Stress Relief (Risotto x Reader fluff)

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Risotto sat in his office, clutching his hat in very visible frustation as he saw his bank's account balance.

"Only ten thousand.... That's not enough money!"

Living with all his teammates was quite expensive and with the lack of assasinations ordered by the new boss Giorno, no money was getting inside Risotto's pockets. the money left inside his bank account wouldn't be lasting long without a pay check. He grunted in frustation as he heard someone knock on his office's door.

"Come in."

To his surprise it was you, you very rarely asked him for anything so he was confused, why were you visiting him now?!

"Risotto I heard you , you seem very distressed ,what's wrong?"

He felt his chest get warm as you put your hand on his shoulder, while looking at him with a look filled with concern. He couldn't help but slightly blush at your kindness.

"Money is getting tight Y/N, I don't know for how long we can survive without a pay check."

For some reason you being so close to him made him less...Stressed..You had a calming and sweet scent that made him feel at ease when ever you were near him.

"Do you want me to massage your scalp? I heard it helps wonders against stress you'll have to remove your hat though."

Normally he would yell at anyone that would dare ask him to take off his hat but you were different.. He felt like he could be vulnerable around you so he agreed. Once his hat was off, you began to work your magic, softly rubbing his messy locks of grey hair as you hummed quietly. Immediately , Risotto felt much less anxious, his shoulders weren't tense anymore and his heartbeat had finally calmed down. He leaned into your touch as you massaged his scalp with skill and elegance making him exhale loudly in contentment . He was so calm that he felt like he would fall asleep any minute now, the way you carefully stroked his hair...The way you smelt....The way you hummed quietly near his ear truly made him feel at peace.

"Don't stress too much Risotto , I'm sure we will get a target soon, knowing Giorno, it will probably be some really rich guy selling drugs."

He smiled at your words, you were right. How could your words be so encouraging to him? Why did his chest feel warm around you? How could you manage to so easily reduce his stress in less than a minute?! He had so many questions but he kept his mouth shut, he didn't want to admit that he was enjoying your presence, he didn't want to shatter his pride. After you sensed that he was much calmer, you removed your hand from his head and began to walk out.


Surprised to see him so reluctant to see you leave, you turned to him as he blushed.

"Please stay a bit longer Y/N, your presence is such a stress relief for me."

With a smile you went back near him and patted his still exposed hair.

"Fine, if it makes you less stressed out I'll stay here a bit longer."

(I got inspired by the picture above, I think it's really cute and I think a cute fluffy oneshot like this would fit in quite nicely with this wholesome picture of Risotto I found online ❤️.)

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