Chapter 28

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The two spent the next three days together by the lake just doing whatever they felt like doing. Jim had made a wooden spear to try fishing in the lake with, though he only managed to catch lakeweed with it. Using the machetes in the stream to catch fish was more effective. Despite being out of the town and alone with Turg in the wilderness, Jim was starting to feel unsafe again. That night he would have another nightmare about him.
Jim was back in the dark void, he knew what was going to happen this time though. First Name then appeared in demon form and said "So, you've decided to run away. Coward." 
Jim couldn't think of a response, instead First Name continued with "You're a bit far from my reach, but I expanded it just to contact you in dream form just so no-one gets hurt."
Jim tried to say something but he couldn't, something was preventing him from speaking. First Name began pacing around while saying "I know where you are, I would recommend coming back and just getting this over with now." 
Still unable to speak, Jim glared at him in response, there was no way he was going back. 
"You can run but you can't hide from me!" First Name exclaimed, sounding more like a child than usual. Jim really wanted to say something but there was still something preventing him. 
"Your friend though, he can stop us apparently. So when we put an end to this, he better not be there otherwise he will be the first one killed." First Name continued. It was true, Turg was immune to their magic and could hurt them with his, but Turg wasn't a fighter. 
"You care a lot about him though, didn't realize you were that desperate." First Name said before laughing at Jim. He then elaborated "You said I was ugly yet look at your boyfriend. I preferred Grim because they didn't have a face." 
Jim still couldn't speak, he was trying hard to. First Name realized that Jim was struggling to speak and snapped his fingers. Jim then shouted "JUST LEAVE US ALONE! YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH!"
"My job here is not done until you are no longer a threat to this world. You were the one who bombed everything. All we did was kill people, kinda like what you do." First Name told Jim who immediately replied with "Then why didn't you just kill me the first chance you had?" 
"It's more fun watching you suffer I discovered." First Name responded. 
"You lost your chance, I am not going back. You'll never hear from me again, I promise, just let us go." Jim tried to convince First Name, it was worth a shot. First Name smiled and said "That's not how this works. No matter how far you run, I will find you and it'll be over for both you and your partner." 
First Name then said "That'll be my second time killing him. I burned his entire family alive in their home. He is not immune to fire." 
Jim stepped back a bit, it was First Name who killed him. First Name then added "Then you brought him, a stranger at the time, back to life but not me, your child. That made me more upset, y'know." 
It was true, but Jim liked Turg more. First Name snapped his fingers again and Turg then appeared. First Name snapped his fingers again and Turg then turned into flames. He then told Jim "Don't get too attached." 
"Do whatever you want to me, just don't hurt him. He doesn't deserve it." Jim told First Name rather aggressively. 
"I'll consider it, but for now, enjoy whatever time you have left." First Name responded as the fire then made a circle around them, a ring of fire if you will. First Name then disappeared into the flames, leaving Jim alone. 
Jim immediately woke up after that, breathing heavily as he tried to calm down. He was back in the cabin with Turg by his side in the bed. The sun had risen and it was quiet, besides the rain falling outside. Turg was already awake but chose to lay awake next to Jim until he woke up. Turg sat up with Jim and asked "Is Jim okay?"
"No, we aren't safe here anymore. We are leaving." Jim said as he stood up and started gathering things.
"Why?" Turg asked with genuine concern as he remained sitting on the bed watching Jim.
"I'll explain later, but we have to keep moving. We'll find a new spot." Jim answered as Kitty started rubbing her head against Jim's leg. He then picked up Kitty and gave her to Turg while saying "Kitty is coming with us too." 
Turg didn't say anything else, instead he helped Jim gather their things again and put them back in the car. 
Once they were on the road again the two, or three counting Kitty, were silent again. The rain continued to fall, it was the only thing keeping it from being completely silent. Eventually Turg grabbed Jim's phone and tried to unlock it. Jim then took it and quickly unlocked before giving it back to Turg so he could focus on driving. Turg started typing away again on a note, though it didn't take him long to finish. Turg then put the phone back down and quietly waited for Jim to read it, he was unable to speak at the moment. Jim then pulled over so he could read it because he didn't want to leave Turg waiting. It read;
Are you okay? Did you have another one of those nightmares? I am worried about you. You seem to be very scared of whatever happened. You can tell me, or not. I don't like seeing you like this and I want to help, but I don't really know how to. You seem to be stressed about it too, but I am sure whatever it is everything will be fine. Also sorry for needing to type this again, I can't seem to talk right now. 

Jim was not okay. He hadn't been okay for a long time. Jim took a deep breath before answering with "Remember when I told you about the demon child that is out to get me? Well, he's found us again, which is why we need to keep moving. I promise you we will get out of this without any more conflict." 
"But is Jim okay?" Turg asked rather quietly. Jim then put his head down on the wheel and replied "No, I'm not." 
Turg then put his hand on Jim's shoulder in some attempt to comfort him. Jim then lifted his head back up and smiled while saying "Y'know, this whole situation is kinda ridiculous. My dead kids coming back just to kill everyone and get revenge on me, but they still act like they did when they were alive. Very angsty and needy." 
Turg then gave him a very concerned look. Yes, the situation was ridiculous but not in the way Jim thought it was. Jim then put his head back on the wheel and then said "Second thought, it's fucking horrible. Remind me to never have kids again, Turg." 
Turg would indeed remember that. Turg would then respond with "Everything will be okay." 
"No it fucking won't until we can finally escape that hellspawn that is my child. He will kill us, and he killed you once before. I just want my life before all of this back, I haven't been myself since he took part of my soul or whatever. I still get nightmares about that night and sometimes I wish he just killed me that night." Jim ranted, he was starting to shiver and was trying not to cry. Turg wanted to say something but didn't know what to respond with, so instead he remained silent. Jim then continued "I also miss Grim so much, they vanished after we had a disagreement and haven't seen them since. I want to see them again too." 
Turg then said "Turg feels bad for Jim. Turg want to help." 
"I know you do, but there's not much you can do." Jim told Turg as he lifted his head up again to look at Turg. Turg asked Jim "Is Jim scared?" 
"Scared? I'm fucking terrified! I'm scared of ravens now because I never know if they're those demons. I'm scared of you getting hurt. I'm scared of losing you too. I am also so tired of surviving, I want to live again without worrying about running out of food or water. I literally killed people over it and ate a goddamn bird!" Jim answered before adding "Not to mention all the messed up shit I've seen and been through. It's going to be really hard to forget it." 
Turg remained silent again, he didn't know what to say. Turg was also scared, but was scared of losing Jim. He was very worried about Jim. 
"But anyways, is it possible you could drive? I just need some time to think. We can revisit this later." Jim then asked Turg, who immediately nodded. The two then swapped sides with Turg now driving and Jim being the passenger. Jim then said "Don't get caught violating road laws, my license expired years ago and you never had one." 
"Turg will not." Turg responded as he started driving. Turg was going over the speed limit, which didn't bother Jim because he was doing the same. He doubted that the road was monitored anymore considering he hasn't seen anyone else on it. Turg was very happy to be driving, which made Jim feel somewhat better. He also now had Kitty on his lap, who was all curled up and purring. Jim then dozed off and just thought about the past nearly two years. He only realized then that it was almost two years since everything changed, but it felt like it had been much longer than two years. He just wanted to move on and put it all behind him like he did last time, but this time he would only have Turg, but that was okay for him. Jim did love him and was looking forward to having a better life with him. 

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