Mistake (Kakyoin x Reader angst)

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(This oneshot is just really fucking sad, nothing happy about this one , this is my first full on angsty oneshot with no happy ending or happy moments for that matter lmao enjoy I guess.)

As Kakyoin bled from his neck,his life flashed before his eyes. He truly felt awful, he really didn't want to die, not before he can tell you how much he loves you but he couldn't, he was gonna die. He felt so selfish, he abandonned you after all you done for him, he decided to leave even though your stand predicted his very death, he went even though you begged him to not go .He threw away his life for someone he barely even knew, he should had stayed with you. Jotaro would had won even without him so why did Kakyoin even bother?..And now because of his foolish mistake, he was gonna die, he would had still been able to survive if he didn't try to fight DIO alone but he did anyway because he wanted to help Joseph...He felt so stupid...He was too confident in his abilities...He said to himself that he would gladly die if it was to help humanity get rid of DIO but...He could had avoided it ..Why did he value Joseph's life more than your happiness and his own life?!... If only he had listened to you..If only he had listened to your stand...He would had still been able to see you smile...Happy to see him ...He died for nothing ..,He saw Joseph get killed next...He couldn't save him...Even though your stand predicted that Joseph's death would be extremely unlikely if Kakyoin decided to fight DIO on his own..How unlucky..



You were yelling at him with tears filling your eyes. Your stand's predictions are never wrong, it predicted Kakyoin's death . He was gonna die after DIO's stop time ability.

''Y/N don't worry! I'll put a book on my stomach! He won't have enough time to damage me after he realizes I was protected!''

Kakyoin could easily avoid his predicted death if he just didn't fight DIO alone . As Kakyoin explained his plan , your stand displayed its result on its TV head.Your stand then spoke its TV screen switching to it's usual static.

'' Death almost guarenteed, chance of survival, 00,1% cause: Bleeding to death.''

Out of all of Kakyoin's plans, this one had the highest chance of survival but it was still an incredibly low percentage...If he decides to not fight DIO alone however, Joseph would die instead in all of your stand's predicted's outcomes. ...Was he really gonna throw away his life for an old man he barely even knew?!

''I'm really sorry Y/N but...I feel like Joseph will accomplish better things than I ever could in his future...He was more purpose to stay alive than I do...''

You fell on the ground, crying...You can't stop Kakyoin ..No matter what you did...He didn't listen...He was determined...The fact he viewed your feelings of anguish as nothing... It made you so sad...He cared more about that damn old's geezer short future than your feelings... Did he seriously stop caring about you?!

Your POV

I'm so fucking pissed...Kakyoin left fifty days ago and about ten minutes ago I received a phone call that he had died in Egypt two hours ago..Kakyoin was my only friend...We were friends ever since we were damn kids! I want to scream but my voice is so strained..I been crying for so long ...I can barely breathe..It hurts.

''Why Kakyoin...JUST why!!''

And plus,that damn old man Joseph had died too! He didn't even accomplish his goal of keeping Mr Joestar alive! After everything that I done for Kakyoin...This is seriously how he repays me?! Leaving me behind not even caring on how I felt?! I wouldn't be so pissed if Joseph ended up living but HE DIDN'T. KAKYOIN FAILED HIS VERY GOAL. He died in shame...He died for nothing....Maybe I should had forced him to stay...He would had ended up hating me but as long that he stayed alive I would had been happy about it....It was entirely Kakyoin's fault for dying but I couldn't help but blame myself for it...I'm such an idiot...

''I failed as a friend...Forgive me please, Kakyoin.''

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