Chapter 9

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When Jim went back for Turg he noticed that there was a light coming from the shipping container, Jim couldn't recall ever giving him a flashlight so he found that quite odd. When he opened the door again he saw Turg sitting up against the wall with someone else who Jim didn't recognize sitting across from Turg with a floating ball of light above them.
"Turg made friend!" Turg exclaimed excitedly while pointing at them. They had the same facial structure as Turg but had pale dark skin, was a lot skinnier than Turg, had white messy hair, and a floating dot halo. They were also wearing ripped jeans, black shoes, and a red sweater. They were looking at Jim with fear in their eyes. Jim assumed they knew who he was.
"You didn't tell me your other friend is Jim Pickens!" They then angrily exclaimed at Turg who reassured them with "Jim friendly."
Turg's new friend wanted to say something else but chose not to, instead they turned to face Jim and kneeled down while saying "Please don't hurt us Dear Leader."
"I wasn't going to in the first place." Jim told Turg's new friend as they then stood up. They were shorter than Jim and had a more feminine appearance with a voice that matched. Jim then asked "Are you another turg?"
"Yes, I could've sworn I was the last one around here until I met yours. You should probably give him a name." They answered before then telling Jim "I am Maxwell, by the way."
Turg then stood up as well but didn't move closer, he just watched them from where he was sitting.
"How did you find Turg?" Jim then asked Maxwell as they crossed their arms. They told Jim "I saw you hide someone in here and I was curious, then he offered me food, that's how I found him."
Jim then breathed in as he put his hands together and looked at Turg. Jim then breathed out and asked Turg "Alright, how many did you eat?"
"Four." Turg answered as he looked at the floor. There were indeed four opened and empty soup cans on the floor next to the bag. Jim was mad at Turg but he chose not to lash out and instead rather calmly said "I said you could have one, not four and share it with a stranger."
"Turg sorry." Turg apologized before then saying "There still four more."
Maxwell then clapped his hands together and said "Well, it was nice meeting you Turg, I am going to head out."
They then went passed Jim and ran off into the night, completely disappearing in the dark. Jim then went into the bag and took out one of the cans and said "Even though I hate this stuff, I am going to take it now before you do."
He didn't bother trying to find the can opened and used one of his machetes instead to open it a bit and started drinking it. He was immediately repulsed by it and said "Can't believe I was living off this stuff."
Jim then closed the bag and gave it to Turg while saying "Anyways, I found a place where we can stay."
The two then headed out again, Jim using his phone again as a flashlight as he led Turg to the new place Jim totally found unused. While they were walking Jim was drinking more of the soup and was starting to feel sick from it.
"I have no idea what is in this anymore, but I am pretty sure it expired a while ago." Jim commented as Turg said "Turg like it."
"I've changed my mind, you can have it, I can't tolerate that stuff anymore." Jim said as he handed the can over to Turg who took it but only stared at it.
"Is Jim okay?" Turg then asked Jim, he seemed to be very concerned about Jim. Jim replied with "I'll be fine."
Jim then led Turg to the door, which was in between two containers that were connected by one above them, and went inside. Turg stood in one spot and looked around while Jim took off his shoes and jacket by the door.
"You can put the bag by the counter and can either go to bed or entertain yourself for the rest of the night as I need to go to bed." Jim told Turg as he went over to the kitchen counter and put the bag down. Jim then went over to it and unloaded it. He had brought his iconic blue sweater vest and took it out along with a water bottle and then left the room. There seemed to be only one bed in the house which Jim decided to claim. He quickly changed into nothing but his underwear and the sweater vest and went straight to bed.

Jim was back in the dark void again, though he was fully dressed in his iconic outfit and he felt a presence. Jim turned around and saw First Name in human form standing there with his arms crossing and glaring at Jim. He then turned back into his demon form and said "So you've finally made your return when the world needed you the least."
"Haven't you caused enough damage?" Jim aggressively asked First Name. First Name smiled and replied "Haven't YOU caused enough damage? All of this is your fault, it's all on you."
"No, you and your friends are the ones who've gone around causing chaos." Jim told First Name who immediately responded "But was I the one who set off those bombs?"
Jim couldn't think of another response, instead he continued to glare at First Name in silence.

"Y'know, people here want you dead and are willing to pay good money for your gravestone. I would kill you myself but I need you alive so I can slowly drain your life essence and add it to my own." First Name told Jim before adding "Thanks to you I can now do this."
First Name then started throwing fire from his hands at Jim, but it didn't hurt him.

"We are in a dream, you can't hurt me." Jim said as First Name then said "I am aware, makes it easier for me to show you exactly what I want to do to you."
Before Jim could say anything else, the surroundings changed into a dungeon-like room with cracked walls and cobwebs everywhere.

"I want to lock you away in a basement and starve you, just like you did to me and my brother as kids." First Name told Jim as a cage formed around him. First Name then snapped his fingers and they were then underwater, but could still breathe.

"Or maybe I'll drown you, like you let happen to my brother." First Name continued. He then snapped his fingers again and Jim was in a fighting pit on a beach.

"Or maybe I will force you to fight everyone you love to the death." First Name said as Turg suddenly appeared in the pit with him. He looked angry and immediately started fighting Jim. Jim was knocked to the ground by him but as soon as he hit the ground the surroundings changed back to the dark void. As Jim struggled to get back up, First Name stood over him and said "And that's only the beginning, though I may just keep you alive so I can use you for more power. Haven't fully decided yet."

He then said "It also looks like someone healed your eye, looks like I'll have to fix that the next time we meet."

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