Meaning of life (Diavolo x Reader angst/fluff)

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(This oneshot is extremely dark so I suggest you don't read if topics like overdose/suicide and drug usage trigger you .)

Fate truly is a strange thing. Diavolo had become numb to the feeling of dying so when you approached him he made no attempt to run away. Your beautiful (color) eyes were so mesmerising to watch and your hair matched your face shape perfectly , in other words he found you attractive. Your eyes were not filled with malice to his surprise , he could trust you. Diavolo found himself taking your hand that you held out for him with a heavy grunt as he stood up with your help and dusted himself off. He wondered how he would die this time...

You two ended up living together and for once in his infinite death loop , Diavolo found himself happy. Your presence was a gift to him, your smile, your personality, everything . He found himself thinking about you everyday and wanting your affection, Diavolo was becoming a fool, the warmth in his heart and stomach just kept growing the longer he stayed by your side, the former mafia boss was falling madly in love with you, an emotion he thought he would never feel in his life. He made himself a promise to never tell you about his past, it was useless to tell you about it, he wanted to stay in the present with you and stop shulking about his failure towards the Giovanna. He shot his chance and asked you out, to his utter joy you had accepted his advances and to his absolute delight, a few months later,you two had became lovers.

Years passed as you two gotten married to each other and were slowly starting to think of having children, you ended up having/adopting two kids,a beautiful boy and a girl, the boy was called (Boy name) and the girl was called (Girl name).You had became a lovely family and this time, Diavolo promised himself to be a great father to his kids , he had changed so much , he learned to bond with someone and to love them with his entire being. He had became a successful business man of a multi billion dollar business that you two had created .Life was good for you both that was until,suddently, tragedy struck...

Diavolo's happiness wouldn't last forever and he knew it but he didn't expect it to end so soon, after ten years of being together you were diagnosed with celebral cancer. Diavolo found himself crying for the very first time in his adulthood as he watched you sob and hug him in grief at the awful news you had received. There was nothing the doctors could do , you were at stage four in terminal. You had three months to live at the very most, Diavolo exploded in rage as he cursed Giorno for giving him a fate worse than dying forever , watching the one he loves the most die slowly while he could do absolutely nothing about it.

After the diagnosis Diavolo became a wreck, he could no longer focus on work as his children gotten into drugs, ironic isn't it? He used to allow drugs being sold to children but now that he witnessed his two children take drugs themselves he felt unending guilt. Days passed as you slowly began to get weaker and weaker until one day you kissed your husband for the very last time. As your lips parted , your eyes grew dull and lifeless as your hand previously holding his neck loosened and fell back onto your death bed. Diavolo held your dead body with such desperation as warm tears flooded his eyes and fell onto your cold skin. For once in his entire life, Diavolo wanted to die willingly , his joy, his entire life, his will to live dying alongside you.

Diavolo had became so depressed that he would spend hours on end at your grave just crying. He had nobody now, his kids cut contact with him and they blamed him for your death, for once he was planning on killing himself instead of waiting to die from something else.

The 6th of April 2016 , two weeks after your death ,the former mafia boss could no longer handle living without you, he approached the medical cabinet and grabbed your pain killers as he dumped all of the pills inside it inside his palm with tears in his eyes. Diavolo looked at the huge amount of pain killers you used to take in his hand as he took a deep breath. In one swift motion, he had consumed all the pills inside his hand, tears welled up in his eyes as he convulsed and collasped inside the chair he was sitting on. His eyes losing all life as he took his last breaths with choked sobs.

With a strangled gasp Diavolo woke up again in a room filled with light.Expecting to die again he slowly got back to his feet examining his surroundings but to his surprise ,he heard a very familiar voice call out to him.

'' I missed you so much Honey .''

It was your voice, as his eyes ajusted to the bright light, he saw you in the distance smiling at him warmly.He didn't hesitate to run to you and hug you . He then realized someting..He didn't get sent back to the death loop he had finally truly died , his torture finally ending. You two were in the after life together. Diavolo smiled warmly as he kissed your hand saying the one thing he never thought he would tell to anyone ever.

'' I guess you were my meaning of life all along.. I love you so much Y/N and I always will.''

(I'm honestly so proud of how this one turned out. I really seem to have a talent for writing angst heheh.)

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