Abbacchio x Reader headcanons (sfw)

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(The picture is just too fucking funny to not include lmao.)

🧡 ~ He's an actual tsundere , he secretly likes you but won't say shit because he views having feelings as ''stupid'' but he can't help but love you more and more each day.

❤️ ~ He gets really fucking mad when you hurt yourself during a mission or when you talk to Giorno.

"Stop talking to him Y/N , Giorno isn't worth your damn time!"

🖤 ~ He acts like a huge dick around you because he is desperate to convince you that he doesn't like you.

🧡~Ever since you joined the Bucci gang he been drinking way less wine.

❤️~When you're alone with him...He's a blushing mess and VERY quiet. Goth boy is extremely shy ehhehe.

🖤~ Sometimes he uses his Moody Blues to transform itself as you, he cuddles his stand to no end at night , Bruno once caught him which was VERY AWKWARD for the both of them.

🧡~ Only Bruno knows of Abbacchio's crush on you and Abbachio plans to not change that.

❤️~ He gets very excited inside when y'all are assigned together for missions although he acts like he hates it.

🖤~ Y'all sometimes play board games together , Abbacchio truly does cherishes those moments with you even though it's nothing special.

🧡~ He loves your beautiful smile, if you smile at him it always makes his day way better.

❤️~ When ever you get injured when he's there, he blames himself for not protecting you well enough, a part of him wants to believe you are strong enough but he still wants to be your knight in shining armor.

🖤~ Let's you braid his hair without complaining.

🧡~ When you're sick, he's the first one to make you tea and unlike what he does to Giorno , he never pisses inside your tea.

❤️~ You make him happy to be alive , a feeling he was only getting from Bruno before .

🖤~ He hopes that one day he will be able to man the fuck up and confess about his undying love for you.

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