Chapter 23

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It was a bit of a long walk across the junkyard, Jim didn't think it was that big. There was huge piles of scrap material, old machinery, and old cars all over, creating a maze. Jim knew where he was going, or at least he hoped he did. He was told by Bella to just keep going straight and he'll find what he's looking for. Jim was still shirtless, it was still too hot to put on the sweater vest that was still tied around his waist and holding the machetes despite it being night. When he eventually arrived to where he assumed was the right location he saw an open area with someone sitting next to dried potted plants, a cabin with the lights on, and a still in-tact vehicle. The place smelled like gasoline and cigarette smoke, not a very good combination. 
"So, you're the one Xavier won't shut up about. I thought you'd be bigger." Jim heard a man speak, assuming it was Dylan. He picked up a shotgun and stood up from where he was sitting. 
"Alright listen, you know why I am here. Give him to me and you will never hear from me again." Jim told Dylan as Dylan slowly approached him. He was very tall and pale, was wearing stitched clothing, and had long black unkept hair and beard. 
"I'm not giving him away for free, I paid good money for him." Dylan responded as he stopped moving and pointed the shotgun at Jim. Jim wasn't intimidated by him. 
"What do you want then? Money? Sex? A hitman? That's about all I can offer." Jim told Dylan who immediately replied "I doubt you actually have the money, I don't need anyone killed, and why would you offer that to me?" 
"Some people take it, but not everyone is into it." Jim replied as Dylan put the shotgun down and told him "If you can find me another that can do those healing spells then you can have yours back." 
Jim pulled out both machetes and said "How about I kill you instead." 
"Alright, in that case then wait here." Dylan told Jim as he turned around and went inside, Jim waited for him to come back out. When he eventually came back out he had something on a leash, it was Turg. Turg was wearing a harness and seemed to be afraid to be near Dylan. 
"What's with that? Afraid he'll run off?" Jim asked as Dylan tied the leash to a pole and replied "He tried twice and it's because of you." 
"Yeah, because you're scaring him." Jim told Dylan as Turg looked at Jim with a look that said "Please help me." 
Jim came closer to Turg, who immediately grabbed onto Jim and said "Turg scared."
"You care about him a lot it seems. It's only because he can heal you, if he couldn't then I bet you would've abandoned him and you wouldn't be in this situation." Dylan said as Jim glared up at him. 
"That's not true, I met him before he revealed that to me." Jim responded before pointing a machete at Dylan and then telling him "And anyone who hurts him meets an unfortunate end." 
Dylan aimed the shotgun again, but not at Jim, he aimed it at Turg. He then said "Hurt me and he gets an unfortunate end."
Jim put the machete away and said "Alright, fine, I'll bring you another. I think you'll like this one, he's got white hair, a halo, and can do light spells too." 
He then told Turg to let go and started heading back. Turg reached out for him and exclaimed "No! Don't leave!" 
Jim wasn't really going to trade Maxwell for Turg, rather he was going back to Bella and Bailey for a firearm, he wouldn't give away an ally like that. Jim ran all the way back and once he returned he asked while still catching his breath "I need to borrow a gun, I forgot mine." 
"What have you gotten yourself into?" Bella asked as Bailey said "It isn't a good idea to bring oversized knives to a gun fight." 
"He wants another turg in trade and I said I would, but what I really want to do is shoot him from a distance and take over his place." Jim explained. Bailey, who was around the same height as Bella, had shorter white hair with a small beard, had a spade tattoo on his left arm, and was wearing a green-ish grey tank top and darker shorts, then stood up and said "You can borrow mine, but I am coming with you because I want to see this." 
"I'll stay here and continue to pet your cat." Bella said as she was sitting next to their campfire doing just that. Bailey got out a hunting rifle with a scope on it and said "Let's go save Turg." 
The two then went back across the junkyard, but approached from a different direction. They hid behind a rubble pile while Bailey got the gun ready for Jim. He then gave it to Jim as he looked over the pile and searched for Dylan, but he was nowhere to be seen and neither was Turg. 
"He went inside I think." Jim told Bailey, who stood up and replied "Alright, you wait for him to come out, I'll go lure him outside." 
Bailey then ran over towards the cabin and shouted "HEY DYLAN! I'M GOING TO TOUCH YOUR CAR AGAIN! BETTER COME OUT AND STOP ME!"
Jim watched as Bailey put one hand on it and Dylan came running out while shouting "GET OUTTA HERE YA FREAK!" 
Bailey then started running back towards Jim as Jim aimed it at Dylan and fired. It hit him in the shoulder and he shouted "MOTHERFUCKER!" 
Jim fired again now that he was standing still, shot him in the head. Dylan then fell to the ground and was most definitely dead. Bailey stopped next to Jim and asked "Did you get him?"
The Reaper then showed up and Jim responded rather jokingly "I did, now I am the only threat here." 
They then waited for the Reaper to disappear before coming out from their spot and search for Turg. They went inside the cabin first, it was very messy inside and there was no sign of him. Bailey then found a trapdoor that was locked but Jim shot the lock off. Jim went down first but gave Bailey the gun back before going down. Jim wasn't expecting some cabin in a junkyard to have a basement, but that seemed to be a recurring trend with all of his properties he's ever owned. It wasn't very big but had many doors and was a lot cooler than outside. When Bailey climbed down he commented "Had no idea the guy had a basement. Guess it's ours now, unless his son is still here." 
"Wait, he had a kid?" Jim asked Bailey who answered with "Yeah, but he's older and isn't around a lot. Has a vehicle of his own and vanishes for weeks at a time." 
"Y'know, if you wanted him dead for a while now, how come you didn't just do what I did earlier?" Jim asked Bailey again. 
"My sister always stopped me, she insisted on just being nice to him. Guess that's why Dylan kinda liked her, but he hated me. I am all for helping others but sometimes people don't deserve it, y'know." Bailey replied before then saying "I guess your friend is in one of these rooms, if not then I don't know where else he could be." 
Instead of checking every room, Jim called out Turg's name and waited for some kind of response. He then heard someone knock on one of the doors and Jim went to it. 
"Jim came back!" Jim heard Turg exclaim from behind the door. Jim tried to open it but it was locked. 
"Yes I did Turg but can you unlock the door from the inside?" Jim asked. 
"No. Mean person lock Turg in here. Turg don't like him." Turg answered as Jim noticed a keyhole on the doorknob. Bailey then asked Jim "Is that how he normally talks?"
"Yes, and you better not have a problem with it." Jim quietly answered Bailey's question as Turg then added "Mean person has key."
"I've come this far, I am not finding some key." Jim said as he started kicking the door. He managed to kick a hole through it, it was not a very strong door. Turg then started doing the same from his side and eventually it was broken enough for him to escape. Once he was out, Turg immediately hugged Jim and told him "Turg missed Jim. Turg tried to find Jim. But Turg got held back." 
Jim hugged Turg back and responded "I missed you too, I came all the way on foot to find you." 
"She was terrible. Called Turg mean words. Hit Turg a lot too. He was bad too. Did the same. Locked Turg away. Put Turg on leash. Wouldn't feed Turg. Only used Turg for healing." Turg vented to Jim while Bailey then felt better about Dylan's death as he listened. 
"Well, he's gone now, he won't hurt you anymore." Jim told Turg as they let go of each other. Jim then introduced Bailey to Turg with "Also, this is Bailey, he helped me rescue you." 
"Hello Turg, it's nice to finally meet one of my own kind. It's been a while." Bailey said as Turg smiled and gave him a small wave before putting his hands to his chest again. 
"We should probably head back now though, we can search this place tomorrow." Bailey then said as he started heading back for the ladder with Jim and Turg both agreeing and following him out. Turg was now safe, that's all that mattered to Jim. 

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