An old friend (Abbachio x Reader angst/fluff)

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(Not gonna lie I cried a lot at Abbacchio's death.)

"What in the world happened?... "

Abbacchio eyed his surroundings suspiciously until he then spotted someone under a table. Curious, Abbacchio went to the table and lifted the table cloth to see the person better, he couldn't really see their facial features but he knew that they were a cop from the uniform they wore, to his confusion the mysterious cop was collecting scattered broken glass shards with tweezers and putting them inside a wooden box.

"What the hell are you doing?"

The person slowly looked at Abbacchio as they warmly smiled at him.

"I'm collecting evidence, there was a fight here and an elderly man got impaled with a glass bottle, they're okay but the assailant got off scot free, I wanna prove that he was truly the one that assaulted that poor old man."

Abbacchio couldn't believe what he was hearing, a cop was going towards all these lengths to incriminate the assailant, a sight he hasn't seen much in his former cop days.

"You're wasting your time, he'd probably bribe his lawyer to prove that he's innocent when he really isn't, I was just like you..eager to bring criminals to justice until I realized that nothing that I did mattered."

"You had tried your best and that's all that mattered. Abbachio..The world is cruel you know."

Abbacchio's eyes widened in shock as he stood up from his previously squatting position.

"How do you know my name?! Who are you?! Are you one of the stand users sent by the Boss?!!?"

Abbacchio pointed at the person accusingly as they began to crawl out from under the table until they were outside. The mysterious stranger then walked towards Abbacchio until they were just a feet apart.

"No..I'm just an old friend."

Abbacchio titled his head in pure confusion as the mysterious cop then removed their hat showing off their(H/L) (color) hair more clearly. Abbacchio's eyes began tearing up as he finally understood who it was.

"That's right you're -you're Y/N!"

Abbacchio was an emotional mess, his friends that he had watched get murdered because of him was now standing in front of him with a bright smile as if nothing had happened and when Abbacchio looked inside their bright (color) eyes he felt his strong sense of justice get relighted inside his cold heart.

"I may be a criminal now but I gotta help my team! I must demask the Boss for the greater good of Italy with my stand! I gotta get back to them!"

Y/N looked at their feet sadly and sighed.

"I'm sorry Abbacchio but this is your last stop, the red bus brought you here."

"Let me go back then! I must-!"

"No Abbachio... There's no going back."

Abbacchio's eyes widened in pure shock as he realized what was happening, he had died.

"This cant be-!"

"It's okay rest easy now Abbachio, you did everything you could and because of your sacrifice your team will emerge victorious."

Y/N gave their friend a warm hug as they watched his team mourn from heaven.

"You'll always be a hero Abbachio."

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