Chapter 20

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Jim spent the next few hours in a dungeon, which was rather ironic. He was now the prisoner locked in a basement. He didn't know that house had one, which gave him a few ideas but he didn't want to stay in the town, he wanted to leave and start over somewhere else. The basement was unkept, very dark with the only light source being from a slightly boarded up window, and it smelled terrible. Jim knew he wasn't going to die that day, something or someone would stop it, so he was not afraid. Rather he was annoyed and very pissed off with Vivian. To Jim she was kinda crazy. She loved him but also hated him, wanted him to live but also wanted him to die, and wanted a turg for whatever reason but immediately got rid of Turg. Jim was mostly angry about how she dealt with Turg, he was very worried about Turg and Jim rarely worried about others. 
Jim was standing towards the wall on the opposite side of the room to the door where he was locked in. He was just thinking, daydreaming about things and trying not to worry too much. Eventually the door opened again but Jim didn't turn around, he continued to stare at the wall but he could sense the presence of three people. 
"Your time is up." Vivian told Jim as he quickly tried to think of a response. Jim then turned around and glared at her. Vivian glared back and was about to say something but Jim interrupted by shouting and throwing a punch at her, but she dodged and Jim hit one of her bodyguards instead. In response, Vivian kicked him between the legs and Jim fell to the floor. Her bodyguards aimed weapons at him but Vivian told them "No need, he's not getting back up." 
They then put their weapons away as Jim said "You bastard, you could've kicked me anywhere else."  
"I was just defending myself." Vivian responded as the two bodyguards lifted him back up and kept him up. She then said "Anyways, it is time to put an end to your reign of terror." 
"Yeah, and continue yours." Jim added as Vivian gave him a brief angry look. She then brought Jim out of the basement and up to the balcony where he was then let go, but he was able to stand on his own again at that point. The balcony had quite a bit of space and overlooked the bay. Below there were people gathered, they all came to watch the execution of Jim Pickens. Vivian shoo'ed off the bodyguards and positioned Jim near the edge so he was more visible to the people below. They all shouted insults at him, ones he wouldn't dare repeat. 
"Welcome everyone who has managed to survive this long, today is the day we finally kill the man responsible for all of this!" Vivian announced to the crowd below. Jim chose to remain silent as he stood motionless and emotionless. 
"For far too long he has gotten away with his crimes and we will not let him continue to get away!" Vivian continued as she pulled out a handgun. Jim glanced at Vivian briefly before going back to staring off into the bay. The water was calm and coloured pink like the sky was that morning. Vivian then pointed the gun at Jim's head and continued "It will be a quick death, lucky for you, because I would rather have locked you in that room and let you starve to death!" 
"OR FED HIM THE POISONED PUFFERFISH!" Someone from the crowd shouted as Vivian replied "Or that too." 
"I am immune to that so it wouldn't have worked." Jim told Vivian who immediately shouted at him "SILENCE!" 
The crowd then started chanting to Vivian to pull the trigger, but she was hesitant. Jim looked at her with a blank expression and said "Do it. Fecking do it. Pull the trigger." 
Vivian then put the gun down and shouted at Jim "WHY AREN'T YOU AFRAID? YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE SCARED OF ME!"
Jim then stood back a bit and replied "You didn't give me a script, didn't know we had one."
"I AM VIVIAN LEE, THE MOST POWERFUL AND FEARED WOMAN IN THIS APOCALYPSE! WHY AREN'T YOU INTIMIDATED!?" Vivian continued to shout at Jim. Jim shrugged his shoulders and jokingly said "I can't be intimidated by someone who desperately wanted to fuck me a few hours earlier." 
Vivian then quickly aimed the gun at him and fired it. Jim's vision went blank and he had a vision of Grim. When it came back he was on the floor in a small pool of his own blood and the first thing he saw was First Name. 
"I undid your mistake. Nobody gets to kill him but me and it isn't the right time yet." First Name told Vivian, who was pretending to not be afraid of him while she had her gun aimed at him. First Name then turned around to look down on Jim and told him "Now that you're back, I will give you some context. That woman shot you in the head and killed you, I watched and chose to bring you back, and now she will die." 
"Wait WHAT!?" Vivian exclaimed as she continued to aim the gun at him. First Name turned back around, his tail accidentally hitting Jim in the face and giving him a cut. Jim put his hand over it as he stood back up to watch whatever was about to go down. First Name knocked the gun out of Vivian's hands and kicked it towards Jim as if he was giving it to Jim. Jim took it as First Name started doing what he did to Jim originally, taking her life force and adding it to his own. Vivian collapsed to the floor and was gasping for air. First Name then started forming small ice particles in his hands and said "Cool, now I've got ice magic too." 
He then snapped his fingers as two more demons came from inside and each handed him a machete before disappearing again. First Name handed them to Jim as he put the gun away in his coat while saying "How about you finish her off, I've seen what you can do with these and it is impressive." 
Jim took them, they were his, Vivian must have taken them from him when he was captured. He then went over to her and stabbed her through the skull with one. Vivian was most definitely dead. He then turned to face First Name as First Name said "Now that you're armed and dangerous again, I must tell you this."
Suddenly multiple ravens began swarming around as First Name explained "You have until the end of June to prepare for when I come back in full force to put an end to all of this. Your soul will eventually be mine." 
First Name then came closer to Jim and broke off the cuffs while saying "Should also remove these before I disappear again, I'll allow you to keep using magic." 
After the cuffs were off, First Name turned back into a raven and flew off with the rest and Jim was left alone, except for a Reaper who came to claim Vivian. Jim took a few moments to process everything that had happened before deciding that he had to go far away from the town, but he needed to find Turg first. He wasn't going to leave Turg behind, if Turg was still around. That was his next priority. 

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