Your biggest fan (Rohan x Reader fluff)

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(In this story Rohan is sixteen and you are an adult, so there will be NO romance , this oneshot is platonic fluff! I ain't a goddamn pedo bruh that shit is so fucking nasty but anyway enjoy!)

Rohan was so fucking excited, he was finally gonna meet his biggest inspiration , Y/N his favorite manga artist! He was so fucking nervous! As he stepped foot inside the convention, his eyes widened at the huge line that your table had gathered, your manga was extremely popular after all so it was to be expected.Rohan gulped loudly as he stood in line holding his priced sketchbook close to his chest. After an hour, it was finally his turn. You looked up at him as he gulped in nervousness, being this close to someone he admired made him very anxious.

"Y/N! I always been a fan of your amazing work! Please give my sketchbook an autograph!"

You simply smiled as you admired the young boy's drawings , he was a truly skilled artist from what you could tell.

"What's your name boy?"

"Ah um I'm Rohan Kishibe!"

"Rohan do you want to be a manga artist when you grow older?"

"Yes I do!"

"You're very skilled already , I'll watch your future career with great interest."

Rohan turned red at your words, YOU WERE PRAISING HIS DRAWINGS!! Smiling at him you signed his sketchbook and wished him luck. You knew that boy was gonna achieve his goal you just knew it and you were right.

A few years later, a new manga became really popular even more than yours and the artist was called Rohan Kishibe. You were really fucking proud of him. He joined the same convention you were at and sat next to you. He smiled at you as he signed his fans manga books with great skill and elegance .

"Y/N thank you for your words back then, because of them I pushed myself to achieve my goal even more."

"I'm glad I could aid you in your wonderful journey Rohan."

He sighed as he looked at the small line at your table , his eyes filled with guilt with the lack of attention you were receiving.

"I'm sorry for stealing your spotlight Y/N, as your biggest fan it pains me to see you lose popularity."

"Don't be sorry Rohan, things change, ya know? I knew my manga wasn't gonna stay relevant forever , and I'm glad that you stole the spotlight , you damn deserve it kid! You're just sixteen and already writing a top seller manga! That's something to be very proud of!"

You ruffled his green hair as his cheeks flushed to your praise , even after all those years , even though he now surpasses you in popularity, he is still and will always be your biggest fan.

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