Chapter 12

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Jim was back in the black void again, the quiet empty void. He knew he was dreaming so he said to himself "Come on, this again? I've had it for three times in a row now." 

Then the void turned into his childhood home with First Name standing in front of him in the living room. 

"So this is where you grew up?" First Name asked Jim, who was starting to get nervous. First Name then said "Y'know, you're a lot like your father." 

Jim glared at First Name and told him "Don't compare me to that man, ever." 

"You only say that because you know it is true." First Name responded as he turned into Jim's father, Dick, though a younger version of him. He then turned Jim into how he looked as a child and asked "Does this look familiar to you?" 
"Why are you doing this? Can't you just kill me and move on?"  Jim asked First Name in response before realizing his voice also changed to how it was when he was a kid, higher pitched and squeaky. First Name smiled and asked Jim again "And where's the fun in that?" 
First Name then slapped him across the face and laughed. Jim fell to the floor and First Name stood over him while saying "I'm going to enjoy this."
He then summoned someone next to him, someone Jim recognized. It was his mother, Janice. Jim only ever knew one person who would wear shaped sunglasses, besides Murpi. 
"Mother?" Jim asked as he stood back up. First Name then snapped his fingers and Janice then became engulfed in flames. She screamed as she was then reduced to nothing but a pile of ash. Jim stood there in shock, he didn't know what to say or do. First Name then shouted "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!"
"W-what?" Jim asked as he jumped back. First Name continued "SHE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!"
"YOU SET HER ON FIRE!" Jim shouted back, defending himself from his stepson who was appearing like his father. 
"You're still mad about that?" Jim then asked First Name as he reverted back to his demon form. 
"It's more than just that, so much more." First Name answered, he sounded like he was holding back tears. He then smiled and added "At least I'm not passing on childhood trauma."
Jim tried to respond but was cut off by everything going black again and First Name then telling Jim "Let's see how well you can handle this."

Jim then woke up and immediately got out of bed. It was still dark out and Jim had cornered himself at the other end of the room while breathing heavily. He had another nightmare and was beginning to calm down when he sensed a presence. He assumed it was Turg so he didn't bother turning to look. 
"What is WRONG with you!" Jim heard Dick's voice and his heart sank. He turned to see his father standing there looking angry with him. Jim put his hands out and slid down against the wall onto the floor while saying "Father I-I didn't mean to, whatever I did." 

"You're a disgrace to the Pickens family." Dick then told Jim. Jim then stood back up and glared at Dick while responding "You're one to talk." 
"You're a monster!" Dick exclaimed as Jim immediately replied "You're also a monster!" 
Jim then readied a flame spell with his hands as Dick began to become nervous and started backing out of the room with Jim slowly approaching him. Dick put out his hands and said "You're angry again."
"I thought I killed you!" Jim exclaimed in response as the two were then out of the bedroom and in the living room of sorts. 
"Jim scaring Turg." Dick said as he started crouching down with his hands out in defence. 
"What?" Jim asked before Dick punched him in the face. Jim then stopped and stood back, putting his hand over his nose and closed his eyes for a few seconds. With his eyes still closed, Jim fought back until he opened his eyes again. He saw Turg leaning up against a wall staring at Jim with fear in his eyes. Jim then realized what had happened, he was seeing things that weren't there again. There was blood on his hands again, though it was his own. 
"Turg, I am so sorry." Jim tried to apologize as Turg then curled himself up in a ball on the floor while visibly shaking. Jim then asked himself "What have I done?" 
He then started backing away trying to think of something else to say, but he couldn't. Turg then stopped shaking and looked at Jim again as he started panicking. He hurt Turg, but he didn't mean to, he thought Turg was someone else. Turg stood back up and tried to approach Jim but Jim shouted "NO! STAY AWAY!" 
Jim then ran out of the house and into the darkness, the snow was cold on his feet and the wind didn't make it any better. Turg went after him, he still cared about Jim. Jim had cornered himself by two shipping containers and when he turned around he saw Turg approaching. Jim shouted "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!"
Turg then stopped as Jim continued to back away from him as far as he could. Turg then told Jim "Turg still care."
"But I tried to kill you because that's what I am, a killer." Jim responded while doing everything in his power to not start crying. Turg didn't respond, instead he continued to stare at him while still looking terrified. 
"You don't deserve to be with someone like me." Jim continued as the cold was starting to get to him. Turg then said "But Turg still like Jim." 
"You're afraid of me, as you should be." Jim told Turg as Turg took a step back. Jim then continued with "I am made of what you fear. Fire, violence, and hate." 
Turg then looked at the ground and said "Turg doesn't think that." 
"Then what do you think?" Jim asked rather aggressively. Turg then started coming closer to Jim and answered "Jim doesn't judge Turg. Other people do. Other people call Turg mean words. Jim doesn't." 
"But I tried to kill you!" Jim exclaimed in response as Turg then took another step back. Jim then said "See? You're still afraid of me." 
Turg then came closer, put his hand on Jim's nose to stop the nosebleed and said "Jim should go inside. Jim is cold."
Jim didn't respond, instead he listened to Turg and followed him back inside. Jim did admit to himself that running outside during the winter at night was pretty stupid, but he wasn't thinking clearly when he did it. 

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