The Battle of Horn-burg

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Like I said, I am not very good at writing fight scenes so sorry for any confusion. Thanks, Oh and BTW I think it is gonna be a long chapter so... Yeah.

 I watched as ederly men and twelve yr old boys took turns in getting a sword. Rusting chainmail hung around there bodies and what little hope once lay, was gone. As I wore light weight fighting gear already I didn't need any armour. I did get as many arrows that could fit in my quiver though, I guess would win the competion. There was a heavy sadness in the air, not just because of the small odds that we would win the fight, but families being ripped apart. Many were crying and clutching there loved ones as they were taken away. Eowyn flitted around clearly distraught. I heard her saying to king,
"I want to fight!"
"No." Replied the king. "Look after the women and children. Keep them safe." Eowyn gave up on begging and went to find a sword instead. I followed her into the armoury and leaned silently on the wall. She picked up a poorly made blade.
"If your going to fight, get a proper weapon." I told her. She looked at me quizzically.
"Why are you allowed to go to war?"
"No one's tried to stop me." She looked at me mournfully. "What blade then?" I went over and examined each sword carefully. I picked out a light, but still strong sword. It glided through the air slicing it.
"Here," She took at and nodded.
"Can you fight well."
"Yes." She answered coldly. "I have trained with my bother Eomer since I was child." I smiled at her defiance. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all.
"Eomer will come, but for now we have to fight out the worst of the attack. Hope is with you Eowyn sister of Eomer, I think your skill in combat would be further then many of the men fighting tonight, that is why you should protect the women and children. Do not let the Uraks harm them."
She nodded sadly, and then put her chin up high and walked out with the sword still up high.
"You will have your chance, I promise." I called out after her. Suddenly a horn rung out. My immediate thought was Boromir (a memory I thought of often) but it was more of announcement horn. I ran out regardless like the rest of us and saw a beautiful sight. An army was coming through the gates, an army of elves.
I recognized Haldir of Lorien leading them.

"There was once a great alliance between men and elves. It is time we reforge this alliance." He told the stunned king. Aragorn ran up and hugged Haldir in gratitude.
"Thankyou dear friend," Aragorn said clearly far more grateful then the king. Maybe he thought an army of elves was an army of elves like me. I smirked at the thought, all of these elves were so obedient they couldn't compare to me. Night had fallen and the men were restless. When scouts reported the army was in fact drawing closer, elves and men alike took there stations ready to fight against Sarumans army. I stood next to Legolas and Gimli amongst the elves. Aragorn stood pacing behind each row. Theoden king only watched from a safe distance which disgusted me. I watched as the torches blazing, drew closer pounding on the ground with there feet. They stood bellow the wall thumping with there weapons against the ground. The noise was deafening and fear filled the air.
"Preapare to fire!" Yelled Aragorn to the archers. I took out my bow and notched an arrow.
"There armour is weak near the neck and shoulders." Legolas said.
I aimed at an orc, one out of ten thousand. Suddenly an arrow pierced the air killing an orc. Immediately another took it's place.
"HOLD!" Yelled Aragorn to an old man who had accidently fired it. The orcs attacked.
"FIRE!" Yelled Aragorn. I realized my arrow along with everybody else. While many orcs fell dead you couldn't tell in just a few seconds.

"Volley!" Someone yelled. I fired again and grabbed another arrow out of my quiver.
"LADDERS!" Aragorn said pointing to orcs crawling up the side of the wall. I shot a bit of rope holding one up and Legolas shot the other but I orcs had already reached the top and were attacking. I drew my sword and waited for them to attack.
"Goodluck my friends and wish me a glorious victory for out little game." Gimli laughed but Legolas did something completely different. He kissed straight on lips. Stunned, I kissed back but drew away as the orcs began running our way. I slashed and stabbed but that was only one part of my thinking. Thoughts raced through my head, the kiss, the game, the unlikely chance of our survival. Yes, that would be why he kissed me I decided. On orc number 32 I became aware of orcs walking up the ramp carrying shields. I saw people shooting at them but with there great shields they only rippeled and continued making towards the gates. I new that this would be another nail in our coffins but it still seemed minimalistic for the white wizard. More orcs kept coming and as I slashed away at them many bodies lay dead on the ground. Then the ground shattered. I felt the stone underneath my feet fall away and plummeted with pieces of stone. I hit broken water with a splash as debris fell around me. I looked over. Orcs were storming in. I got out of the water as fast as I could and I saw Aragorn lying in the water. Gimli was yelling from what remained of the wall. I helped him up just as the orc reached us. We ran into the castle Aragorn running with me.
Charge!" He yelled to elves as they drew there baldes in unison and met the orcs in the water. They messily collided in battle only to be slaughtered quickly.
"Fall back!" He yelled to the soldiers. They ran with us and we managed to bar the gates just in time. There is only two more doors they have to get to until they reach the women and children. We tried to lock them out, putting everything that there was to them but they pounded relentessly splitting the wood with there weapons. The higher levels which I believed Legolas was still fighting was still unoccupied but most of them bowmen were there and they were not as competent with a sword as the people down here. Theoden had joined the fight now shouting orders and saying the obvious.
"How long do you need?" Aragorn asked him.

"As long as you can give me!" He shouted back. Aragorn beckoned me and Gimli to follow him through a door leading to a rock in which the building was perched on. We walked around the narrow turret and I saw the orcs pounding on the door. There was however, a significant gap between the orcs and ourselves so we would have to jump.
"Well," I said then taking a jump landing on my feet with both my knives in hand. The others looked a bit surprised but I shrugged and beckoned them to do the same. Aragorn tossed Gimli over and followed himself as began to clear to the Uraks. The ramp was narrow and and we were able to keep fighting giving the men a chance to barricade the door.
"Aragorn!" yelled Theoden. "Get out of there." They had barricaded us out with the orcs. It would much harder to jump back now and I didn't want the orcs doing finding out.
"Elinor, up here." Legolas above me throwing me a rope. He throw another at Aragorn which Gimli scrambled up. He tied my rope to something and let me walk up the wall as he heaved up both Aragorn and Gimli. I reached the top fast and guarded Legolas. I paused for a split second and saw the stars, they were bright despite it raining. Aragorn and Gimli had just finished climbing when even taller ladders covered in orcs came onto the wall. There were so many and they were overwhelming our forces.

"FALL BACK TO KEEP! THEY HAVE TAKEN THE LOWER LEVELS!" Shouted Theoden urgently. He wasn't wrong. I ran up the stairs and waited for the last of the soldiers to come through. I jammed the door shut just as the first of the orcs came through. What was left us barricaded the door but it was only a matter of time until they broke through it. I walked the stables and patted Tao's silky neck. "If this is it, then I'm glad it's with you my friend." Tao snorted and breathed into my hair.
"Ride out and meet them." I heard Aragorn say.
"For death and Glory." Said Theoden.
"For Rohan!"
"Yes!" I yelled out. "If we die it will be defending your people instead of sitting in a hole." Everyone except the king smiled.
"Yes. YES!" He shouted. We mounted the horses, we unsheathed our swords and charged. Through the broken door, through the see of bodies and out onto the ramp. Tao cantered down it as we slashed and ran over the orcs. There was no way that we would win the battle I thought just as the white rider caught my eye. There was Gandalf standing on top of the steepest slope, Shadowfax rearing excitedly. Eomer walked up beside him and called up the army that should have been. Hundreds of men on horses stood down upon the battle field and everyone paused, joy, sadness and flooded the air. When they charged the sun came over the hill blinding the orcs. There was a cheer that erupted as they reached the orcs killing them rapidly. I joined in on Tao as the sunlight streamed down. Orcs ran to the Fangorn forest in cowardice but they didn't get far, what ever was in that forest made quick work of them. I looked around the sad battle field.
"Final count 61." I said to my friends.

"41." Said Legolas annoyed.

"43" said Gimli triumphantly.

"Well I guess that proves that the prince of Mirkwood is not the best fighter in middle earth. That title belongs to me." I said teasingly. But inside I had never been more grateful for life. 

WOW! That is a very long chapter! Hope you enjoyed!

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