Chapter 2

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It had been over a day since Jim encountered the ghost of Turg. He wasn't the most unusual thing Jim has ever encountered, however he was quite interesting. He always seemed to have his hands close to his chest and every once in a while would shake them around for a few quick seconds. Turg couldn't sit still either and would only sit in unusual positions as well. Jim had never met anyone like him before. Jim was very curious about Turg and wanted to learn more about him, though Turg seemed to have trouble with verbal communication and often just didn't answer any of Jim's questions. He liked to make random noises, possess random objects and watch Jim either up close or from a distance. Based off of his observations, Jim concluded that Turg was more of the playful type who didn't seem to care about what others thought about him, though there was still much to learn about Turg.
Jim was in the control room making sure everything was still the way it was in case any other ghosts have come in and messed with stuff, as usual. Jim was used to it, ghosts were more of a nuisance to him. Everything appeared to be in order and as Jim was about to leave Turg phased through the wall in front of him and startled him. Jim out of instinct tried to slap Turg but his hand went right through Turg as he exclaimed "Don't do that!"
"Turg sorry. Turg didn't meant to scare." Turg apologized to Jim as he left the room with Turg following him. Jim was beginning to consider bringing Turg back to life as he figured Turg would be more helpful in a physical form. He still didn't know why Turg kept trying to put his hand over his bandaged up eye still, Turg never explained why. Jim went back into the kitchen area and sat down at a table, resting his head on his hand while Turg stared from a distance.
"If I were to bring you back to life would you actually help me out?" Jim asked Turg in a very defeated tone. Turg just shrugged in response. Jim then said "I don't know either, there isn't much else to do around here anyways."
"But you bring Turg back?" Turg asked Jim as he came right up beside him while glowing bright green. Jim looked at him and replied "Only if you uphold on your promise to help me too."
Turg didn't answer, he just continued to smile at Jim. Jim then stood back up and said "I am going to take that as a yes."
There were three ways Jim could bring Turg back to life. He could convince Grim, though Grim hasn't been around lately and the only way to summon him was to kill someone. He could experiment with lab equipment, though it is likely to backfire. Or he could use ambrosia, he already had one prepared in case someone important died, like himself. Ambrosia was the easiest way, so Jim went with that. It was stored in a locked away area with the rest of the food supply so nobody would try to take any, only person who could get in was Jim. Turg followed him very closely until Jim stopped and turned to face him to ask "Do you always have to be this close to me?"
Turg moved back and said "Sorry."
Jim didn't say anything in response, instead he unlocked the storage room and went inside, Turg was now following him from a distance. The room was full of metal storage racks but were mostly empty with some cans scattered around on the shelves. While Jim went further in to get the ambrosia, Turg managed to pick up one of the cans while focusing on it but dropped it as soon as he looked away. He tried to pick it up again but he couldn't, his hands were just phasing through it again.
"What are you doing?" Jim asked upon hearing something fall to the ground.
"Turg can't grab." Turg answered as he continued to struggle with picking up the can. Once Jim got the ambrosia he went back to see what Turg was talking about. He was still trying to pick up the can that he dropped and his colour had turned red. Jim sighed and went over to him to pick up the can himself. After he put it back on the shelf, Turg tried to grab it again and Jim told him "You're a ghost, you don't need to eat that. I already have something for you anyways."
Jim then left the storage room but Turg was hesitant, he kept eyeing the can, he wanted it. Eventually he followed Jim back out to the table in the kitchen area where he placed the dish and grabbed a fork to go with it.
"Alright, I know this looks disgusting, but if you eat this you should come back to life." Jim told Turg, who was looking at it in disgust as his colour turned orange. He then looked back at Jim and said "But Turg want other food."
Jim sat down and put his head into his hands while saying "You're a ghost, you don't need it, you need to eat this if you want to no longer be a ghost."
Turg then sat in the chair across from him and glared at him before trying to pick up the fork only for his hand to phase through it again. Jim put his hands down to see him struggle with picking up the fork and said "If you want to pick up an object you need to focus on it one-hundred percent."
Turg kept trying and was getting more visibly frustrated the more he tried. He then looked at Jim and said "Turg can't do."
"You just need to focus, that's all." Jim told Turg as he tried again. Turg eventually managed to lift it up but as soon as he looked away for one second the fork dropped back onto the table. Turg looked back at Jim and said again "Turg can't do."
"Well Turg better can do because there is no way I am feeding you." Jim responded as he started to become frustrated as well. Turg then turned yellow and smiled at Jim before saying "You have to."
"How old are you?" Jim asked Turg who was now looking around the room. He then replied "Turg is unsure. How old is Jim?"
Jim then realized he did not know either, he stopped keeping track a long time ago. For sure he's outlived all of his kids and entire generations.
"Good question, but that's besides the point. I am assuming you are, or were in this case, an adult and not a child so I am not spoon feeding you." Jim explained to Turg. Turg turned orange again and made a second attempt. It was a successful attempt, though after the first bite the fork fell back out of his hands and landed on the floor this time.
"I'll go get you another." Jim said as he was about to leave his seat though he stopped because Turg had picked it up off the floor and continued to use it. Jim was unbothered by it as he's seen and done worse. Turg seemed to only focus if he was looking directly at the object with no other distractions, so Jim decided to remain quiet. Once he was done he looked back at Jim and said "Turg feel no different."
After Turg said that he began to glow and bright green light began surrounding him. Jim covered his eye as it was too bright for him and once the light was gone he looked back at Turg to see that he was no longer a ghost. Jim didn't know how to react, he thought it was just some strange form Turg had taken that caused him to look like that, but it was how he really looked. His nose was slightly above his eyes, which were bigger than normal, his hair was long and grey as well as his beard, had six floating dots under his eyes that got smaller as they got further from his face, a spot in between his eyes where his nose should be, and his skin was slightly more tanned than Jim's. He was wearing a brown leather jacket over a white shirt and assless chaps backwards with denim underneath. He smiled at Jim, revealing he also had a slight overbite.
"So, how do you feel?" Jim asked Turg as he rubbed his hands together. Turg then stopped smiling and responded "Turg feel worse. Turg feel sick."
"If you're going to throw up please don't do it on any carpet or furniture, it's harder to clean." Jim told Turg as he stood up and took the plate and fork from him.
"Turg might." Turg said as he rested his head down on the table. Jim went over to one of the sinks and just placed the dish and fork in it, he didn't feel like cleaning it at the moment.
"Well, you're alive now. Try not to get yourself killed again." Jim told Turg, who had his face down on the table.
"Turg try." He responded with his voice slightly muffled by the table. Jim wanted to leave so he could do his own thing but he didn't want to leave Turg alone in case there was a sudden side effect, so he stayed in the kitchen area with him to observe.

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