Neko Bruno (Bruno x Reader headcanons sfw)

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(Edit by me ❤️!)

❤️~ Unlike most cat hybrids, Bruno is almost always active, he barely gets a break but he's fine with that. He's a very busy man after all and he gotta fulfill his very important duties as a capo.

🧡~ His weak spots are his ears, tail and back. He loves it when you rub them it's pure bliss for him.

🖤~ Bruno is a very picky eater, he refuses to eat anything other than Abbacchio's cooking ,your cooking or food from his favorite restaurant.

❤️~ He spends hours cleaning himself even more than an average half human cat hybrid. He cares a lot about how he looks , especially around you.

🧡~ When he gets really lonely and you aren't home, he rolls around in your clothes inhaling your sweet scent he loves so much.

🖤~ He's always the little spoon when cuddling, he enjoys you hugging him from behind as you both sleep.

❤️~ When he's really happy he meows sometimes and he finds it pretty embarrasing because he meows a lott around you, but at the same time he doesn't mind because you think it's pretty damn cute.

🧡~ He enjoys being called a big kitty by you surprisingly. Will get slightly annoyed if anyone else does it though.

🖤~ He often hunts down pests inside the house and gets rid of them.

❤️~ He really likes to lick your face when it's sweaty, a classic move of his .

🧡~ He's really scared of the dark because of his fight with Diavolo, he refuses to sleep in a dark room unless you're here . Night lights also seem to work ease his worries.

🖤~ Unlike most neko boys, Bruno doesn't like to destroy things especially YOUR things.

❤️~ He never scratches you or anyone, unless they provoke him greatly, he never bit you either.

🧡~ He loves it when you make him salmon! It's his favorite type of fish.

🖤~ Due to his dad being a fisherman, he oftens hunts down fish on his own and brings it back to you so you can cook it for him.

❤️~ He purrs in his sleep.

🧡~ He's very affectionate! He craves attention and your touch ! Quite uncommon for a cat hybrid but you aren't complaining!

🖤~ He hisses at people he seems untrust worthy or with malicious intent. He's very picky about who he trusts too.

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