying "If this is a fight to the death then I have no problem killing you right now."
Jim moaned in response and said "Oh yeah, harder daddy."
Zach then stopped, recoiled while giving him a disgusted look and shouting "WHAT THE FUCK?!"
Jim then kneed him between the legs and pushed him off. Jim stood back up and put one foot on Zach's chest while he was in pain and told him "I also don't have any problem killing you." 
Jim then pulled out his machetes and raised them in the air while the tips of the blades pointed down at Zach. Before Jim could strike, Turg intervened by grabbing Jim's arms and pulling him away. Jim tried to break free but Turg restrained him while telling him "No. Jim did enough. Jim no fight anymore."
"You're no fun." Jim angrily responded as Zach slowly got back up while visibly shaking. He added "Yes, listen to whatever that is, you win." 
"Coward!" Jim exclaimed as he broke free from Turg's grasp and began chasing Zach with both machetes still in hand. Zach started screaming while Jim was running after him, but Turg caught up with Jim and stopped him by tripping him. While Jim was down Zach stopped and shouted "YOU MADMAN! I BELIEVE YOU NOW! YOU BELONG BEHIND BARS YOU DAMN PSYCHOPATH!" 
Jim's dizziness started getting worse as he struggled to stand back up, Turg had to help him back up and stay standing. Jim shouted back "MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T BE A FUCKING CREEP!"
"Yeah! We already found love!" Sasha exclaimed as the two ran up to assist Turg and Jim. 
"But I would treat you right." Zach said with a very defeated tone of voice. Sasha then kissed Kayla and Zach then said "You're disgusting."
"You like girls too you idiot!" Sasha exclaimed in response as Zach ran off again, but Jim didn't try to go after him this time, he didn't have the energy anymore. Once Zach was out of sight Sasha asked Jim "Why the hell did you moan?"
"I moaned in self defence." Jim answered Sasha's question before then adding "And to establish dominance." 
Sasha didn't say anything else to Jim after that, instead she asked Turg "Does this normally happen when he's drunk?" 
Turg shrugged in response, despite being in a relationship already Turg still had a lot to learn about Jim. Jim then asked Turg "Hey, can you heal me?"
"No. Jim learn lesson." Turg responded as Jim then said "I guess, I do feel like shit right now though." 
"If you're going to get sick best to do it here and now." Sasha told Jim.
"That's easier said than done." Jim responded before adding "Do not ask me why, if you know you know."
"Turg not happy with Jim." Turg continued to voice his complaint with Jim. Jim then weakly grabbed onto Turg and replied "Yeah, I know, but I am not very sorry. I am still mad." 
"Well, knowing Zach he's probably going to report you to the authorities so we should probably get out of here." Sasha then mentioned as Jim was starting to find it difficult staying awake. He was regretting drinking those two large bottles in one sitting, it was not worth the forty dollars or the pain he was currently in. 
"I'm sorry Turg, we literally just met and I got your boyfriend drunk, but it was satisfying to watch him try to kill the one person I wish would disappear." Sasha then apologized to Turg as she assisted him. Kayla then added "Maybe he will disappear now." 
"I can arrange that. I'll end his bloodline. I've done it before, it's what I am good at." Jim said before losing consciousness for a few minutes. When he woke up again he was in the backseats of the car with Turg driving. Jim said quietly "So I've been demoted to the backseat? I thought you loved me."
Turg sighed before responding "Turg unhappy with Jim right now." 
"Was it something I said?" Jim jokingly asked as Turg told Jim "Jim need to stop talking." 
"You can't shut me up." Jim said before beginning to pass out again. Turg was indeed unhappy with Jim, Turg hated violence and would rather solve conflicts peacefully, but Turg was too afraid to stop it before Jim made it worse. Turg just hoped he wouldn't have to get Jim out of trouble again, though deep down he knew that he would have to again.

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