Out of this world (Bruno x Reader fluff)

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(Ok so um in this oneshot you're an alien child that looks human so yeah it's platonic fluff (since you're a kid in this one)but anyway enjoy lmao.)

Bruno walked inside the desolate streets of Naple at night, his fancy italian shoes occasionaly kicking off stray rocks that managed to find their way in their path. Bruno sighed heavily to himself as he turned a corner into a dark alleyway, his ears then suddently perked up to the sound of an infant crying, alarmed , Bruno ran to the source of the sound with haste. When he had arrived at the source of the crying, he saw a small toddler that was no older than four years old crying while holding a very strange metal device. Confused, Bruno tried to take the metallic object but to his great surprise the child's grip was extremely strong, this was no strenght of a normal child nor of an adult for that matter. Bruno was now very suspiscious, he didn't understand how such a small child could aquire such unreal strenght , from what he could tell there was no stand present but just to be sure, Bruno summoned his own stand in front of the strange child and he was shocked to find that the toddler didn't even look in the direction of Sticky Fingers, this child was no stand user they were seemingly born this physically strong. He took the kid in his arms and rubbed their back in an attempt to calm them their relentless crying and to his luck it had worked. The strange child was no longer crying in fact they were holding onto Bruno's chest peacefully while playing with the lace of his lingerie that was poking out of his suit. Bruno could finally take the object from the child but he decided to go home to examine it, bringing the mysterious toddler with him, he entered home and put the kid on the kitchen table as he sat down looking at the circular metallic object in his hands. Bruno didn't know what was going on, he had a strange feeling that this toddler wasn't human, his suspiscion quickly answered when the small metallic object began glowing with a bleuish hue displaying an holographic information panel about the mysterious kid he had just taken home.

''Name: Y/N L/N
Mission: experience humanity
Age: 4.5 years''

Bruno had so many questions, why did Y/N have a mission to experience human contact alone at such a young age?! And why were they without their parents around in the first place?! No known parent would just leave their child inside a dark alleyway in the middle of the night after all!Bruno seriously couldn't believe it, he had just taken an alien in his home..A very strong one too, he had no idea what they were capable of but luckily for him Y/N didn't seem at all agressive in fact right now they were happily playing around with the table cloth . Upon closer inspection, Bruno had noticed that Y/N had curved ears that ended with a blueish hue at the tips they seemed to be slightly glowing too. Curiosity consuming him, he decided to touch Y/N's ears and the reaction he had received was far from expected, Y/N started to loudly giggle as their ears emitted a bright and beautiful blue light that illuminated the whole room in mere seconds.Bruno had no idea what their powers were but he was excited to find out, he was ready to commit to raising this strange child and so he gladly did.

Ten years had passed since Y/N's discovery, Bruno was quite amazed at how well they had grown up, they were gorgeous. Y/N got along quite well with everyone in the gang even Abbacchio the very grumpy goth of the group had a noticable huge soft spot for the fourteen year old alien, in fact he was extremely overprotective of them, even though he knew Y/N could easily defend themselves.However,nobody else other than Bruno knew that Y/N was out of this world at least for now.

Perphaps nobody needs to know about that small detail,in Bruno's eyes Y/N was more of a normal human than an alien .

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